- // Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
- // Copyright 2018 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
- // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
- // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- package models
- import (
- "database/sql"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting"
- // Needed for the MySQL driver
- _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
- "xorm.io/core"
- "xorm.io/xorm"
- // Needed for the Postgresql driver
- _ "github.com/lib/pq"
- // Needed for the MSSSQL driver
- _ "github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb"
- )
- // Engine represents a xorm engine or session.
- type Engine interface {
- Table(tableNameOrBean interface{}) *xorm.Session
- Count(...interface{}) (int64, error)
- Decr(column string, arg ...interface{}) *xorm.Session
- Delete(interface{}) (int64, error)
- Exec(...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
- Find(interface{}, ...interface{}) error
- Get(interface{}) (bool, error)
- ID(interface{}) *xorm.Session
- In(string, ...interface{}) *xorm.Session
- Incr(column string, arg ...interface{}) *xorm.Session
- Insert(...interface{}) (int64, error)
- InsertOne(interface{}) (int64, error)
- Iterate(interface{}, xorm.IterFunc) error
- Join(joinOperator string, tablename interface{}, condition string, args ...interface{}) *xorm.Session
- SQL(interface{}, ...interface{}) *xorm.Session
- Where(interface{}, ...interface{}) *xorm.Session
- Asc(colNames ...string) *xorm.Session
- }
- var (
- x *xorm.Engine
- tables []interface{}
- // HasEngine specifies if we have a xorm.Engine
- HasEngine bool
- )
- func init() {
- tables = append(tables,
- new(User),
- new(PublicKey),
- new(AccessToken),
- new(Repository),
- new(DeployKey),
- new(Collaboration),
- new(Access),
- new(Upload),
- new(Watch),
- new(Star),
- new(Follow),
- new(Action),
- new(Issue),
- new(PullRequest),
- new(Comment),
- new(Attachment),
- new(Label),
- new(IssueLabel),
- new(Milestone),
- new(Mirror),
- new(Release),
- new(LoginSource),
- new(Webhook),
- new(HookTask),
- new(Team),
- new(OrgUser),
- new(TeamUser),
- new(TeamRepo),
- new(Notice),
- new(EmailAddress),
- new(Notification),
- new(IssueUser),
- new(LFSMetaObject),
- new(TwoFactor),
- new(GPGKey),
- new(GPGKeyImport),
- new(RepoUnit),
- new(RepoRedirect),
- new(ExternalLoginUser),
- new(ProtectedBranch),
- new(UserOpenID),
- new(IssueWatch),
- new(CommitStatus),
- new(Stopwatch),
- new(TrackedTime),
- new(DeletedBranch),
- new(RepoIndexerStatus),
- new(IssueDependency),
- new(LFSLock),
- new(Reaction),
- new(IssueAssignees),
- new(U2FRegistration),
- new(TeamUnit),
- new(Review),
- new(OAuth2Application),
- new(OAuth2AuthorizationCode),
- new(OAuth2Grant),
- new(Task),
- new(Transfer),
- new(Fund),
- )
- gonicNames := []string{"SSL", "UID"}
- for _, name := range gonicNames {
- core.LintGonicMapper[name] = true
- }
- }
- func getEngine() (*xorm.Engine, error) {
- connStr, err := setting.DBConnStr()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return xorm.NewEngine(setting.Database.Type, connStr)
- }
- // NewTestEngine sets a new test xorm.Engine
- func NewTestEngine(x *xorm.Engine) (err error) {
- x, err = getEngine()
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("Connect to database: %v", err)
- }
- x.ShowExecTime(true)
- x.SetMapper(core.GonicMapper{})
- x.SetLogger(NewXORMLogger(!setting.ProdMode))
- x.ShowSQL(!setting.ProdMode)
- return x.StoreEngine("InnoDB").Sync2(tables...)
- }
- // SetEngine sets the xorm.Engine
- func SetEngine() (err error) {
- x, err = getEngine()
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to database: %v", err)
- }
- x.ShowExecTime(true)
- x.SetMapper(core.GonicMapper{})
- // WARNING: for serv command, MUST remove the output to os.stdout,
- // so use log file to instead print to stdout.
- x.SetLogger(NewXORMLogger(setting.Database.LogSQL))
- x.ShowSQL(setting.Database.LogSQL)
- x.SetMaxOpenConns(setting.Database.MaxOpenConns)
- x.SetMaxIdleConns(setting.Database.MaxIdleConns)
- x.SetConnMaxLifetime(setting.Database.ConnMaxLifetime)
- return nil
- }
- // NewEngine initializes a new xorm.Engine
- func NewEngine(migrateFunc func(*xorm.Engine) error) (err error) {
- if err = SetEngine(); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err = x.Ping(); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err = migrateFunc(x); err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("migrate: %v", err)
- }
- if err = x.StoreEngine("InnoDB").Sync2(tables...); err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("sync database struct error: %v", err)
- }
- return nil
- }
- // Statistic contains the database statistics
- type Statistic struct {
- Counter struct {
- User, Org, PublicKey,
- Repo, Watch, Star, Action, Access,
- Issue, Comment, Oauth, Follow,
- Mirror, Release, LoginSource, Webhook,
- Milestone, Label, HookTask,
- Team, UpdateTask, Attachment int64
- }
- }
- // GetStatistic returns the database statistics
- func GetStatistic() (stats Statistic) {
- stats.Counter.User = CountUsers()
- stats.Counter.Org = CountOrganizations()
- stats.Counter.PublicKey, _ = x.Count(new(PublicKey))
- stats.Counter.Repo = CountRepositories(true)
- stats.Counter.Watch, _ = x.Count(new(Watch))
- stats.Counter.Star, _ = x.Count(new(Star))
- stats.Counter.Action, _ = x.Count(new(Action))
- stats.Counter.Access, _ = x.Count(new(Access))
- stats.Counter.Issue, _ = x.Count(new(Issue))
- stats.Counter.Comment, _ = x.Count(new(Comment))
- stats.Counter.Oauth = 0
- stats.Counter.Follow, _ = x.Count(new(Follow))
- stats.Counter.Mirror, _ = x.Count(new(Mirror))
- stats.Counter.Release, _ = x.Count(new(Release))
- stats.Counter.LoginSource = CountLoginSources()
- stats.Counter.Webhook, _ = x.Count(new(Webhook))
- stats.Counter.Milestone, _ = x.Count(new(Milestone))
- stats.Counter.Label, _ = x.Count(new(Label))
- stats.Counter.HookTask, _ = x.Count(new(HookTask))
- stats.Counter.Team, _ = x.Count(new(Team))
- stats.Counter.Attachment, _ = x.Count(new(Attachment))
- return
- }
- // Ping tests if database is alive
- func Ping() error {
- if x != nil {
- return x.Ping()
- }
- return errors.New("database not configured")
- }
- // DumpDatabase dumps all data from database according the special database SQL syntax to file system.
- func DumpDatabase(filePath string, dbType string) error {
- var tbs []*core.Table
- for _, t := range tables {
- t := x.TableInfo(t)
- t.Table.Name = t.Name
- tbs = append(tbs, t.Table)
- }
- if len(dbType) > 0 {
- return x.DumpTablesToFile(tbs, filePath, core.DbType(dbType))
- }
- return x.DumpTablesToFile(tbs, filePath)
- }
- // MaxBatchInsertSize returns the table's max batch insert size
- func MaxBatchInsertSize(bean interface{}) int {
- t := x.TableInfo(bean)
- return 999 / len(t.ColumnsSeq())
- }
- // Count returns records number according struct's fields as database query conditions
- func Count(bean interface{}) (int64, error) {
- return x.Count(bean)
- }