- // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
- // Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/LICENSE
- (function(mod) {
- if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
- mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"));
- else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
- define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
- else // Plain browser env
- mod(CodeMirror);
- })(function(CodeMirror) {
- "use strict";
- CodeMirror.defineMode("gas", function(_config, parserConfig) {
- 'use strict';
- // If an architecture is specified, its initialization function may
- // populate this array with custom parsing functions which will be
- // tried in the event that the standard functions do not find a match.
- var custom = [];
- // The symbol used to start a line comment changes based on the target
- // architecture.
- // If no architecture is pased in "parserConfig" then only multiline
- // comments will have syntax support.
- var lineCommentStartSymbol = "";
- // These directives are architecture independent.
- // Machine specific directives should go in their respective
- // architecture initialization function.
- // Reference:
- // http://sourceware.org/binutils/docs/as/Pseudo-Ops.html#Pseudo-Ops
- var directives = {
- ".abort" : "builtin",
- ".align" : "builtin",
- ".altmacro" : "builtin",
- ".ascii" : "builtin",
- ".asciz" : "builtin",
- ".balign" : "builtin",
- ".balignw" : "builtin",
- ".balignl" : "builtin",
- ".bundle_align_mode" : "builtin",
- ".bundle_lock" : "builtin",
- ".bundle_unlock" : "builtin",
- ".byte" : "builtin",
- ".cfi_startproc" : "builtin",
- ".comm" : "builtin",
- ".data" : "builtin",
- ".def" : "builtin",
- ".desc" : "builtin",
- ".dim" : "builtin",
- ".double" : "builtin",
- ".eject" : "builtin",
- ".else" : "builtin",
- ".elseif" : "builtin",
- ".end" : "builtin",
- ".endef" : "builtin",
- ".endfunc" : "builtin",
- ".endif" : "builtin",
- ".equ" : "builtin",
- ".equiv" : "builtin",
- ".eqv" : "builtin",
- ".err" : "builtin",
- ".error" : "builtin",
- ".exitm" : "builtin",
- ".extern" : "builtin",
- ".fail" : "builtin",
- ".file" : "builtin",
- ".fill" : "builtin",
- ".float" : "builtin",
- ".func" : "builtin",
- ".global" : "builtin",
- ".gnu_attribute" : "builtin",
- ".hidden" : "builtin",
- ".hword" : "builtin",
- ".ident" : "builtin",
- ".if" : "builtin",
- ".incbin" : "builtin",
- ".include" : "builtin",
- ".int" : "builtin",
- ".internal" : "builtin",
- ".irp" : "builtin",
- ".irpc" : "builtin",
- ".lcomm" : "builtin",
- ".lflags" : "builtin",
- ".line" : "builtin",
- ".linkonce" : "builtin",
- ".list" : "builtin",
- ".ln" : "builtin",
- ".loc" : "builtin",
- ".loc_mark_labels" : "builtin",
- ".local" : "builtin",
- ".long" : "builtin",
- ".macro" : "builtin",
- ".mri" : "builtin",
- ".noaltmacro" : "builtin",
- ".nolist" : "builtin",
- ".octa" : "builtin",
- ".offset" : "builtin",
- ".org" : "builtin",
- ".p2align" : "builtin",
- ".popsection" : "builtin",
- ".previous" : "builtin",
- ".print" : "builtin",
- ".protected" : "builtin",
- ".psize" : "builtin",
- ".purgem" : "builtin",
- ".pushsection" : "builtin",
- ".quad" : "builtin",
- ".reloc" : "builtin",
- ".rept" : "builtin",
- ".sbttl" : "builtin",
- ".scl" : "builtin",
- ".section" : "builtin",
- ".set" : "builtin",
- ".short" : "builtin",
- ".single" : "builtin",
- ".size" : "builtin",
- ".skip" : "builtin",
- ".sleb128" : "builtin",
- ".space" : "builtin",
- ".stab" : "builtin",
- ".string" : "builtin",
- ".struct" : "builtin",
- ".subsection" : "builtin",
- ".symver" : "builtin",
- ".tag" : "builtin",
- ".text" : "builtin",
- ".title" : "builtin",
- ".type" : "builtin",
- ".uleb128" : "builtin",
- ".val" : "builtin",
- ".version" : "builtin",
- ".vtable_entry" : "builtin",
- ".vtable_inherit" : "builtin",
- ".warning" : "builtin",
- ".weak" : "builtin",
- ".weakref" : "builtin",
- ".word" : "builtin"
- };
- var registers = {};
- function x86(_parserConfig) {
- lineCommentStartSymbol = "#";
- registers.ax = "variable";
- registers.eax = "variable-2";
- registers.rax = "variable-3";
- registers.bx = "variable";
- registers.ebx = "variable-2";
- registers.rbx = "variable-3";
- registers.cx = "variable";
- registers.ecx = "variable-2";
- registers.rcx = "variable-3";
- registers.dx = "variable";
- registers.edx = "variable-2";
- registers.rdx = "variable-3";
- registers.si = "variable";
- registers.esi = "variable-2";
- registers.rsi = "variable-3";
- registers.di = "variable";
- registers.edi = "variable-2";
- registers.rdi = "variable-3";
- registers.sp = "variable";
- registers.esp = "variable-2";
- registers.rsp = "variable-3";
- registers.bp = "variable";
- registers.ebp = "variable-2";
- registers.rbp = "variable-3";
- registers.ip = "variable";
- registers.eip = "variable-2";
- registers.rip = "variable-3";
- registers.cs = "keyword";
- registers.ds = "keyword";
- registers.ss = "keyword";
- registers.es = "keyword";
- registers.fs = "keyword";
- registers.gs = "keyword";
- }
- function armv6(_parserConfig) {
- // Reference:
- // http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.qrc0001l/QRC0001_UAL.pdf
- // http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ddi0301h/DDI0301H_arm1176jzfs_r0p7_trm.pdf
- lineCommentStartSymbol = "@";
- directives.syntax = "builtin";
- registers.r0 = "variable";
- registers.r1 = "variable";
- registers.r2 = "variable";
- registers.r3 = "variable";
- registers.r4 = "variable";
- registers.r5 = "variable";
- registers.r6 = "variable";
- registers.r7 = "variable";
- registers.r8 = "variable";
- registers.r9 = "variable";
- registers.r10 = "variable";
- registers.r11 = "variable";
- registers.r12 = "variable";
- registers.sp = "variable-2";
- registers.lr = "variable-2";
- registers.pc = "variable-2";
- registers.r13 = registers.sp;
- registers.r14 = registers.lr;
- registers.r15 = registers.pc;
- custom.push(function(ch, stream) {
- if (ch === '#') {
- stream.eatWhile(/\w/);
- return "number";
- }
- });
- }
- var arch = (parserConfig.architecture || "x86").toLowerCase();
- if (arch === "x86") {
- x86(parserConfig);
- } else if (arch === "arm" || arch === "armv6") {
- armv6(parserConfig);
- }
- function nextUntilUnescaped(stream, end) {
- var escaped = false, next;
- while ((next = stream.next()) != null) {
- if (next === end && !escaped) {
- return false;
- }
- escaped = !escaped && next === "\\";
- }
- return escaped;
- }
- function clikeComment(stream, state) {
- var maybeEnd = false, ch;
- while ((ch = stream.next()) != null) {
- if (ch === "/" && maybeEnd) {
- state.tokenize = null;
- break;
- }
- maybeEnd = (ch === "*");
- }
- return "comment";
- }
- return {
- startState: function() {
- return {
- tokenize: null
- };
- },
- token: function(stream, state) {
- if (state.tokenize) {
- return state.tokenize(stream, state);
- }
- if (stream.eatSpace()) {
- return null;
- }
- var style, cur, ch = stream.next();
- if (ch === "/") {
- if (stream.eat("*")) {
- state.tokenize = clikeComment;
- return clikeComment(stream, state);
- }
- }
- if (ch === lineCommentStartSymbol) {
- stream.skipToEnd();
- return "comment";
- }
- if (ch === '"') {
- nextUntilUnescaped(stream, '"');
- return "string";
- }
- if (ch === '.') {
- stream.eatWhile(/\w/);
- cur = stream.current().toLowerCase();
- style = directives[cur];
- return style || null;
- }
- if (ch === '=') {
- stream.eatWhile(/\w/);
- return "tag";
- }
- if (ch === '{') {
- return "braket";
- }
- if (ch === '}') {
- return "braket";
- }
- if (/\d/.test(ch)) {
- if (ch === "0" && stream.eat("x")) {
- stream.eatWhile(/[0-9a-fA-F]/);
- return "number";
- }
- stream.eatWhile(/\d/);
- return "number";
- }
- if (/\w/.test(ch)) {
- stream.eatWhile(/\w/);
- if (stream.eat(":")) {
- return 'tag';
- }
- cur = stream.current().toLowerCase();
- style = registers[cur];
- return style || null;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < custom.length; i++) {
- style = custom[i](ch, stream, state);
- if (style) {
- return style;
- }
- }
- },
- lineComment: lineCommentStartSymbol,
- blockCommentStart: "/*",
- blockCommentEnd: "*/"
- };
- });
- });