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61 lines

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. {
  3. "name": "WeCom Contacts Synchronized",
  4. "author": "RStudio",
  5. "website": "",
  6. "sequence": 603,
  7. "installable": True,
  8. "application": True,
  9. "auto_install": False,
  10. "category": "WeCom Suites/CRM",
  11. "version": "",
  12. "summary": """
  13. """,
  14. "description": """
  15. """,
  16. "depends": [
  17. "oec_im_wecom_contacts",
  18. "hr",
  19. ],
  20. "external_dependencies": {
  21. "python": ["pandas"],
  22. },
  23. "data": [
  24. "security/ir.model.access.csv",
  25. "data/wecom_app_config_data.xml",
  26. "data/wecom_app_event_type_data.xml",
  27. "data/ir_cron_data.xml",
  28. "data/hr_data.xml",
  29. "wizard/employee_bind_wecom_views.xml",
  30. "wizard/user_bind_wecom_views.xml",
  31. "wizard/wecom_contacts_sync_wizard_views.xml",
  32. "wizard/wecom_users_sync_wizard_views.xml",
  33. "views/wecom_user_views.xml",
  34. "views/wecom_department_views.xml",
  35. "views/wecom_tag_views.xml",
  36. "views/wecom_contacts_block_views.xml",
  37. "views/res_config_settings_views.xml",
  38. "views/res_users_views.xml",
  39. "views/wecom_apps_views.xml",
  40. "views/hr_department_view.xml",
  41. "views/hr_employee_view.xml",
  42. "views/hr_employee_category_views.xml",
  43. "views/ir_cron_views.xml",
  44. "views/menu_views.xml",
  45. ],
  46. "assets": {
  47. "web._assets_common_styles": [
  48. "oec_im_wecom_contacts_sync/static/src/scss/sync_result_dialog.scss",
  49. ],
  50. "web.assets_backend": [
  51. # SCSSS
  52. # JS
  53. # "oec_im_wecom_contacts_sync/static/src/js/*.js",
  54. ],
  55. },
  56. "license": "AGPL-3",
  57. }
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