- // Copyright 2017 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
- // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
- // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- package validation
- import (
- "fmt"
- "regexp"
- "strings"
- "gitea.com/macaron/binding"
- "github.com/gobwas/glob"
- )
- const (
- // ErrGitRefName is git reference name error
- ErrGitRefName = "GitRefNameError"
- // ErrGlobPattern is returned when glob pattern is invalid
- ErrGlobPattern = "GlobPattern"
- )
- var (
- // GitRefNamePattern is regular expression with unallowed characters in git reference name
- // They cannot have ASCII control characters (i.e. bytes whose values are lower than \040, or \177 DEL), space, tilde ~, caret ^, or colon : anywhere.
- // They cannot have question-mark ?, asterisk *, or open bracket [ anywhere
- GitRefNamePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`[\000-\037\177 \\~^:?*[]+`)
- )
- // AddBindingRules adds additional binding rules
- func AddBindingRules() {
- addGitRefNameBindingRule()
- addValidURLBindingRule()
- addGlobPatternRule()
- }
- func addGitRefNameBindingRule() {
- // Git refname validation rule
- binding.AddRule(&binding.Rule{
- IsMatch: func(rule string) bool {
- return strings.HasPrefix(rule, "GitRefName")
- },
- IsValid: func(errs binding.Errors, name string, val interface{}) (bool, binding.Errors) {
- str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", val)
- if GitRefNamePattern.MatchString(str) {
- errs.Add([]string{name}, ErrGitRefName, "GitRefName")
- return false, errs
- }
- // Additional rules as described at https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-check-ref-format.html
- if strings.HasPrefix(str, "/") || strings.HasSuffix(str, "/") ||
- strings.HasSuffix(str, ".") || strings.Contains(str, "..") ||
- strings.Contains(str, "//") || strings.Contains(str, "@{") ||
- str == "@" {
- errs.Add([]string{name}, ErrGitRefName, "GitRefName")
- return false, errs
- }
- parts := strings.Split(str, "/")
- for _, part := range parts {
- if strings.HasSuffix(part, ".lock") || strings.HasPrefix(part, ".") {
- errs.Add([]string{name}, ErrGitRefName, "GitRefName")
- return false, errs
- }
- }
- return true, errs
- },
- })
- }
- func addValidURLBindingRule() {
- // URL validation rule
- binding.AddRule(&binding.Rule{
- IsMatch: func(rule string) bool {
- return strings.HasPrefix(rule, "ValidUrl")
- },
- IsValid: func(errs binding.Errors, name string, val interface{}) (bool, binding.Errors) {
- str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", val)
- if len(str) != 0 && !IsValidURL(str) {
- errs.Add([]string{name}, binding.ERR_URL, "Url")
- return false, errs
- }
- return true, errs
- },
- })
- }
- func addGlobPatternRule() {
- binding.AddRule(&binding.Rule{
- IsMatch: func(rule string) bool {
- return rule == "GlobPattern"
- },
- IsValid: func(errs binding.Errors, name string, val interface{}) (bool, binding.Errors) {
- str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", val)
- if len(str) != 0 {
- if _, err := glob.Compile(str); err != nil {
- errs.Add([]string{name}, ErrGlobPattern, err.Error())
- return false, errs
- }
- }
- return true, errs
- },
- })
- }
- func portOnly(hostport string) string {
- colon := strings.IndexByte(hostport, ':')
- if colon == -1 {
- return ""
- }
- if i := strings.Index(hostport, "]:"); i != -1 {
- return hostport[i+len("]:"):]
- }
- if strings.Contains(hostport, "]") {
- return ""
- }
- return hostport[colon+len(":"):]
- }
- func validPort(p string) bool {
- for _, r := range []byte(p) {
- if r < '0' || r > '9' {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
- }