- # Copyright (C) 2016-Today: Odoo Community Association (OCA)
- # @author: Sylvain LE GAL (https://twitter.com/legalsylvain)
- # @author: Sébastien BEAU <sebastien.beau@akretion.com>
- # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
- import json
- import logging
- import requests
- from requests.auth import AuthBase, HTTPBasicAuth
- from odoo import _, exceptions
- _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- _BASE_URL = "https://api.github.com/"
- _GITHUB_URL = "https://github.com/"
- ("organization", "Organization"),
- ("repository", "Repository"),
- ("user", "User"),
- ]
- "organization": {"url_get_by_name": "orgs/%s"},
- "user": {"url_get_by_id": "user/%s", "url_get_by_name": "users/%s"},
- "repository": {
- "url_get_by_id": "repositories/%s",
- "url_get_by_name": "repos/%s",
- "url_create": "orgs/%s/repos",
- },
- "team": {"url_get_by_id": "teams/%s", "url_create": "orgs/%s/teams"},
- "organization_members": {"url_get_by_name": "orgs/%s/members"},
- "organization_repositories": {"url_get_by_name": "orgs/%s/repos"},
- "organization_teams": {"url_get_by_name": "orgs/%s/teams"},
- "team_members_member": {"url_get_by_name": "teams/%s/members?role=member"},
- "team_members_maintainer": {"url_get_by_name": "teams/%s/members?role=maintainer"},
- "team_repositories": {"url_get_by_name": "teams/%s/repos"},
- "repository_branches": {"url_get_by_name": "repos/%s/branches"},
- }
- _CODE_401 = 401
- _CODE_403 = 403
- _CODE_422 = 422
- _CODE_200 = 200
- _CODE_201 = 201
- class Github(object):
- def __init__(self, github_type, login, password, max_try, token=None):
- super().__init__()
- self.github_type = github_type
- self.max_try = max_try
- if token:
- self.auth = HTTPTokenAuth(token)
- else:
- self.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(login, password)
- def _build_url(self, arguments, url_type, page):
- arguments = arguments and arguments or {}
- url = _GITHUB_TYPE_URL[self.github_type][url_type]
- if self.github_type not in _GITHUB_TYPE_URL.keys():
- raise exceptions.Warning(_("'%s' is not implemented.") % self.github_type)
- complete_url = _BASE_URL + url % tuple(arguments)
- if page:
- complete_url += (
- "?" in complete_url and "&" or "?"
- ) + "per_page=%d&page=%d" % (_MAX_NUMBER_REQUEST, page)
- return complete_url
- def list(self, arguments):
- page = 1
- datas = []
- while True:
- pending_datas = self.get(arguments, False, page)
- datas += pending_datas
- if pending_datas == [] or len(pending_datas) < _MAX_NUMBER_REQUEST:
- break
- page += 1
- return datas
- def get_by_url(self, url, call_type, data=False):
- _logger.info("Calling %s" % url)
- for i in range(self.max_try):
- try:
- if call_type == "get":
- response = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth)
- break
- elif call_type == "post":
- json_data = json.dumps(data)
- response = requests.post(url, auth=self.auth, data=json_data)
- break
- except Exception as err:
- _logger.warning(
- "URL Call Error. %d/%d. URL: %s", i, self.max_try, err.__str__(),
- )
- else:
- raise exceptions.Warning(_("Maximum attempts reached."))
- if isinstance(self.auth, HTTPBasicAuth):
- auth_err_msg = _("login '%s'") % self.auth.login
- elif isinstance(self.auth, HTTPTokenAuth):
- auth_err_msg = _("provided token")
- if response.status_code == _CODE_401:
- raise exceptions.Warning(
- _(
- "401 - Unable to authenticate to Github with the %s.\n"
- "You should check your credentials in the Odoo"
- " configuration file."
- )
- % auth_err_msg
- )
- elif response.status_code == _CODE_403:
- raise exceptions.Warning(
- _(
- "Unable to realize the current operation. The %s"
- " does not have the correct access rights."
- )
- % auth_err_msg
- )
- elif response.status_code == _CODE_422:
- raise exceptions.Warning(
- _(
- "Unable to realize the current operation. Possible reasons:\n"
- " * You try to create a duplicated item\n"
- " * Some of the arguments are incorrect"
- )
- )
- elif response.status_code not in [_CODE_200, _CODE_201]:
- raise exceptions.Warning(
- _("The call to '%s' failed:\n" "- Status Code: %d\n" "- Reason: %s")
- % (response.url, response.status_code, response.reason)
- )
- return response.json()
- def get(self, arguments, by_id=False, page=None):
- url = self._build_url(
- arguments, by_id and "url_get_by_id" or "url_get_by_name", page
- )
- return self.get_by_url(url, "get")
- def create(self, arguments, data):
- # pylint: disable=method-required-super
- url = self._build_url(arguments, "url_create", None)
- res = self.get_by_url(url, "post", data)
- return res
- class HTTPTokenAuth(AuthBase):
- header_format_str = "token {}"
- def __init__(self, token):
- self.token = token
- def __call__(self, request):
- request.headers["Authorization"] = self.header_format_str.format(self.token)
- return request