- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import datetime
- from odoo import models, fields, api, _
- from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
- import time
- from odoo.addons.oec_im_wecom_api.api.wecom_abstract_api import ApiException
- import logging
- _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- class ResConfigSettings(models.TransientModel):
- _inherit = "res.config.settings"
- company_id = fields.Many2one(
- "res.company",
- string="Company",
- required=True,
- default=lambda self: self.env.company,
- )
- wecom_api_domain_ip = fields.Char(
- "Wecom API Domain IP",
- config_parameter="wecom.api_domain_ip",
- )
- # 加入企微微信二维码
- contacts_join_qrcode_enabled = fields.Boolean(
- related="company_id.oec_im_wecom_contacts_join_qrcode_enabled", readonly=False
- )
- contacts_join_qrcode = fields.Char(
- related="company_id.oec_im_wecom_contacts_join_qrcode", readonly=False
- )
- contacts_join_qrcode_size_type = fields.Selection(
- related="company_id.oec_im_wecom_contacts_join_qrcode_size_type", readonly=False
- )
- contacts_join_qrcode_last_time = fields.Datetime(
- related="company_id.oec_im_wecom_contacts_join_qrcode_last_time", readonly=False
- )
- # 通讯录应用
- contacts_app_id = fields.Many2one(
- related="company_id.contacts_app_id", readonly=False
- )
- contacts_secret = fields.Char(related="contacts_app_id.secret", readonly=False)
- # contacts_access_token = fields.Char(related="contacts_app_id.access_token")
- contacts_app_config_ids = fields.One2many(
- related="contacts_app_id.app_config_ids",
- readonly=False,
- )
- contacts_app_callback_service_ids = fields.One2many(
- related="contacts_app_id.app_callback_service_ids", readonly=False
- )
- # 其他应用
- module_oec_im_wecom_contacts_sync = fields.Boolean("WeCom Contacts Synchronized")
- module_oec_im_wecom_material = fields.Boolean("WeCom Material")
- module_oec_im_wecom_auth_oauth = fields.Boolean("WeCom Authentication")
- module_oec_im_wecom_message = fields.Boolean("WeCom Message")
- module_oec_im_wecom_portal = fields.Boolean("Wecom Portal")
- module_oec_im_wecom_msgaudit = fields.Boolean("Wecom Session Content Archive")
- module_oec_im_wecom_attendance = fields.Boolean("WeCom Attendances")
- module_oec_im_wecom_approval = fields.Boolean("WeCom Approvals")
- def cron_get_join_qrcode(self):
- """
- 自动任务获取加入企业二维码
- """
- companies = self.env["res.company"].search(
- [
- ("is_wecom_organization", "=", True),
- ("oec_im_wecom_contacts_join_qrcode_enabled", "=", True),
- ]
- )
- for company in companies:
- _logger.info(
- _("Automatic task:Start to get join enterprise QR code of company [%s]")
- % (company.name)
- )
- if not company.contacts_app_id:
- _logger.info(
- _("Automatic task:Please bind the contact app of company [%s]!")
- % (company.name)
- )
- elif not company.oec_im_wecom_contacts_join_qrcode_enabled:
- _logger.info(
- _(
- "Automatic task:Please enable the company [%s] to join the enterprise wechat QR code function!"
- )
- % (company.name)
- )
- else:
- try:
- wecomapi = self.env["wecom.service_api"].InitServiceApi(
- company.corpid, company.contacts_app_id.secret
- )
- last_time = company.oec_im_wecom_contacts_join_qrcode_last_time
- size_type = company.oec_im_wecom_contacts_join_qrcode_size_type
- # 超期
- overdue = False
- if last_time:
- overdue = self.env[
- "wecomapi.tools.datetime"
- ].cheeck_days_overdue(last_time, 7)
- if not last_time or overdue:
- response = wecomapi.httpCall(
- self.env["wecom.service_api_list"].get_server_api_call(
- ),
- {"size_type": size_type},
- )
- if response["errcode"] == 0:
- company.write(
- {
- "oec_im_wecom_contacts_join_qrcode": response[
- "join_qrcode"
- ],
- "oec_im_wecom_contacts_join_qrcode_last_time": datetime.datetime.now(),
- }
- )
- except ApiException as ex:
- error = self.env["wecom.service_api_error"].get_error_by_code(
- ex.errCode
- )
- _logger.warning(
- _(
- "Automatic task:Error in obtaining the QR code of joining company [%s],error code: %s, error name: %s, error message: %s"
- )
- % (company.name, str(ex.errCode), error["name"], ex.errMsg)
- )
- _logger.info(
- _(
- "Automatic task:End obtaining joining enterprise QR code of company [%s]"
- )
- % (company.name)
- )
- def get_join_qrcode(self):
- """
- 获取加入企业二维码
- """
- # self.contacts_app_id.get_join_qrcode()
- ir_config = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo()
- debug = ir_config.get_param("wecom.debug_enabled")
- if not self.contacts_app_id:
- raise ValidationError(_("Please bind contact app!"))
- if not self.contacts_join_qrcode_enabled:
- raise ValidationError(
- _("Please enable the function of join enterprise QR code!")
- )
- if debug:
- _logger.info(
- _("Start getting join enterprise QR code of company [%s]")
- % (self.company_id.name)
- )
- try:
- wecomapi = self.env["wecom.service_api"].InitServiceApi(
- self.company_id.corpid, self.contacts_app_id.secret
- )
- last_time = self.contacts_join_qrcode_last_time
- size_type = self.contacts_join_qrcode_size_type
- # 超期
- overdue = False
- if last_time:
- overdue = self.env["wecomapi.tools.datetime"].cheeck_days_overdue(
- last_time, 7
- )
- if not last_time or overdue:
- response = wecomapi.httpCall(
- self.env["wecom.service_api_list"].get_server_api_call(
- ),
- {"size_type": size_type},
- )
- if response["errcode"] == 0:
- self.company_id.write(
- {
- "oec_im_wecom_contacts_join_qrcode": response[
- "join_qrcode"
- ],
- "oec_im_wecom_contacts_join_qrcode_last_time": datetime.datetime.now(),
- }
- )
- return {"type": "ir.actions.client", "tag": "reload"} # 刷新页面
- # self.contacts_join_qrcode=response["join_qrcode"]
- # self.contacts_join_qrcode_last_time = datetime.datetime.now()
- except ApiException as ex:
- return self.env["wecomapi.tools.action"].ApiExceptionDialog(
- ex, raise_exception=True
- )
- finally:
- if debug:
- _logger.info(
- _("End getting join enterprise QR code of company [%s]")
- % (self.company_id.name)
- )
- # TODO: 使用任务 获取IP
- def get_wecom_api_domain_ip(self):
- """
- 获取企业微信API域名IP段
- """
- ir_config = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo()
- debug = ir_config.get_param("wecom.debug_enabled")
- if not self.contacts_app_id:
- raise ValidationError(_("Please bind contact app!"))
- if debug:
- _logger.info(_("Start to get enterprise wechat API domain name IP segment"))
- try:
- wecomapi = self.env["wecom.service_api"].InitServiceApi(
- self.company_id.corpid, self.contacts_app_id.secret
- )
- response = wecomapi.httpCall(
- self.env["wecom.service_api_list"].get_server_api_call(
- ),
- {},
- )
- if response["errcode"] == 0:
- self.env["ir.config_parameter"].set_param(
- "wecom.api_domain_ip", response["ip_list"]
- )
- return {"type": "ir.actions.client", "tag": "reload"} # 刷新页面
- except ApiException as ex:
- return self.env["wecomapi.tools.action"].ApiExceptionDialog(
- ex, raise_exception=True
- )
- finally:
- if debug:
- _logger.info(
- _("End obtaining enterprise wechat API domain name IP segment")
- )