- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import logging
- import datetime
- import re
- from odoo import _, api, fields, models
- from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
- from io import StringIO
- import pandas as pd
- pd.set_option("max_colwidth", 4096) # 设置最大列宽
- pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 30) # 设置最大列数
- pd.set_option("expand_frame_repr", False) # 当列太多时不换行
- import time
- from odoo.addons.oec_im_wecom_api.api.wecom_abstract_api import ApiException
- _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- class WeComApps(models.Model):
- _inherit = "wecom.apps"
- # ————————————————————————————————————
- # 应用回调服务
- # ————————————————————————————————————
- def generate_service_by_code(self, code):
- """
- 根据code生成回调服务
- :param code:
- :return:
- """
- if code == "contacts":
- service = self.app_callback_service_ids.sudo().search(
- [
- ("app_id", "=", self.id),
- ("code", "=", code),
- "|",
- ("active", "=", True),
- ("active", "=", False),
- ]
- )
- if not service:
- service.create(
- {
- "app_id": self.id,
- "name": _("Contacts synchronization"),
- "code": code,
- "callback_url_token": "",
- "callback_aeskey": "",
- "description": _(
- "When members modify their personal information, the modified information will be pushed to the following URL in the form of events to ensure the synchronization of the address book."
- ),
- }
- )
- else:
- service.write(
- {
- "name": _("Contacts synchronization"),
- "code": code,
- "callback_url": service.generate_contact_service(),
- "description": _(
- "When members modify their personal information, the modified information will be pushed to the following URL in the form of events to ensure the synchronization of the address book."
- ),
- }
- )
- # ————————————————————————————————————
- # 应用参数配置
- # ————————————————————————————————————
- def generate_parameters_by_code(self, code):
- """
- 根据code生成参数
- :param code:
- :return:
- 注意:14使用 get_object_reference 方法,15 没有此方法,
- 故在 \wecom_base\models\ir_model.py 添加了 get_object_reference方法
- """
- if code == "contacts":
- # 从xml 获取数据
- ir_model_data = self.env["ir.model.data"]
- contacts_allow_sync_hr = ir_model_data.get_object_reference(
- "oec_im_wecom_contacts_sync", "wecom_app_config_contacts_allow_sync_hr"
- )[
- 1
- ] # 1
- contacts_sync_hr_department_id = ir_model_data.get_object_reference(
- "oec_im_wecom_contacts_sync",
- "wecom_app_config_contacts_sync_hr_department_id",
- )[
- 1
- ] # 2
- contacts_edit_enabled = ir_model_data.get_object_reference(
- "oec_im_wecom_contacts_sync", "wecom_app_config_contacts_edit_enabled"
- )[
- 1
- ] # 3
- contacts_allow_add_system_users = ir_model_data.get_object_reference(
- "oec_im_wecom_contacts_sync",
- "wecom_app_config_contacts_allow_add_system_users",
- )[
- 1
- ] # 4
- contacts_use_default_avatar_when_adding_employees = ir_model_data.get_object_reference(
- "oec_im_wecom_contacts_sync",
- "wecom_app_config_contacts_use_default_avatar_when_adding_employees",
- )[
- 1
- ] # 5
- contacts_update_avatar_every_time_sync_employees = (
- ir_model_data.get_object_reference(
- "oec_im_wecom_contacts_sync",
- "wecom_app_config_contacts_update_avatar_every_time_sync_employees",
- )[1]
- ) # 6
- # enabled_join_qrcode = ir_model_data.get_object_reference(
- # "oec_im_wecom_contacts_sync", "wecom_app_config_contacts_enabled_join_qrcode"
- # )[
- # 1
- # ] # 7
- # join_qrcode = ir_model_data.get_object_reference(
- # "oec_im_wecom_contacts_sync", "wecom_app_config_contacts_join_qrcode"
- # )[
- # 1
- # ] # 8
- # join_qrcode_size_type = ir_model_data.get_object_reference(
- # "oec_im_wecom_contacts_sync", "wecom_app_config_contacts_join_qrcode_size_type"
- # )[
- # 1
- # ] # 9
- # join_qrcode_last_time = ir_model_data.get_object_reference(
- # "oec_im_wecom_contacts_sync",
- # "wecom_app_config_acontacts_join_qrcode_last_time",
- # )[
- # 1
- # ] # 10
- vals_list = [
- contacts_allow_sync_hr, # 1
- contacts_sync_hr_department_id, # 2
- contacts_edit_enabled, # 3
- contacts_allow_add_system_users, # 4
- contacts_use_default_avatar_when_adding_employees, # 5
- contacts_update_avatar_every_time_sync_employees, # 6
- # enabled_join_qrcode, # 7
- # join_qrcode, # 8
- # join_qrcode_size_type, # 9
- # join_qrcode_last_time, # 10
- ]
- for id in vals_list:
- app_config_id = self.env["wecom.app_config"].search([("id", "=", id)])
- app_config = (
- self.env["wecom.app_config"]
- .sudo()
- .search([("app_id", "=", self.id), ("key", "=", app_config_id.key)])
- )
- if not app_config:
- app_config.sudo().create(
- {
- "name": app_config_id.name,
- "app_id": self.id,
- "key": app_config_id.key,
- "ttype": app_config_id.ttype,
- "value": ""
- if app_config_id.key == "join_qrcode"
- or app_config_id.key == "join_qrcode_last_time"
- else app_config_id.value,
- "description": app_config_id.description,
- }
- )
- else:
- app_config.sudo().write(
- {
- "name": app_config_id.name,
- "description": app_config_id.description,
- }
- )
- super(WeComApps, self).generate_parameters_by_code(code)
- # ————————————————————————————————————
- # 通讯录
- # ————————————————————————————————————
- def cron_sync_contacts(self):
- """
- 自动任务同步组织架构
- 同步内容: 1. wecom.department
- 2. wecom.user
- 3. wecom.tag
- """
- results = []
- total_time = 0
- sync_start_time = time.time()
- for app in self.search(
- [("company_id", "!=", False), ("type_code", "=", "['contacts']")]
- ):
- _logger.info(
- _(
- "Automatic task: start to synchronize the enterprise wechat organizational structure of the company [%s]"
- )
- % (app.company_id.name)
- )
- result = app.sync_contacts()
- results.append(result)
- _logger.info(
- _(
- "Automatic task: end synchronizing the enterprise wechat organizational structure of the company [%s]"
- )
- % (app.company_id.name)
- )
- df = pd.DataFrame(results)
- (
- sync_task_state,
- wecom_department_sync_state,
- wecom_user_sync_state,
- wecom_tag_sync_state,
- ) = self.handle_sync_all_state(
- df
- ) # 处理同步状态
- # 处理同步结果和时间
- sync_task_result = ""
- wecom_department_sync_result = ""
- wecom_user_sync_result = ""
- wecom_tag_sync_result = ""
- wecom_department_sync_times = 0
- wecom_user_sync_times = 0
- wecom_tag_sync_times = 0
- rows = len(df) # 获取所有行数
- for index, row in df.iterrows():
- if row["sync_state"] == "fail":
- sync_task_result += self.handle_sync_result(
- index, rows, row["sync_result"]
- )
- wecom_department_sync_result += self.handle_sync_result(
- index, rows, row["wecom_department_sync_result"]
- )
- wecom_user_sync_result += self.handle_sync_result(
- index, rows, row["wecom_user_sync_result"]
- )
- wecom_tag_sync_result += self.handle_sync_result(
- index, rows, row["wecom_tag_sync_result"]
- )
- wecom_department_sync_times += row["wecom_department_sync_times"]
- wecom_user_sync_times += row["wecom_user_sync_times"]
- wecom_tag_sync_times += row["wecom_tag_sync_times"]
- sync_end_time = time.time()
- total_time = sync_end_time - sync_start_time
- _logger.info(
- _(
- """
- Automatic task: end the synchronization of the enterprise wechat organizational structure of all companies.
- =======================================================================================================================
- Task Synchronization status:%s, Synchronization task time:%s seconds,
- Synchronization results:
- %s
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Wecom department sync status:%s, Synchronize Wecom department time: %s seconds,
- Synchronize Wecom department results:
- %s
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Wecom User sync status:%s, Synchronize Wecom User time: %s seconds,
- Synchronize Wecom User results:
- %s
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Wecom tag sync status:%s, Synchronize Wecom tag time: %s seconds,
- Synchronize Wecom tag results:
- %s
- ======================================================================================================================="""
- )
- % (
- # 任务
- self.get_state_name(sync_task_state),
- total_time,
- sync_task_result,
- # 企微部门
- self.get_state_name(wecom_department_sync_state),
- wecom_department_sync_times,
- wecom_department_sync_result,
- # 企微员工
- self.get_state_name(wecom_user_sync_state),
- wecom_user_sync_times,
- wecom_user_sync_result,
- # 企微标签
- self.get_state_name(wecom_tag_sync_state),
- wecom_tag_sync_times,
- wecom_tag_sync_result,
- )
- )
- def sync_contacts(self):
- """
- 同步通讯录
- """
- # result = {
- # }
- result = {}
- result.update(
- {
- "company_name": self.company_id.name,
- "sync_state": "completed",
- "wecom_department_sync_state": "fail",
- "wecom_department_sync_times": 0,
- "wecom_department_sync_result": "",
- "wecom_user_sync_state": "fail",
- "wecom_user_sync_times": 0,
- "wecom_user_sync_result": "",
- "wecom_tag_sync_state": "fail",
- "wecom_tag_sync_times": 0,
- "wecom_tag_sync_result": "",
- }
- )
- # 同步企微部门
- sync_department_result = (
- self.env["wecom.department"]
- .with_context(company_id=self.company_id)
- .download_wecom_deps()
- )
- # [{'name': 'download_department_data', 'state': True, 'time': 0.3037421703338623, 'msg': 'Department list sync completed.'}]
- (
- wecom_department_sync_state,
- wecom_department_sync_times,
- wecom_department_sync_result,
- ) = self.handle_sync_task_state(sync_department_result, self.company_id)
- result.update(
- {
- "wecom_department_sync_state": wecom_department_sync_state,
- "wecom_department_sync_times": wecom_department_sync_times,
- "wecom_department_sync_result": wecom_department_sync_result,
- }
- )
- if result["wecom_department_sync_state"] == "fail":
- return result
- # 同步企微用户
- sync_user_result = (
- self.env["wecom.user"]
- .with_context(company_id=self.company_id)
- .download_wecom_users()
- )
- (
- wecom_user_sync_state,
- wecom_user_sync_times,
- wecom_user_sync_result,
- ) = self.handle_sync_task_state(sync_user_result, self.company_id)
- result.update(
- {
- "wecom_user_sync_state": wecom_user_sync_state,
- "wecom_user_sync_times": wecom_user_sync_times,
- "wecom_user_sync_result": wecom_user_sync_result,
- }
- )
- if result["wecom_user_sync_state"] == "fail":
- return result
- # 同步企微标签
- sync_wecom_tag_result = (
- self.env["wecom.tag"]
- .with_context(company_id=self.company_id)
- .download_wecom_tags()
- )
- (
- wecom_tag_sync_state,
- wecom_tag_sync_times,
- wecom_tag_sync_result,
- ) = self.handle_sync_task_state(sync_wecom_tag_result, self.company_id)
- result.update(
- {
- "wecom_tag_sync_state": wecom_tag_sync_state,
- "wecom_tag_sync_times": wecom_tag_sync_times,
- "wecom_tag_sync_result": wecom_tag_sync_result,
- }
- )
- if result["wecom_tag_sync_state"] == "fail":
- return result
- return result
- def get_state_name(self, key):
- """
- 获取状态名称
- """
- STATE = {
- "completed": _("All completed"),
- "partially": _("Partially complete"),
- "fail": _("All failed"),
- }
- return dict(STATE).get(key, _("Unknown")) # 如果没有找到,返回Unknown
- def handle_sync_result(self, index, rows, result):
- """
- 处理同步结果
- """
- if result is None:
- return ""
- if index < rows - 1:
- result = "%s:%s \n" % (str(index + 1), result)
- else:
- result = "%s:%s" % (str(index + 1), result)
- return result
- def handle_sync_all_state(self, df):
- """
- 处理同步状态
- """
- all_state_rows = len(df) # 获取所有行数
- fail_state_rows = len(df[df["sync_state"] == "fail"]) # 获取失败行数
- # 获取部门失败行数
- fail_department_state_rows = len(
- df[df["wecom_department_sync_state"] == "fail"]
- )
- # 获取用户失败行数
- fail_user_state_rows = len(df[df["wecom_user_sync_state"] == "fail"])
- # 获取标签失败行数
- fail_tag_state_rows = len(df[df["wecom_tag_sync_state"] == "fail"])
- sync_state = None
- wecom_department_sync_state = None
- wecom_employee_sync_state = None
- wecom_tag_sync_state = None
- if fail_state_rows == all_state_rows:
- sync_state = "fail"
- elif fail_state_rows > 0 and fail_state_rows < all_state_rows:
- sync_state = "partially"
- elif fail_state_rows == 0:
- sync_state = "completed"
- # 部门
- if fail_department_state_rows == all_state_rows:
- wecom_department_sync_state = "fail"
- elif (
- fail_department_state_rows > 0
- and fail_department_state_rows < all_state_rows
- ):
- wecom_department_sync_state = "partially"
- elif fail_department_state_rows == 0:
- wecom_department_sync_state = "completed"
- # 员工
- if fail_user_state_rows == all_state_rows:
- wecom_user_sync_state = "fail"
- elif fail_user_state_rows > 0 and fail_user_state_rows < all_state_rows:
- wecom_user_sync_state = "partially"
- elif fail_user_state_rows == 0:
- wecom_user_sync_state = "completed"
- if fail_tag_state_rows == all_state_rows:
- wecom_tag_sync_state = "fail"
- elif fail_tag_state_rows > 0 and fail_tag_state_rows < all_state_rows:
- wecom_tag_sync_state = "partially"
- elif fail_tag_state_rows == 0:
- wecom_tag_sync_state = "completed"
- return (
- sync_state,
- wecom_department_sync_state,
- wecom_user_sync_state,
- wecom_tag_sync_state,
- )
- def handle_sync_task_state(self, result, company):
- """
- 处理部门、用户、标签的 同步状态
- """
- df = pd.DataFrame(result)
- all_rows = len(df) # 获取所有行数
- fail_rows = len(df[df["state"] == False]) # 获取失败行数
- sync_state = None
- if fail_rows == all_rows:
- sync_state = "fail"
- elif fail_rows > 0 and fail_rows < all_rows:
- sync_state = "partially"
- elif fail_rows == 0:
- sync_state = "completed"
- sync_result = ""
- sync_times = 0
- for index, row in df.iterrows():
- sync_times += row["time"]
- sync_result += "[%s] %s" % (company.name, row["msg"])
- return sync_state, sync_times, sync_result