- // Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
- //
- // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
- // a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- package bsonrw
- import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "math"
- "strconv"
- "sync"
- "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsontype"
- "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive"
- "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/bsonx/bsoncore"
- )
- var _ ValueWriter = (*valueWriter)(nil)
- var vwPool = sync.Pool{
- New: func() interface{} {
- return new(valueWriter)
- },
- }
- // BSONValueWriterPool is a pool for BSON ValueWriters.
- type BSONValueWriterPool struct {
- pool sync.Pool
- }
- // NewBSONValueWriterPool creates a new pool for ValueWriter instances that write to BSON.
- func NewBSONValueWriterPool() *BSONValueWriterPool {
- return &BSONValueWriterPool{
- pool: sync.Pool{
- New: func() interface{} {
- return new(valueWriter)
- },
- },
- }
- }
- // Get retrieves a BSON ValueWriter from the pool and resets it to use w as the destination.
- func (bvwp *BSONValueWriterPool) Get(w io.Writer) ValueWriter {
- vw := bvwp.pool.Get().(*valueWriter)
- if writer, ok := w.(*SliceWriter); ok {
- vw.reset(*writer)
- vw.w = writer
- return vw
- }
- vw.buf = vw.buf[:0]
- vw.w = w
- return vw
- }
- // Put inserts a ValueWriter into the pool. If the ValueWriter is not a BSON ValueWriter, nothing
- // happens and ok will be false.
- func (bvwp *BSONValueWriterPool) Put(vw ValueWriter) (ok bool) {
- bvw, ok := vw.(*valueWriter)
- if !ok {
- return false
- }
- if _, ok := bvw.w.(*SliceWriter); ok {
- bvw.buf = nil
- }
- bvw.w = nil
- bvwp.pool.Put(bvw)
- return true
- }
- // This is here so that during testing we can change it and not require
- // allocating a 4GB slice.
- var maxSize = math.MaxInt32
- var errNilWriter = errors.New("cannot create a ValueWriter from a nil io.Writer")
- type errMaxDocumentSizeExceeded struct {
- size int64
- }
- func (mdse errMaxDocumentSizeExceeded) Error() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("document size (%d) is larger than the max int32", mdse.size)
- }
- type vwMode int
- const (
- _ vwMode = iota
- vwTopLevel
- vwDocument
- vwArray
- vwValue
- vwElement
- vwCodeWithScope
- )
- func (vm vwMode) String() string {
- var str string
- switch vm {
- case vwTopLevel:
- str = "TopLevel"
- case vwDocument:
- str = "DocumentMode"
- case vwArray:
- str = "ArrayMode"
- case vwValue:
- str = "ValueMode"
- case vwElement:
- str = "ElementMode"
- case vwCodeWithScope:
- str = "CodeWithScopeMode"
- default:
- str = "UnknownMode"
- }
- return str
- }
- type vwState struct {
- mode mode
- key string
- arrkey int
- start int32
- }
- type valueWriter struct {
- w io.Writer
- buf []byte
- stack []vwState
- frame int64
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) advanceFrame() {
- if vw.frame+1 >= int64(len(vw.stack)) { // We need to grow the stack
- length := len(vw.stack)
- if length+1 >= cap(vw.stack) {
- // double it
- buf := make([]vwState, 2*cap(vw.stack)+1)
- copy(buf, vw.stack)
- vw.stack = buf
- }
- vw.stack = vw.stack[:length+1]
- }
- vw.frame++
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) push(m mode) {
- vw.advanceFrame()
- // Clean the stack
- vw.stack[vw.frame].mode = m
- vw.stack[vw.frame].key = ""
- vw.stack[vw.frame].arrkey = 0
- vw.stack[vw.frame].start = 0
- vw.stack[vw.frame].mode = m
- switch m {
- case mDocument, mArray, mCodeWithScope:
- vw.reserveLength()
- }
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) reserveLength() {
- vw.stack[vw.frame].start = int32(len(vw.buf))
- vw.buf = append(vw.buf, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) pop() {
- switch vw.stack[vw.frame].mode {
- case mElement, mValue:
- vw.frame--
- case mDocument, mArray, mCodeWithScope:
- vw.frame -= 2 // we pop twice to jump over the mElement: mDocument -> mElement -> mDocument/mTopLevel/etc...
- }
- }
- // NewBSONValueWriter creates a ValueWriter that writes BSON to w.
- //
- // This ValueWriter will only write entire documents to the io.Writer and it
- // will buffer the document as it is built.
- func NewBSONValueWriter(w io.Writer) (ValueWriter, error) {
- if w == nil {
- return nil, errNilWriter
- }
- return newValueWriter(w), nil
- }
- func newValueWriter(w io.Writer) *valueWriter {
- vw := new(valueWriter)
- stack := make([]vwState, 1, 5)
- stack[0] = vwState{mode: mTopLevel}
- vw.w = w
- vw.stack = stack
- return vw
- }
- func newValueWriterFromSlice(buf []byte) *valueWriter {
- vw := new(valueWriter)
- stack := make([]vwState, 1, 5)
- stack[0] = vwState{mode: mTopLevel}
- vw.stack = stack
- vw.buf = buf
- return vw
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) reset(buf []byte) {
- if vw.stack == nil {
- vw.stack = make([]vwState, 1, 5)
- }
- vw.stack = vw.stack[:1]
- vw.stack[0] = vwState{mode: mTopLevel}
- vw.buf = buf
- vw.frame = 0
- vw.w = nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) invalidTransitionError(destination mode, name string, modes []mode) error {
- te := TransitionError{
- name: name,
- current: vw.stack[vw.frame].mode,
- destination: destination,
- modes: modes,
- action: "write",
- }
- if vw.frame != 0 {
- te.parent = vw.stack[vw.frame-1].mode
- }
- return te
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) writeElementHeader(t bsontype.Type, destination mode, callerName string, addmodes ...mode) error {
- switch vw.stack[vw.frame].mode {
- case mElement:
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendHeader(vw.buf, t, vw.stack[vw.frame].key)
- case mValue:
- // TODO: Do this with a cache of the first 1000 or so array keys.
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendHeader(vw.buf, t, strconv.Itoa(vw.stack[vw.frame].arrkey))
- default:
- modes := []mode{mElement, mValue}
- if addmodes != nil {
- modes = append(modes, addmodes...)
- }
- return vw.invalidTransitionError(destination, callerName, modes)
- }
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteValueBytes(t bsontype.Type, b []byte) error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(t, mode(0), "WriteValueBytes"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.buf = append(vw.buf, b...)
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteArray() (ArrayWriter, error) {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.Array, mArray, "WriteArray"); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- vw.push(mArray)
- return vw, nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteBinary(b []byte) error {
- return vw.WriteBinaryWithSubtype(b, 0x00)
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteBinaryWithSubtype(b []byte, btype byte) error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.Binary, mode(0), "WriteBinaryWithSubtype"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendBinary(vw.buf, btype, b)
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteBoolean(b bool) error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.Boolean, mode(0), "WriteBoolean"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendBoolean(vw.buf, b)
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteCodeWithScope(code string) (DocumentWriter, error) {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.CodeWithScope, mCodeWithScope, "WriteCodeWithScope"); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- // CodeWithScope is a different than other types because we need an extra
- // frame on the stack. In the EndDocument code, we write the document
- // length, pop, write the code with scope length, and pop. To simplify the
- // pop code, we push a spacer frame that we'll always jump over.
- vw.push(mCodeWithScope)
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendString(vw.buf, code)
- vw.push(mSpacer)
- vw.push(mDocument)
- return vw, nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteDBPointer(ns string, oid primitive.ObjectID) error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.DBPointer, mode(0), "WriteDBPointer"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendDBPointer(vw.buf, ns, oid)
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteDateTime(dt int64) error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.DateTime, mode(0), "WriteDateTime"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendDateTime(vw.buf, dt)
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteDecimal128(d128 primitive.Decimal128) error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.Decimal128, mode(0), "WriteDecimal128"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendDecimal128(vw.buf, d128)
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteDouble(f float64) error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.Double, mode(0), "WriteDouble"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendDouble(vw.buf, f)
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteInt32(i32 int32) error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.Int32, mode(0), "WriteInt32"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendInt32(vw.buf, i32)
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteInt64(i64 int64) error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.Int64, mode(0), "WriteInt64"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendInt64(vw.buf, i64)
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteJavascript(code string) error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.JavaScript, mode(0), "WriteJavascript"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendJavaScript(vw.buf, code)
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteMaxKey() error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.MaxKey, mode(0), "WriteMaxKey"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteMinKey() error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.MinKey, mode(0), "WriteMinKey"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteNull() error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.Null, mode(0), "WriteNull"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteObjectID(oid primitive.ObjectID) error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.ObjectID, mode(0), "WriteObjectID"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendObjectID(vw.buf, oid)
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteRegex(pattern string, options string) error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.Regex, mode(0), "WriteRegex"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendRegex(vw.buf, pattern, sortStringAlphebeticAscending(options))
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteString(s string) error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.String, mode(0), "WriteString"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendString(vw.buf, s)
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteDocument() (DocumentWriter, error) {
- if vw.stack[vw.frame].mode == mTopLevel {
- vw.reserveLength()
- return vw, nil
- }
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.EmbeddedDocument, mDocument, "WriteDocument", mTopLevel); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- vw.push(mDocument)
- return vw, nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteSymbol(symbol string) error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.Symbol, mode(0), "WriteSymbol"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendSymbol(vw.buf, symbol)
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteTimestamp(t uint32, i uint32) error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.Timestamp, mode(0), "WriteTimestamp"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.buf = bsoncore.AppendTimestamp(vw.buf, t, i)
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteUndefined() error {
- if err := vw.writeElementHeader(bsontype.Undefined, mode(0), "WriteUndefined"); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteDocumentElement(key string) (ValueWriter, error) {
- switch vw.stack[vw.frame].mode {
- case mTopLevel, mDocument:
- default:
- return nil, vw.invalidTransitionError(mElement, "WriteDocumentElement", []mode{mTopLevel, mDocument})
- }
- vw.push(mElement)
- vw.stack[vw.frame].key = key
- return vw, nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteDocumentEnd() error {
- switch vw.stack[vw.frame].mode {
- case mTopLevel, mDocument:
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("incorrect mode to end document: %s", vw.stack[vw.frame].mode)
- }
- vw.buf = append(vw.buf, 0x00)
- err := vw.writeLength()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if vw.stack[vw.frame].mode == mTopLevel {
- if vw.w != nil {
- if sw, ok := vw.w.(*SliceWriter); ok {
- *sw = vw.buf
- } else {
- _, err = vw.w.Write(vw.buf)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // reset buffer
- vw.buf = vw.buf[:0]
- }
- }
- }
- vw.pop()
- if vw.stack[vw.frame].mode == mCodeWithScope {
- // We ignore the error here because of the gaurantee of writeLength.
- // See the docs for writeLength for more info.
- _ = vw.writeLength()
- vw.pop()
- }
- return nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteArrayElement() (ValueWriter, error) {
- if vw.stack[vw.frame].mode != mArray {
- return nil, vw.invalidTransitionError(mValue, "WriteArrayElement", []mode{mArray})
- }
- arrkey := vw.stack[vw.frame].arrkey
- vw.stack[vw.frame].arrkey++
- vw.push(mValue)
- vw.stack[vw.frame].arrkey = arrkey
- return vw, nil
- }
- func (vw *valueWriter) WriteArrayEnd() error {
- if vw.stack[vw.frame].mode != mArray {
- return fmt.Errorf("incorrect mode to end array: %s", vw.stack[vw.frame].mode)
- }
- vw.buf = append(vw.buf, 0x00)
- err := vw.writeLength()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- vw.pop()
- return nil
- }
- // NOTE: We assume that if we call writeLength more than once the same function
- // within the same function without altering the vw.buf that this method will
- // not return an error. If this changes ensure that the following methods are
- // updated:
- //
- // - WriteDocumentEnd
- func (vw *valueWriter) writeLength() error {
- length := len(vw.buf)
- if length > maxSize {
- return errMaxDocumentSizeExceeded{size: int64(len(vw.buf))}
- }
- length = length - int(vw.stack[vw.frame].start)
- start := vw.stack[vw.frame].start
- vw.buf[start+0] = byte(length)
- vw.buf[start+1] = byte(length >> 8)
- vw.buf[start+2] = byte(length >> 16)
- vw.buf[start+3] = byte(length >> 24)
- return nil
- }