- # Copyright (C) 2016-Today: Odoo Community Association (OCA)
- # Copyright 2020 Tecnativa - Víctor Martínez
- # @author: Sylvain LE GAL (https://twitter.com/legalsylvain)
- # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
- import logging
- import os
- import shutil
- from datetime import datetime
- from subprocess import check_output
- from odoo import _, addons, api, exceptions, fields, models, tools
- from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
- from .github import _GITHUB_URL
- _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- try:
- from git import Repo
- except ImportError:
- _logger.debug("Cannot import 'git' python library.")
- class GithubRepository(models.Model):
- _name = "github.repository.branch"
- _inherit = ["abstract.github.model"]
- _order = "repository_id, sequence_serie"
- _description = "Github Repository Branch"
- _github_type = "repository_branches"
- _github_login_field = False
- ("to_download", "To Download"),
- ("to_analyze", "To Analyze"),
- ("analyzed", "Analyzed"),
- ]
- # Column Section
- name = fields.Char(string="Name", readonly=True, index=True)
- size = fields.Integer(string="Size (Byte) ", readonly=True)
- mb_size = fields.Float(
- string="Size (Megabyte)", store=True, compute="_compute_mb_size"
- )
- complete_name = fields.Char(
- string="Complete Name", store=True, compute="_compute_complete_name"
- )
- repository_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name="github.repository",
- string="Repository",
- required=True,
- index=True,
- readonly=True,
- ondelete="cascade",
- )
- organization_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name="github.organization",
- string="Organization",
- related="repository_id.organization_id",
- store=True,
- readonly=True,
- )
- organization_serie_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name="github.organization.serie",
- string="Organization Serie",
- store=True,
- compute="_compute_organization_serie_id",
- )
- sequence_serie = fields.Integer(
- string="Sequence Serie", store=True, related="organization_serie_id.sequence"
- )
- local_path = fields.Char(string="Local Path", compute="_compute_local_path")
- state = fields.Selection(
- string="State", selection=_SELECTION_STATE, default="to_download"
- )
- last_download_date = fields.Datetime(string="Last Download Date")
- last_analyze_date = fields.Datetime(string="Last Analyze Date")
- coverage_url = fields.Char(
- string="Coverage URL", store=True, compute="_compute_coverage"
- )
- ci_url = fields.Char(string="CI URL", store=True, compute="_compute_ci")
- github_url = fields.Char(
- string="Github URL", store=True, compute="_compute_github_url"
- )
- analysis_rule_ids = fields.Many2many(
- string="Analysis Rules", comodel_name="github.analysis.rule"
- )
- analysis_rule_info_ids = fields.One2many(
- string="Analysis Rules (info)",
- comodel_name="github.repository.branch.rule.info",
- inverse_name="repository_branch_id",
- )
- # Init Section
- def __init__(self, env, ids, prefetch_ids):
- source_path = self._get_source_path()
- if source_path and not os.path.exists(source_path):
- try:
- os.makedirs(source_path)
- except Exception as e:
- _logger.error(
- _(
- "Error when trying to create the main folder %s\n"
- " Please check Odoo Access Rights.\n %s"
- ),
- source_path,
- e,
- )
- if source_path and source_path not in addons.__path__:
- addons.__path__.append(source_path)
- super().__init__(env, ids, prefetch_ids)
- def _get_source_path(self):
- return tools.config.get("source_code_local_path", "") or os.environ.get(
- )
- # Action Section
- def button_download_code(self):
- return self._download_code()
- def button_analyze_code(self):
- return self._analyze_code()
- @api.model
- def cron_download_all(self):
- branches = self.search([])
- branches._download_code()
- return True
- @api.model
- def cron_analyze_all(self):
- branches = self.search([("state", "=", "to_analyze")])
- branches._analyze_code()
- return True
- # Custom
- def create_or_update_from_name(self, repository_id, name):
- branch = self.search(
- [("name", "=", name), ("repository_id", "=", repository_id)]
- )
- if not branch:
- branch = self.create({"name": name, "repository_id": repository_id})
- return branch
- def _download_code(self):
- for branch in self:
- if not os.path.exists(branch.local_path):
- _logger.info("Cloning new repository into %s ..." % branch.local_path)
- # Cloning the repository
- try:
- os.makedirs(branch.local_path)
- except Exception:
- raise exceptions.Warning(
- _(
- "Error when trying to create the folder %s\n"
- " Please check Odoo Access Rights."
- )
- % (branch.local_path)
- )
- command = ("git clone %s%s/%s.git -b %s %s") % (
- branch.repository_id.organization_id.github_login,
- branch.repository_id.name,
- branch.name,
- branch.local_path,
- )
- os.system(command)
- branch.write(
- {"last_download_date": datetime.today(), "state": "to_analyze"}
- )
- else:
- # Update repository
- _logger.info("Pulling existing repository %s ..." % branch.local_path)
- try:
- res = check_output(
- ["git", "pull", "origin", branch.name], cwd=branch.local_path
- )
- if branch.state == "to_download" or b"up-to-date" not in res:
- branch.write(
- {
- "last_download_date": datetime.today(),
- "state": "to_analyze",
- }
- )
- else:
- branch.write({"last_download_date": datetime.today()})
- except Exception:
- # Trying to clean the local folder
- _logger.warning(
- _(
- "Error when updating the branch %s in the local folder"
- " %s.\n Deleting the local folder and trying"
- " again."
- ),
- branch.name,
- branch.local_path,
- )
- try:
- shutil.rmtree(branch.local_path)
- except Exception:
- _logger.error(
- "Error deleting the branch %s in the local folder "
- "%s. You need to check manually what is happening "
- "there."
- )
- else:
- branch._download_code()
- return True
- def _get_analyzable_files(self, existing_folder):
- res = []
- for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(existing_folder):
- if "/.git" not in root:
- for fic in files:
- if fic != ".gitignore":
- res.append(os.path.join(root, fic))
- return res
- def set_analysis_rule_info(self):
- rule_ids = (
- self.repository_id.organization_id.analysis_rule_ids
- + self.repository_id.analysis_rule_ids
- + self.analysis_rule_ids
- )
- for rule_id in rule_ids:
- self._delete_analysis_rule_model_info(rule_id)
- for vals in self._prepare_analysis_rule_info_vals(rule_id):
- self.env[self._prepare_analysis_rule_model_info(rule_id)].create(vals)
- def analyze_code_one(self):
- """Overload Me in custom Module that manage Source Code analysis.
- """
- self.ensure_one()
- path = self.local_path
- self.set_analysis_rule_info()
- # Compute Files Sizes
- size = 0
- for file_path in self._get_analyzable_files(path):
- try:
- size += os.path.getsize(file_path)
- except Exception:
- _logger.warning("Warning : unable to eval the size of '%s'.", file_path)
- try:
- Repo(path)
- except Exception:
- # If it's not a correct repository, we flag the branch
- # to be downloaded again
- self.state = "to_download"
- return {"size": 0}
- return {"size": size}
- def _analyze_code(self):
- partial_commit = safe_eval(
- self.sudo()
- .env["ir.config_parameter"]
- .get_param("git.partial_commit_during_analysis")
- )
- for branch in self:
- path = branch.local_path
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- _logger.warning("Warning Folder %s not found: Analysis skipped.", path)
- else:
- _logger.info("Analyzing Source Code in %s ...", path)
- try:
- vals = branch.analyze_code_one()
- vals.update(
- {"last_analyze_date": datetime.today(), "state": "analyzed"}
- )
- # Mark the branch as analyzed
- branch.write(vals)
- if partial_commit:
- self._cr.commit() # pylint: disable=invalid-commit
- except Exception as e:
- _logger.warning(
- "Cannot analyze branch %s so skipping it, error " "is: %s",
- branch.name,
- e,
- )
- return True
- def _prepare_analysis_rule_model_info(self, analysis_rule_id):
- """Define model data info that override with other addons"""
- return "github.repository.branch.rule.info"
- def _delete_analysis_rule_model_info(self, analysis_rule_id):
- """Remove existing info data to create new records"""
- return (
- self.env[self._prepare_analysis_rule_model_info(analysis_rule_id)]
- .search(
- [
- ("analysis_rule_id", "=", analysis_rule_id.id),
- ("repository_branch_id", "=", self.id),
- ]
- )
- .sudo()
- .unlink()
- )
- def _prepare_analysis_rule_info_vals(self, analysis_rule_id):
- """Prepare info vals"""
- res = self._operation_analysis_rule_id(analysis_rule_id)
- return [
- {
- "analysis_rule_id": analysis_rule_id.id,
- "repository_branch_id": self.id,
- "code_count": res["code"],
- "documentation_count": res["documentation"],
- "empty_count": res["empty"],
- "string_count": res["string"],
- "scanned_files": len(res["paths"]),
- }
- ]
- def _operation_analysis_rule_id(self, analysis_rule_id):
- """This function allow to override with other addons that need
- to change this analysis
- """
- res = {
- "paths": [],
- "code": 0,
- "documentation": 0,
- "empty": 0,
- "string": 0,
- }
- for match in analysis_rule_id._get_matches(self.local_path):
- res_file = analysis_rule_id._analysis_file(self.local_path + "/" + match)
- res["paths"].append(res_file["path"])
- # define values
- for key in ("code", "documentation", "empty", "string"):
- res[key] += res_file[key]
- return res
- # Compute Section
- @api.depends("name", "repository_id.name")
- def _compute_complete_name(self):
- for branch in self:
- branch.complete_name = branch.repository_id.name + "/" + branch.name
- @api.depends("size")
- def _compute_mb_size(self):
- for branch in self:
- branch.mb_size = float(branch.size) / (1024 ** 2)
- @api.depends("organization_id", "name")
- def _compute_organization_serie_id(self):
- for branch in self:
- for serie in branch.organization_id.organization_serie_ids:
- if serie.name == branch.name:
- branch.organization_serie_id = serie
- @api.depends("complete_name")
- def _compute_local_path(self):
- source_path = self._get_source_path()
- if not source_path and not tools.config["test_enable"]:
- raise exceptions.Warning(
- _(
- "source_code_local_path should be defined in your "
- " configuration file"
- )
- )
- for branch in self:
- branch.local_path = os.path.join(
- source_path, branch.organization_id.github_login, branch.complete_name
- )
- @api.depends(
- "name",
- "repository_id.name",
- "organization_id.github_login",
- "organization_id.coverage_url_pattern",
- )
- def _compute_coverage(self):
- for branch in self:
- if not branch.organization_id.coverage_url_pattern:
- branch.coverage_url = ""
- else:
- # This is done because if not, black format the line in a wrong
- # way
- org_id = branch.organization_id
- branch.coverage_url = org_id.coverage_url_pattern.format(
- organization_name=org_id.github_login,
- repository_name=branch.repository_id.name,
- branch_name=branch.name,
- )
- @api.depends(
- "name",
- "repository_id.name",
- "organization_id.github_login",
- "organization_id.ci_url_pattern",
- )
- def _compute_ci(self):
- for branch in self:
- if not branch.organization_id.ci_url_pattern:
- branch.ci_url = ""
- continue
- branch.ci_url = branch.organization_id.ci_url_pattern.format(
- organization_name=branch.organization_id.github_login,
- repository_name=branch.repository_id.name,
- branch_name=branch.name,
- )
- @api.depends("name", "repository_id.complete_name")
- def _compute_github_url(self):
- for branch in self:
- branch.github_url = "https://github.com/{}/{}/tree/{}".format(
- branch.organization_id.github_login,
- branch.repository_id.name,
- branch.name,
- )
- class GithubRepositoryBranchRuleInfo(models.TransientModel):
- _inherit = "github.analysis.rule.info.mixin"
- _name = "github.repository.branch.rule.info"
- _description = " Github Repository Branch Rule Info"
- repository_branch_id = fields.Many2one(
- string="Repository Branch",
- comodel_name="github.repository.branch",
- ondelete="cascade",
- )