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date: “2017-07-21T12:00:00+02:00” title: “Run as service in Linux” slug: “linux-service” weight: 10 toc: true draft: false menu: sidebar:

parent: "installation"
name: "Linux service"
weight: 20
identifier: "linux-service"

Run as service in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Using systemd

Run the below command in a terminal:

sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/gitea.service

Copy the sample gitea.service.

Uncomment any service that needs to be enabled on this host, such as MySQL.

Change the user, home directory, and other required startup values. Change the PORT or remove the -p flag if default port is used.

Enable and start Gitea at boot:

sudo systemctl enable gitea
sudo systemctl start gitea

Using supervisor

Install supervisor by running below command in terminal:

sudo apt install supervisor

Create a log dir for the supervisor logs:

# assuming Gitea is installed in /home/git/gitea/
mkdir /home/git/gitea/log/supervisor

Open supervisor config file in a file editor:

sudo vim /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf

Append the configuration from the sample supervisord config.

Change the user (git) and home (/home/git) settings to match the deployment environment. Change the PORT or remove the -p flag if default port is used.

Lastly enable and start supervisor at boot:

sudo systemctl enable supervisor
sudo systemctl start supervisor
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