- // Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
- // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
- // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- package setting
- import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "net/url"
- "os"
- "path"
- "path/filepath"
- "strings"
- "time"
- )
- var (
- // SupportedDatabases includes all supported databases type
- SupportedDatabases = []string{"MySQL", "PostgreSQL", "MSSQL"}
- dbTypes = map[string]string{"MySQL": "mysql", "PostgreSQL": "postgres", "MSSQL": "mssql", "SQLite3": "sqlite3"}
- // EnableSQLite3 use SQLite3, set by build flag
- EnableSQLite3 bool
- // Database holds the database settings
- Database = struct {
- Type string
- Host string
- Name string
- User string
- Passwd string
- SSLMode string
- Path string
- LogSQL bool
- Charset string
- Timeout int // seconds
- UseSQLite3 bool
- UseMySQL bool
- UseMSSQL bool
- UsePostgreSQL bool
- DBConnectRetries int
- DBConnectBackoff time.Duration
- MaxIdleConns int
- MaxOpenConns int
- ConnMaxLifetime time.Duration
- IterateBufferSize int
- }{
- Timeout: 500,
- }
- )
- // GetDBTypeByName returns the dataase type as it defined on XORM according the given name
- func GetDBTypeByName(name string) string {
- return dbTypes[name]
- }
- // InitDBConfig loads the database settings
- func InitDBConfig() {
- sec := Cfg.Section("database")
- Database.Type = sec.Key("DB_TYPE").String()
- switch Database.Type {
- case "sqlite3":
- Database.UseSQLite3 = true
- case "mysql":
- Database.UseMySQL = true
- case "postgres":
- Database.UsePostgreSQL = true
- case "mssql":
- Database.UseMSSQL = true
- }
- Database.Host = sec.Key("HOST").String()
- Database.Name = sec.Key("NAME").String()
- Database.User = sec.Key("USER").String()
- if len(Database.Passwd) == 0 {
- Database.Passwd = sec.Key("PASSWD").String()
- }
- Database.SSLMode = sec.Key("SSL_MODE").MustString("disable")
- Database.Charset = sec.Key("CHARSET").In("utf8", []string{"utf8", "utf8mb4"})
- Database.Path = sec.Key("PATH").MustString(filepath.Join(AppDataPath, "gitea.db"))
- Database.Timeout = sec.Key("SQLITE_TIMEOUT").MustInt(500)
- Database.MaxIdleConns = sec.Key("MAX_IDLE_CONNS").MustInt(2)
- if Database.UseMySQL {
- Database.ConnMaxLifetime = sec.Key("CONN_MAX_LIFE_TIME").MustDuration(3 * time.Second)
- } else {
- Database.ConnMaxLifetime = sec.Key("CONN_MAX_LIFE_TIME").MustDuration(0)
- }
- Database.MaxOpenConns = sec.Key("MAX_OPEN_CONNS").MustInt(0)
- Database.IterateBufferSize = sec.Key("ITERATE_BUFFER_SIZE").MustInt(50)
- Database.LogSQL = sec.Key("LOG_SQL").MustBool(true)
- Database.DBConnectRetries = sec.Key("DB_RETRIES").MustInt(10)
- Database.DBConnectBackoff = sec.Key("DB_RETRY_BACKOFF").MustDuration(3 * time.Second)
- }
- // DBConnStr returns database connection string
- func DBConnStr() (string, error) {
- connStr := ""
- var Param = "?"
- if strings.Contains(Database.Name, Param) {
- Param = "&"
- }
- switch Database.Type {
- case "mysql":
- connType := "tcp"
- if Database.Host[0] == '/' { // looks like a unix socket
- connType = "unix"
- }
- tls := Database.SSLMode
- if tls == "disable" { // allow (Postgres-inspired) default value to work in MySQL
- tls = "false"
- }
- connStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@%s(%s)/%s%scharset=%s&parseTime=true&tls=%s",
- Database.User, Database.Passwd, connType, Database.Host, Database.Name, Param, Database.Charset, tls)
- case "postgres":
- connStr = getPostgreSQLConnectionString(Database.Host, Database.User, Database.Passwd, Database.Name, Param, Database.SSLMode)
- case "mssql":
- host, port := ParseMSSQLHostPort(Database.Host)
- connStr = fmt.Sprintf("server=%s; port=%s; database=%s; user id=%s; password=%s;", host, port, Database.Name, Database.User, Database.Passwd)
- case "sqlite3":
- if !EnableSQLite3 {
- return "", errors.New("this binary version does not build support for SQLite3")
- }
- if err := os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(Database.Path), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
- return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to create directories: %v", err)
- }
- connStr = fmt.Sprintf("file:%s?cache=shared&mode=rwc&_busy_timeout=%d", Database.Path, Database.Timeout)
- default:
- return "", fmt.Errorf("Unknown database type: %s", Database.Type)
- }
- return connStr, nil
- }
- // parsePostgreSQLHostPort parses given input in various forms defined in
- // https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-CONNSTRING
- // and returns proper host and port number.
- func parsePostgreSQLHostPort(info string) (string, string) {
- host, port := "", "5432"
- if strings.Contains(info, ":") && !strings.HasSuffix(info, "]") {
- idx := strings.LastIndex(info, ":")
- host = info[:idx]
- port = info[idx+1:]
- } else if len(info) > 0 {
- host = info
- }
- return host, port
- }
- func getPostgreSQLConnectionString(dbHost, dbUser, dbPasswd, dbName, dbParam, dbsslMode string) (connStr string) {
- host, port := parsePostgreSQLHostPort(dbHost)
- if host[0] == '/' { // looks like a unix socket
- connStr = fmt.Sprintf("postgres://%s:%s@:%s/%s%ssslmode=%s&host=%s",
- url.PathEscape(dbUser), url.PathEscape(dbPasswd), port, dbName, dbParam, dbsslMode, host)
- } else {
- connStr = fmt.Sprintf("postgres://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s%ssslmode=%s",
- url.PathEscape(dbUser), url.PathEscape(dbPasswd), host, port, dbName, dbParam, dbsslMode)
- }
- return
- }
- // ParseMSSQLHostPort splits the host into host and port
- func ParseMSSQLHostPort(info string) (string, string) {
- host, port := "", "1433"
- if strings.Contains(info, ":") {
- host = strings.Split(info, ":")[0]
- port = strings.Split(info, ":")[1]
- } else if strings.Contains(info, ",") {
- host = strings.Split(info, ",")[0]
- port = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Split(info, ",")[1])
- } else if len(info) > 0 {
- host = info
- }
- return host, port
- }