- # Copyright 2016 ACSONE SA/NV (<http://acsone.eu>)
- # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
- from odoo import _, api, fields, models
- from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
- class DateRange(models.Model):
- _name = "date.range"
- _description = "Date Range"
- _order = "type_name,date_start"
- @api.model
- def _default_company(self):
- return self.env.company
- name = fields.Char(required=True, translate=True)
- date_start = fields.Date(string="Start date", required=True)
- date_end = fields.Date(string="End date", required=True)
- type_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name="date.range.type",
- string="Type",
- index=1,
- required=True,
- ondelete="restrict",
- domain="['|', ('company_id', '=', company_id), " "('company_id', '=', False)]",
- store=True,
- compute="_compute_type_id",
- readonly=False,
- )
- type_name = fields.Char(related="type_id.name", store=True, string="Type Name")
- company_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name="res.company", string="Company", index=1, default=_default_company
- )
- active = fields.Boolean(
- help="The active field allows you to hide the date range without "
- "removing it.",
- default=True,
- )
- _sql_constraints = [
- (
- "date_range_uniq",
- "unique (name,type_id, company_id)",
- "A date range must be unique per company !",
- )
- ]
- @api.depends("company_id", "type_id.company_id")
- def _compute_type_id(self):
- """Enforce check of company consistency when changing company, here
- or in the type.
- """
- self._check_company_id_type_id()
- @api.constrains("company_id", "type_id")
- def _check_company_id_type_id(self):
- for rec in self.sudo():
- if (
- rec.company_id
- and rec.type_id.company_id
- and rec.company_id != rec.type_id.company_id
- ):
- raise ValidationError(
- _(
- "The Company in the Date Range and in "
- "Date Range Type must be the same."
- )
- )
- @api.constrains("type_id", "date_start", "date_end", "company_id")
- def _validate_range(self):
- for this in self:
- if this.date_start > this.date_end:
- raise ValidationError(
- _("%s is not a valid range (%s > %s)")
- % (this.name, this.date_start, this.date_end)
- )
- if this.type_id.allow_overlap:
- continue
- # here we use a plain SQL query to benefit of the daterange
- # function available in PostgresSQL
- # (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/rangetypes.html)
- SQL = """
- id
- date_range dt
- DATERANGE(dt.date_start, dt.date_end, '[]') &&
- DATERANGE(%s::date, %s::date, '[]')
- AND dt.id != %s
- AND dt.active
- AND dt.company_id = %s
- AND dt.type_id=%s;"""
- self.env.cr.execute(
- SQL,
- (
- this.date_start,
- this.date_end,
- this.id,
- this.company_id.id or None,
- this.type_id.id,
- ),
- )
- res = self.env.cr.fetchall()
- if res:
- dt = self.browse(res[0][0])
- raise ValidationError(_("%s overlaps %s") % (this.name, dt.name))
- def get_domain(self, field_name):
- self.ensure_one()
- return [(field_name, ">=", self.date_start), (field_name, "<=", self.date_end)]