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``odoo-module-migrator`` is a python3 library that allows you to automatically migrate
module code to make it compatible with newer Odoo version.
for exemple:
* renaming ``__openerp__.py`` file into ``__manifest__.py``
* removing ``# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-`` since V11.0
* replacing ``openerp`` import by ``odoo`` import
* removing ``migrations`` folders
* changing <act_window> to <record model="ir.actions.window">
* ...
This library will so:
* (optionnaly) get commits from the old branch (if format-patch is enabled)
* apply automatically changes. (renaming, replacing, etc.)
* commit your changes.
* Display warnings or errors in log if your code belong obsolete code patterns.
This project is about migrating code. If you're looking for database data migration
between Odoo versions, take a look
at the https://github.com/OCA/OpenUpgrade project.
**INFO log**
It mentions that the lib automatically changed something.
*A priori* you have nothing to do. For example, for a migration from 8.0 to
a more recent version:
.. code-block:: shell
12:38:54 INFO Renaming file: '/my_module/__openerp__.py' by '/my_module/__manifest__.py'
**WARNING log**
It mentions that you should check something. There is *maybe* something to do
to make the module working. For exemple:
.. code-block:: shell
19:37:55 WARNING Replaced dependency of 'account_analytic_analysis' by 'contract' (Moved to OCA/contract)
**ERROR log**
It mentions that you should change something in your code. It not, the module
will not work *for sure*. (not installable, or generating error during the
For example, if you have a 8.0 module that depends on 'account_anglo_saxon',
that disappeared in more recent version, the following log will be displayed
.. code-block:: shell
12:38:54 ERROR Depends on removed module 'account_anglo_saxon'
Development and improvment
If you want to improve or complete this library, please read the
``DEVELOP.rst`` file and the 'Roadmap / Know issues' sections.
.. code-block:: shell
pip3 install odoo-module-migrator
Using Format Patch command
(Recommanded by the OCA)
If you want to migrate an Odoo module from a version 8.0 to 12.0, for exemple
the module ``pos_order_pricelist_change`` in the OCA "pos" repository.
.. code-block:: shell
git clone https://github.com/OCA/pos -b 12.0
cd pos
--directory ./
--modules pos_order_pricelist_change
--init-version-name 8.0
--target-version-name 12.0
Without format Patch command
(Mainly for your custom modules)
if you have created a new branch (for exemple 12.0) based on your 10.0 branch
you can run the following command
.. code-block:: shell
--directory /path/to/repository
--modules module_1,module_2,module_3
--init-version-name 10.0
--target-version-name 12.0
This tools will operate the changes for each module.
Available arguments
|name | shortcut | Options | description |
|``--directory`` |``-d`` | Default: | Local folder that belongs the module(s) to migrate. |
| | | ``./`` | |
|``--init-version-name`` | ``-i`` | Required | Initial version of your module(s) you want to migrate.|
| | | | |
|``--target-version-name`` | ``-t`` | Default: | Final Version you want to migrate. |
| | | the laster odoo | |
| | | version | |
|``--modules`` | ``-m`` | Default: | Module(s) to migrate. Note if format-patch option is |
| | | All modules | enabled, you have to provide only one module. |
| | | present in the | |
| | | directory | |
|``--format-patch`` | ``-fp`` | disabled | Recover code, using git format-patch command. |
| | | by default | |
|``--remote-name`` | ``-rn`` | Default: | Name of the main remote, used by format-patch command.|
| | | ``origin`` | |
|``--log-level`` | ``-ll`` | Default: | Possible value: ``DEBUG``, ``INFO``, ``WARNING``, etc.|
| | | ``INFO`` | |
|``--log-path`` | ``-lp`` | Default: | If set, the logs will not be displayed at screen, |
| | | False | but stored in a file |
|``--no-commit`` | ``-nc`` | Default: | If set the library will not git add and git commit |
| | | commit | changes. |
Roadmap / Know issues
* replacement of tag <openerp><data> by <odoo> will fail in the case
where there are many <data> occurency.
We could fix that, using ``lxml`` lib instead of regular expression.
* Add a call to ``pre-commit run -a``, if pre-commit is present in the
0.3.2 (December 04, 2019)
* [REM] Remove black call. (Add call to more generic tool pre-commit
in the roadmap)
* [IMP] Add --no-verify option in ``git commit`` to avoid to fail if pre-commit
is present
* [REF] Refactor ``_execute_shell`` function
0.2.0 (October 13, 2019)
* Second release
0.1.4 (October 12, 2019)
* Test
[ADD] test
* framework
[ADD] ``--file-path`` option.
* migration script
[FIX] Incorrect syntax of regular expression, to remove python 2 header
[IMP] first release of all the steps from 8.0 to 13.0
0.1.3 (October 11, 2019)
* framework
[ADD] ``--no-commit`` option that disable git add and git commit calls
[FIX] do not commit many times if migration has many steps.
[REF] remove useless commented code
[REF] create _commit_changes() and _replace_in_file() functions
* Meta
[FIX] github url of the project in setup.py
[ADD] Travis file + links to coveralls
[ADD] test_requirements.txt
* migration script
[ADD] 12.0 to 13.0 and add a warning if reference to web_settings_dashboard are found. cortesy @yelizariev
[ADD] bump version in manifest file
[ADD] set installable to True
0.1.2 (October 10, 2019)
* First release
* GRAP, Groupement Régional Alimentaire de Proximité (http://www.grap.coop)
* Sylvain LE GAL (https://www.twitter.com/legalsylvain)