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  1. The LaTeX Project Public License
  2. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  3. LPPL Version 1.2 1999-09-03
  4. Copyright 1999 LaTeX3 Project
  5. Everyone is allowed to distribute verbatim copies of this license document,
  6. but modification of it is not allowed.
  8. ========
  9. The LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) is the license under which the base
  10. LaTeX distribution is distributed.
  11. You may use this license for any program that you have written and wish to
  12. distribute. This license may be particularly suitable if your program is TeX-related
  13. (such as a LaTeX package), but you may use it even if your program is unrelated
  15. below, gives instructions, examples, and recommendations for authors who are
  16. considering distributing their programs under this license.
  17. In this license document, `The Program' refers to any program distributed
  18. under this license.
  19. This license gives conditions under which The Program may be distributed and
  20. conditions under which modified versions of The Program may be distributed.
  21. Individual files of The Program may bear supplementary and/or superseding
  22. conditions on modification of themselves and on the distribution of modified
  23. versions of themselves, but *no* file of The Program may bear supplementary
  24. or superseding conditions on the distribution of an unmodified copy of the
  25. file. A distributor wishing to distribute a complete, unmodified copy of The
  26. Program therefore needs to check the conditions only in this license and nowhere
  27. else.
  28. Activities other than distribution and/or modification of The Program are
  29. not covered by this license; they are outside its scope. In particular, the
  30. act of running The Program is not restricted.
  31. We, the LaTeX3 Project, believe that the conditions below give you the freedom
  32. to make and distribute modified versions of The Program that conform with
  33. whatever technical specifications you wish while maintaining the availability,
  34. integrity, and reliability of The Program. If you do not see how to achieve
  35. your goal while meeting these conditions, then read the document `cfgguide.tex'
  36. in the base LaTeX distribution for suggestions.
  38. ===========================================
  39. You may distribute a complete, unmodified copy of The Program. Distribution
  40. of only part of The Program is not allowed.
  41. You may not modify in any way a file of The Program that bears a legal notice
  42. forbidding modification of that file.
  43. You may distribute a modified file of The Program if, and only if, the following
  44. eight conditions are met:
  45. 1. You must meet any additional conditions borne by the file on the distribution
  46. of a modified version of the file as described below in the subsection `Additional
  47. Conditions on Individual Files of The Program'.
  48. 2. If the file is a LaTeX software file, then you must meet any applicable
  49. additional conditions on the distribution of a modified version of the file
  50. that are described below in the subsection `Additional Conditions on LaTeX
  51. Software Files'.
  52. 3. You must not distribute the modified file with the filename of the original
  53. file.
  54. 4. In the modified file, you must acknowledge the authorship and name of the
  55. original file, and the name (if any) of the program which contains it.
  56. 5. You must change any identification string in the file to indicate clearly
  57. that the modified file is not part of The Program.
  58. 6. You must change any addresses in the modified file for the reporting of
  59. errors in the file or in The Program generally to ensure that reports for
  60. files no longer maintained by the original maintainers will be directed to
  61. the maintainers of the modified files.
  62. 7. You must distribute the modified file under a license that forbids distribution
  63. both of the modified file and of any files derived from the modified file
  64. with the filename of the original file.
  65. 8. You must do either (A) or (B):
  66. (A) distribute a copy of The Program (that is, a complete, unmodified copy
  67. of The Program) together with the modified file; if your distribution of the
  68. modified file is made by offering access to copy the modified file from a
  69. designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy The Program from
  70. the same place meets this condition, even though third parties are not compelled
  71. to copy The Program along with the modified file;
  72. (B) provide to those who receive the modified file information that is sufficient
  73. for them to obtain a copy of The Program; for example, you may provide a Uniform
  74. Resource Locator (URL) for a site that you expect will provide them with a
  75. copy of The Program free of charge (either the version from which your modification
  76. is derived, or perhaps a later version).
  77. Note that in the above, `distribution' of a file means making the file available
  78. to others by any means. This includes, for instance, installing the file on
  79. any machine in such a way that the file is accessible by users other than
  80. yourself. `Modification' of a file means any procedure that produces a derivative
  81. file under any applicable law -- that is, a file containing the original file
  82. or a significant portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or
  83. translated into another language.
  84. Changing the name of a file (other than as necessitated by the file conventions
  85. of the target file systems) is considered to be a modification of the file.
  86. The distribution conditions in this license do not have to be applied to files
  87. that have been modified in accordance with the above conditions. Note, however,
  88. that Condition 7. does apply to any such modified file.
  89. The conditions above are not intended to prohibit, and hence do not apply
  90. to, the updating, by any method, of a file so that it becomes identical to
  91. the latest version of that file of The Program.
  92. A Recommendation on Modification Without Distribution -----------------------------------------------------
  93. It is wise never to modify a file of The Program, even for your own personal
  94. use, without also meeting the above eight conditions for distributing the
  95. modified file. While you might intend that such modified files will never
  96. be distributed, often this will happen by accident -- you may forget that
  97. you have modified the file; or it may not occur to you when allowing others
  98. to access the modified file that you are thus distributing it and violating
  99. the conditions of this license. It is usually in your best interest to keep
  100. your copy of The Program identical with the public one. Many programs provide
  101. ways to control the behavior of that program without altering its licensed
  102. files.
  103. Additional Conditions on Individual Files of The Program --------------------------------------------------------
  104. An individual file of The Program may bear additional conditions that supplement
  105. and/or supersede the conditions in this license if, and only if, such additional
  106. conditions exclusively concern modification of the file or distribution of
  107. a modified version of the file. The conditions on individual files of The
  108. Program therefore may differ only with respect to the kind and extent of modification
  109. of those files that is allowed, and with respect to the distribution of modified
  110. versions of those files.
  111. Additional Conditions on LaTeX Software Files
  112. ---------------------------------------------
  113. If a file of The Program is intended to be used with LaTeX (that is, if it
  114. is a LaTeX software file), then the following additional conditions, which
  115. supplement and/or supersede the conditions above, apply to the file according
  116. to its filename extension:
  117. - You may not modify any file with filename extension `.ins' since these are
  118. installation files containing the legal notices that are placed in the files
  119. they generate.
  120. - You may distribute modified versions of files with filename extension `.fd'
  121. (LaTeX font definition files) under the standard conditions of the LPPL as
  122. described above. You may also distribute such modified LaTeX font definition
  123. files with their original names provided that:
  124. (1) the only changes to the original files either enable use of available
  125. fonts or prevent attempts to access unavailable fonts;
  126. (2) you also distribute the original, unmodified files (TeX input paths can
  127. be used to control which set of LaTeX font definition files is actually used
  128. by TeX).
  129. - You may distribute modified versions of files with filename extension `.cfg'
  130. (configuration files) with their original names. The Program may (and usually
  131. will) specify the range of commands that are allowed in a particular configuration
  132. file.
  133. Because of portability and exchangeability issues in LaTeX software, The LaTeX3
  134. Project deprecates the distribution of modified versions of components of
  135. LaTeX or of generally available contributed code for them, but such distribution
  136. can meet the conditions of this license.
  138. ===========
  139. There is no warranty for The Program. Except when otherwise stated in writing,
  140. The Copyright Holder provides The Program `as is', without warranty of any
  141. kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
  142. warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire
  143. risk as to the quality and performance of The Program is with you. Should
  144. The Program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing,
  145. repair, or correction.
  146. In no event unless agreed to in writing will The Copyright Holder, or any
  147. author named in the files of The Program, or any other party who may distribute
  148. and/or modify The Program as permitted above, be liable to you for damages,
  149. including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising
  150. out of any use of The Program or out of inability to use The Program (including,
  151. but not limited to, loss of data, data being rendered inaccurate, or losses
  152. sustained by anyone as a result of any failure of The Program to operate with
  153. any other programs), even if The Copyright Holder or said author or said other
  154. party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
  155. WHETHER AND HOW TO DISTRIBUTE PROGRAMS UNDER THIS LICENSE =========================================================
  156. This section contains important instructions, examples, and recommendations
  157. for authors who are considering distributing their programs under this license.
  158. These authors are addressed as `you' in this section.
  159. Choosing This License or Another License
  160. ----------------------------------------
  161. If for any part of your program you want or need to use *distribution* conditions
  162. that differ from those in this license, then do not refer to this license
  163. anywhere in your program but instead distribute your program under a different
  164. license. You may use the text of this license as a model for your own license,
  165. but your license should not refer to the LPPL or otherwise give the impression
  166. that your program is distributed under the LPPL.
  167. The document `modguide.tex' in the base LaTeX distribution explains the motivation
  168. behind the conditions of this license. It explains, for example, why distributing
  169. LaTeX under the GNU General Public License (GPL) was considered inappropriate.
  170. Even if your program is unrelated to LaTeX, the discussion in `modguide.tex'
  171. may still be relevant, and authors intending to distribute their programs
  172. under any license are encouraged to read it.
  173. How to Use This License
  174. -----------------------
  175. To use this license, place in each of the files of your program both an explicit
  176. copyright notice including your name and the year and also a statement that
  177. the distribution and/or modification of the file is constrained by the conditions
  178. in this license.
  179. Here is an example of such a notice and statement:
  180. %% pig.dtx
  181. %% Copyright 2001 M. Y. Name
  182. %
  183. % This program may be distributed and/or modified under the
  184. % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2
  185. % of this license or (at your option) any later version.
  186. % The latest version of this license is in
  187. % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
  188. % and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
  189. % version 1999/12/01 or later.
  190. %
  191. % This program consists of the files pig.dtx and pig.ins
  192. Given such a notice and statement in a file, the conditions given in this
  193. license document would apply, with `The Program' referring to the two files
  194. `pig.dtx' and `pig.ins', and `The Copyright Holder' referring to the person
  195. `M. Y. Name'.
  196. Important Recommendations
  197. -------------------------
  198. Defining What Constitutes The Program
  199. The LPPL requires that distributions of The Program contain all the files
  200. of The Program. It is therefore important that you provide a way for the licensee
  201. to determine which files constitute The Program. This could, for example,
  202. be achieved by explicitly listing all the files of The Program near the copyright
  203. notice of each file or by using a line like
  204. % This program consists of all files listed in manifest.txt.
  205. in that place. In the absence of an unequivocal list it might be impossible
  206. for the licensee to determine what is considered by you to comprise The Program.
  207. Noting Exceptional Files If The Program contains any files bearing additional
  208. conditions on modification, or on distribution of modified versions, of those
  209. files (other than those listed in `Additional Conditions on LaTeX Software
  210. Files'), then it is recommended that The Program contain a prominent file
  211. that defines the exceptional conditions, and either lists the exceptional
  212. files or defines one or more categories of exceptional files.
  213. Files containing the text of a license (such as this file) are often examples
  214. of files bearing more restrictive conditions on modification. LaTeX configuration
  215. files (with filename extension `.cfg') are examples of files bearing less
  216. restrictive conditions on the distribution of a modified version of the file.
  217. The additional conditions on LaTeX software given above are examples of declaring
  218. a category of files bearing exceptional additional conditions.
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