- package redis
- import (
- "crypto/tls"
- "time"
- )
- // UniversalOptions information is required by UniversalClient to establish
- // connections.
- type UniversalOptions struct {
- // Either a single address or a seed list of host:port addresses
- // of cluster/sentinel nodes.
- Addrs []string
- // Database to be selected after connecting to the server.
- // Only single-node and failover clients.
- DB int
- // Common options.
- OnConnect func(*Conn) error
- Password string
- MaxRetries int
- MinRetryBackoff time.Duration
- MaxRetryBackoff time.Duration
- DialTimeout time.Duration
- ReadTimeout time.Duration
- WriteTimeout time.Duration
- PoolSize int
- MinIdleConns int
- MaxConnAge time.Duration
- PoolTimeout time.Duration
- IdleTimeout time.Duration
- IdleCheckFrequency time.Duration
- TLSConfig *tls.Config
- // Only cluster clients.
- MaxRedirects int
- ReadOnly bool
- RouteByLatency bool
- RouteRandomly bool
- // The sentinel master name.
- // Only failover clients.
- MasterName string
- }
- func (o *UniversalOptions) cluster() *ClusterOptions {
- if len(o.Addrs) == 0 {
- o.Addrs = []string{""}
- }
- return &ClusterOptions{
- Addrs: o.Addrs,
- OnConnect: o.OnConnect,
- Password: o.Password,
- MaxRedirects: o.MaxRedirects,
- ReadOnly: o.ReadOnly,
- RouteByLatency: o.RouteByLatency,
- RouteRandomly: o.RouteRandomly,
- MaxRetries: o.MaxRetries,
- MinRetryBackoff: o.MinRetryBackoff,
- MaxRetryBackoff: o.MaxRetryBackoff,
- DialTimeout: o.DialTimeout,
- ReadTimeout: o.ReadTimeout,
- WriteTimeout: o.WriteTimeout,
- PoolSize: o.PoolSize,
- MinIdleConns: o.MinIdleConns,
- MaxConnAge: o.MaxConnAge,
- PoolTimeout: o.PoolTimeout,
- IdleTimeout: o.IdleTimeout,
- IdleCheckFrequency: o.IdleCheckFrequency,
- TLSConfig: o.TLSConfig,
- }
- }
- func (o *UniversalOptions) failover() *FailoverOptions {
- if len(o.Addrs) == 0 {
- o.Addrs = []string{""}
- }
- return &FailoverOptions{
- SentinelAddrs: o.Addrs,
- MasterName: o.MasterName,
- OnConnect: o.OnConnect,
- DB: o.DB,
- Password: o.Password,
- MaxRetries: o.MaxRetries,
- MinRetryBackoff: o.MinRetryBackoff,
- MaxRetryBackoff: o.MaxRetryBackoff,
- DialTimeout: o.DialTimeout,
- ReadTimeout: o.ReadTimeout,
- WriteTimeout: o.WriteTimeout,
- PoolSize: o.PoolSize,
- MinIdleConns: o.MinIdleConns,
- MaxConnAge: o.MaxConnAge,
- PoolTimeout: o.PoolTimeout,
- IdleTimeout: o.IdleTimeout,
- IdleCheckFrequency: o.IdleCheckFrequency,
- TLSConfig: o.TLSConfig,
- }
- }
- func (o *UniversalOptions) simple() *Options {
- addr := ""
- if len(o.Addrs) > 0 {
- addr = o.Addrs[0]
- }
- return &Options{
- Addr: addr,
- OnConnect: o.OnConnect,
- DB: o.DB,
- Password: o.Password,
- MaxRetries: o.MaxRetries,
- MinRetryBackoff: o.MinRetryBackoff,
- MaxRetryBackoff: o.MaxRetryBackoff,
- DialTimeout: o.DialTimeout,
- ReadTimeout: o.ReadTimeout,
- WriteTimeout: o.WriteTimeout,
- PoolSize: o.PoolSize,
- MinIdleConns: o.MinIdleConns,
- MaxConnAge: o.MaxConnAge,
- PoolTimeout: o.PoolTimeout,
- IdleTimeout: o.IdleTimeout,
- IdleCheckFrequency: o.IdleCheckFrequency,
- TLSConfig: o.TLSConfig,
- }
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // UniversalClient is an abstract client which - based on the provided options -
- // can connect to either clusters, or sentinel-backed failover instances or simple
- // single-instance servers. This can be useful for testing cluster-specific
- // applications locally.
- type UniversalClient interface {
- Cmdable
- Watch(fn func(*Tx) error, keys ...string) error
- Process(cmd Cmder) error
- WrapProcess(fn func(oldProcess func(cmd Cmder) error) func(cmd Cmder) error)
- Subscribe(channels ...string) *PubSub
- PSubscribe(channels ...string) *PubSub
- Close() error
- }
- var _ UniversalClient = (*Client)(nil)
- var _ UniversalClient = (*ClusterClient)(nil)
- // NewUniversalClient returns a new multi client. The type of client returned depends
- // on the following three conditions:
- //
- // 1. if a MasterName is passed a sentinel-backed FailoverClient will be returned
- // 2. if the number of Addrs is two or more, a ClusterClient will be returned
- // 3. otherwise, a single-node redis Client will be returned.
- func NewUniversalClient(opts *UniversalOptions) UniversalClient {
- if opts.MasterName != "" {
- return NewFailoverClient(opts.failover())
- } else if len(opts.Addrs) > 1 {
- return NewClusterClient(opts.cluster())
- }
- return NewClient(opts.simple())
- }