- package url
- import (
- "regexp"
- )
- var (
- isSchemeRegExp = regexp.MustCompile(`^[^:]+://`)
- scpLikeUrlRegExp = regexp.MustCompile(`^(?:(?P<user>[^@]+)@)?(?P<host>[^:\s]+):(?:(?P<port>[0-9]{1,5})/)?(?P<path>[^\\].*)$`)
- )
- // MatchesScheme returns true if the given string matches a URL-like
- // format scheme.
- func MatchesScheme(url string) bool {
- return isSchemeRegExp.MatchString(url)
- }
- // MatchesScpLike returns true if the given string matches an SCP-like
- // format scheme.
- func MatchesScpLike(url string) bool {
- return scpLikeUrlRegExp.MatchString(url)
- }
- // FindScpLikeComponents returns the user, host, port and path of the
- // given SCP-like URL.
- func FindScpLikeComponents(url string) (user, host, port, path string) {
- m := scpLikeUrlRegExp.FindStringSubmatch(url)
- return m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4]
- }
- // IsLocalEndpoint returns true if the given URL string specifies a
- // local file endpoint. For example, on a Linux machine,
- // `/home/user/src/go-git` would match as a local endpoint, but
- // `https://github.com/src-d/go-git` would not.
- func IsLocalEndpoint(url string) bool {
- return !MatchesScheme(url) && !MatchesScpLike(url)
- }