- package storage
- import (
- "errors"
- "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4/config"
- "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4/plumbing/storer"
- )
- var ErrReferenceHasChanged = errors.New("reference has changed concurrently")
- // Storer is a generic storage of objects, references and any information
- // related to a particular repository. The package gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4/storage
- // contains two implementation a filesystem base implementation (such as `.git`)
- // and a memory implementations being ephemeral
- type Storer interface {
- storer.EncodedObjectStorer
- storer.ReferenceStorer
- storer.ShallowStorer
- storer.IndexStorer
- config.ConfigStorer
- ModuleStorer
- }
- // ModuleStorer allows interact with the modules' Storers
- type ModuleStorer interface {
- // Module returns a Storer representing a submodule, if not exists returns a
- // new empty Storer is returned
- Module(name string) (Storer, error)
- }