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31 lines

  1. THEME := themes/gitea
  2. PUBLIC := public
  3. ARCHIVE := https://dl.gitea.io/theme/master.tar.gz
  4. .PHONY: all
  5. all: build
  6. .PHONY: clean
  7. clean:
  8. rm -rf $(PUBLIC) $(THEME)
  9. .PHONY: trans-copy
  10. trans-copy:
  11. @bash scripts/trans-copy
  12. .PHONY: server
  13. server: $(THEME)
  14. hugo server
  15. .PHONY: build
  16. build: $(THEME)
  17. hugo --cleanDestinationDir
  18. .PHONY: update
  19. update: $(THEME)
  20. $(THEME): $(THEME)/theme.toml
  21. $(THEME)/theme.toml:
  22. mkdir -p $$(dirname $@)
  23. curl -s $(ARCHIVE) | tar xz -C $$(dirname $@)
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