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- <title>CodeMirror: Julia mode</title>
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- <article>
- <h2>Julia mode</h2>
- <div><textarea id="code" name="code">
- #numbers
- 1234
- 1234im
- .234
- .234im
- 2.23im
- 2.3f3
- 23e2
- 0x234
- #strings
- 'a'
- "asdf"
- r"regex"
- b"bytestring"
- """
- multiline string
- """
- #identifiers
- a
- as123
- function_name!
- #unicode identifiers
- # a = x\ddot
- a⃗ = ẍ
- # a = v\dot
- a⃗ = v̇
- #F\vec = m \cdotp a\vec
- F⃗ = m·a⃗
- #literal identifier multiples
- 3x
- 4[1, 2, 3]
- #dicts and indexing
- x=[1, 2, 3]
- x[end-1]
- x={"julia"=>"language of technical computing"}
- #exception handling
- try
- f()
- catch
- @printf "Error"
- finally
- g()
- end
- #types
- immutable Color{T<:Number}
- r::T
- g::T
- b::T
- end
- #functions
- function change!(x::Vector{Float64})
- for i = 1:length(x)
- x[i] *= 2
- end
- end
- #function invocation
- f('b', (2, 3)...)
- #operators
- |=
- &=
- ^=
- \-
- %=
- *=
- +=
- -=
- <=
- >=
- !=
- ==
- %
- *
- +
- -
- <
- >
- !
- =
- |
- &
- ^
- \
- ?
- ~
- :
- $
- <:
- .<
- .>
- <<
- <<=
- >>
- >>>>
- >>=
- >>>=
- <<=
- <<<=
- .<=
- .>=
- .==
- ->
- //
- in
- ...
- //
- :=
- .//=
- .*=
- ./=
- .^=
- .%=
- .+=
- .-=
- \=
- \\=
- ||
- ===
- &&
- |=
- .|=
- <:
- >:
- |>
- <|
- ::
- x ? y : z
- #macros
- @spawnat 2 1+1
- @eval(:x)
- #keywords and operators
- if else elseif while for
- begin let end do
- try catch finally return break continue
- global local const
- export import importall using
- function macro module baremodule
- type immutable quote
- true false enumerate
- </textarea></div>
- <script>
- var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
- mode: {name: "julia",
- },
- lineNumbers: true,
- indentUnit: 4,
- matchBrackets: true
- });
- </script>
- <p><strong>MIME types defined:</strong> <code>text/x-julia</code>.</p>
- </article>