- # Copyright (C) 2016-Today: Odoo Community Association (OCA)
- # @author: Sylvain LE GAL (https://twitter.com/legalsylvain)
- # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
- import logging
- from odoo import api, fields, models
- _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- class GithubRepository(models.Model):
- _name = "github.repository"
- _inherit = ["abstract.github.model"]
- _order = "organization_id, name"
- _description = "Github Repository"
- _github_type = "repository"
- _github_login_field = "full_name"
- # Column Section
- organization_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name="github.organization",
- string="Organization",
- required=True,
- index=True,
- readonly=True,
- ondelete="cascade",
- )
- name = fields.Char(string="Name", index=True, required=True, readonly=True)
- complete_name = fields.Char(
- string="Complete Name",
- readonly=True,
- compute="_compute_complete_name",
- store=True,
- )
- description = fields.Char(string="Description", readonly=True)
- website = fields.Char(string="Website", readonly=True)
- repository_branch_ids = fields.One2many(
- comodel_name="github.repository.branch",
- inverse_name="repository_id",
- string="Branches",
- readonly=True,
- )
- repository_branch_qty = fields.Integer(
- string="Number of Branches",
- compute="_compute_repository_branch_qty",
- store=True,
- )
- team_ids = fields.One2many(
- string="Teams",
- comodel_name="github.team.repository",
- inverse_name="repository_id",
- readonly=True,
- )
- team_qty = fields.Integer(
- string="Number of Teams", compute="_compute_team_qty", store=True
- )
- is_ignored = fields.Boolean(
- string="Is Ignored",
- compute="_compute_ignore",
- # multi="ignore",
- help="If checked, the branches will not be synchronized, and the"
- " code source will this way not be downloaded and analyzed. To ignore"
- " a repository, go to the organization and add the file"
- " 'Ignored Repositories'.",
- )
- color = fields.Integer(
- string="Color Index",
- # multi="ignore",
- compute="_compute_ignore"
- )
- analysis_rule_ids = fields.Many2many(
- string="Analysis Rules", comodel_name="github.analysis.rule"
- )
- # Compute Section
- @api.depends("organization_id.ignored_repository_names")
- def _compute_ignore(self):
- for repository in self:
- ignored_txt = repository.organization_id.ignored_repository_names
- repository.is_ignored = (
- ignored_txt and repository.name in ignored_txt.split("\n")
- )
- repository.color = repository.is_ignored and 1 or 0
- @api.depends("team_ids")
- def _compute_team_qty(self):
- for repository in self:
- repository.team_qty = len(repository.team_ids)
- @api.depends("name", "organization_id.github_login")
- def _compute_complete_name(self):
- for repository in self:
- repository.complete_name = "%(login)s/%(rep_name)s" % (
- {
- "login": repository.organization_id.github_login,
- "rep_name": repository.name or "",
- }
- )
- @api.depends("repository_branch_ids.repository_id")
- def _compute_repository_branch_qty(self):
- for repository in self:
- repository.repository_branch_qty = len(repository.repository_branch_ids)
- # Overloadable Section
- @api.model
- def get_conversion_dict(self):
- res = super().get_conversion_dict()
- res.update(
- {
- "name": "name",
- "github_url": "url",
- "description": "description",
- "website": "homepage",
- }
- )
- return res
- @api.model
- def get_odoo_data_from_github(self, data):
- organization_obj = self.env["github.organization"]
- res = super().get_odoo_data_from_github(data)
- organization = organization_obj.get_from_id_or_create(data["owner"])
- res.update({"organization_id": organization.id})
- return res
- def get_github_data_from_odoo(self):
- self.ensure_one()
- return {
- "name": self.name,
- "description": self.description or "",
- "homepage": self.website,
- }
- def get_github_args_for_creation(self):
- self.ensure_one()
- return [self.organization_id.github_login]
- def full_update(self):
- self.button_sync_branch()
- @api.model
- def cron_update_branch_list(self):
- branches = self.search([])
- branches.button_sync_branch()
- return True
- def button_sync_branch(self):
- github_branch = self.get_github_connector("repository_branches")
- branch_obj = self.env["github.repository.branch"]
- for repository in self:
- branch_ids = []
- correct_series = repository.organization_id.organization_serie_ids.mapped(
- "name"
- )
- for data in github_branch.list([repository.github_login]):
- if repository.is_ignored:
- pass
- elif data["name"] in correct_series:
- # We don't use get_from_id_or_create because repository
- # branches does not have any ids. (very basic object in the
- # Github API)
- branch = branch_obj.create_or_update_from_name(
- repository.id, data["name"]
- )
- branch_ids.append(branch.id)
- else:
- _logger.warning(
- "the branch '%s'/'%s' has been ignored.",
- repository.name,
- data["name"],
- )
- repository.branch_ids = branch_ids
- def action_github_team_repository_from_repository(self):
- self.ensure_one()
- action = self.env.ref(
- "github_connector.action_github_team_repository_from_repository"
- ).read()[0]
- action["context"] = dict(self.env.context)
- action["context"].pop("group_by", None)
- action["context"]["search_default_repository_id"] = self.id
- return action
- def action_github_repository_branch(self):
- self.ensure_one()
- action = self.env.ref(
- "github_connector.action_github_repository_branch"
- ).read()[0]
- action["context"] = dict(self.env.context)
- action["context"].pop("group_by", None)
- action["context"]["search_default_repository_id"] = self.id
- return action