You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

18 line

  1. */config/development
  2. */logs/log-*.php
  3. !*/logs/index.html
  4. */cache/*
  5. !*/cache/index.html
  6. !*/cache/.htaccess
  7. user_guide_src/build/*
  8. user_guide_src/cilexer/build/*
  9. user_guide_src/cilexer/dist/*
  10. user_guide_src/cilexer/pycilexer.egg-info/*
  11. #codeigniter 3
  12. application/logs/*
  13. !application/logs/index.html
  14. !application/logs/.htaccess
  15. /vendor/
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