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  1. # This is the official list of gorilla/sessions authors for copyright purposes.
  2. #
  3. # Please keep the list sorted.
  4. Ahmadreza Zibaei <ahmadrezazibaei@hotmail.com>
  5. Anton Lindström <lindztr@gmail.com>
  6. Brian Jones <mojobojo@gmail.com>
  7. Collin Stedman <kronion@users.noreply.github.com>
  8. Deniz Eren <dee.116@gmail.com>
  9. Dmitry Chestnykh <dmitry@codingrobots.com>
  10. Dustin Oprea <myselfasunder@gmail.com>
  11. Egon Elbre <egonelbre@gmail.com>
  12. enumappstore <appstore@enumapps.com>
  13. Geofrey Ernest <geofreyernest@live.com>
  14. Google LLC (https://opensource.google.com/)
  15. Jerry Saravia <SaraviaJ@gmail.com>
  16. Jonathan Gillham <jonathan.gillham@gamil.com>
  17. Justin Clift <justin@postgresql.org>
  18. Justin Hellings <justin.hellings@gmail.com>
  19. Kamil Kisiel <kamil@kamilkisiel.net>
  20. Keiji Yoshida <yoshida.keiji.84@gmail.com>
  21. kliron <kliron@gmail.com>
  22. Kshitij Saraogi <KshitijSaraogi@gmail.com>
  23. Lauris BH <lauris@nix.lv>
  24. Lukas Rist <glaslos@gmail.com>
  25. Mark Dain <ancarda@users.noreply.github.com>
  26. Matt Ho <matt.ho@gmail.com>
  27. Matt Silverlock <matt@eatsleeprepeat.net>
  28. Mattias Wadman <mattias.wadman@gmail.com>
  29. Michael Schuett <michaeljs1990@gmail.com>
  30. Michael Stapelberg <stapelberg@users.noreply.github.com>
  31. Mirco Zeiss <mirco.zeiss@gmail.com>
  32. moraes <rodrigo.moraes@gmail.com>
  33. nvcnvn <nguyen@open-vn.org>
  34. pappz <zoltan.pmail@gmail.com>
  35. Pontus Leitzler <leitzler@users.noreply.github.com>
  36. QuaSoft <info@quasoft.net>
  37. rcadena <robert.cadena@gmail.com>
  38. rodrigo moraes <rodrigo.moraes@gmail.com>
  39. Shawn Smith <shawnpsmith@gmail.com>
  40. Taylor Hurt <taylor.a.hurt@gmail.com>
  41. Tortuoise <sanyasinp@gmail.com>
  42. Vitor De Mario <vitordemario@gmail.com>
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