- package text
- import (
- "io"
- )
- // Indent inserts prefix at the beginning of each non-empty line of s. The
- // end-of-line marker is NL.
- func Indent(s, prefix string) string {
- return string(IndentBytes([]byte(s), []byte(prefix)))
- }
- // IndentBytes inserts prefix at the beginning of each non-empty line of b.
- // The end-of-line marker is NL.
- func IndentBytes(b, prefix []byte) []byte {
- var res []byte
- bol := true
- for _, c := range b {
- if bol && c != '\n' {
- res = append(res, prefix...)
- }
- res = append(res, c)
- bol = c == '\n'
- }
- return res
- }
- // Writer indents each line of its input.
- type indentWriter struct {
- w io.Writer
- bol bool
- pre [][]byte
- sel int
- off int
- }
- // NewIndentWriter makes a new write filter that indents the input
- // lines. Each line is prefixed in order with the corresponding
- // element of pre. If there are more lines than elements, the last
- // element of pre is repeated for each subsequent line.
- func NewIndentWriter(w io.Writer, pre ...[]byte) io.Writer {
- return &indentWriter{
- w: w,
- pre: pre,
- bol: true,
- }
- }
- // The only errors returned are from the underlying indentWriter.
- func (w *indentWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
- for _, c := range p {
- if w.bol {
- var i int
- i, err = w.w.Write(w.pre[w.sel][w.off:])
- w.off += i
- if err != nil {
- return n, err
- }
- }
- _, err = w.w.Write([]byte{c})
- if err != nil {
- return n, err
- }
- n++
- w.bol = c == '\n'
- if w.bol {
- w.off = 0
- if w.sel < len(w.pre)-1 {
- w.sel++
- }
- }
- }
- return n, nil
- }