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145 lines

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. {
  3. "name": "Web Theme - Backend",
  4. "author": "RStudio",
  5. "website": "",
  6. "sequence": 500,
  7. "installable": True,
  8. "application": True,
  9. "auto_install": False,
  10. "category": "Themes/Backend",
  11. "version": "",
  12. "summary": "Backend theme with sidebar",
  13. "description": """
  14. Web Client.
  15. ===========================
  16. This module modifies the web plug-in to provide the following functions:
  17. ---------------------------
  18. 1) Responsiveness
  19. 2) Sidebars
  20. 3) Supports more than four levels of menus
  21. 4) Scroll to top button
  22. 5) Support custom browser window title name
  23. """,
  24. "depends": ["web", "mail", "calendar", "portal", "spreadsheet"],
  25. "external_dependencies": {
  26. "python": [],
  27. },
  28. "data": [
  29. "security/ir.model.access.csv",
  30. "data/res_theme_data.xml",
  31. "data/res_company_data.xml",
  32. "views/webclient_templates.xml",
  33. "views/res_company_views.xml",
  34. "views/res_users_views.xml",
  35. "views/calendar_views.xml",
  36. ],
  37. "assets": {
  38. # -----------------------
  40. # 主约束
  41. # -----------------------
  42. # 这些是在常规XML模板中通过“t-call-assets”调用的捆绑包。
  43. # 命名捆绑包的约定如下:
  44. # 1)定义捆绑包的第一个模块的名称
  45. # 2)前缀“assets_”
  46. # 3)与捆绑包内容相关的任意名称。
  47. #
  48. # 例如:
  49. # > web.assets_common = 前端和后端客户端共用的资产。
  50. # > web_editor.assets_wysiwyg = 在“web_编辑器”模块中定义的组件所需的资产。
  51. # "web.assets_qweb": [
  52. # "oec_theme_backend/static/src/**/*.xml",
  53. # "oec_theme_backend/static/src/**/**/*.variables.scss",
  54. # ],
  55. "web.assets_common": [
  56. "oec_theme_backend/static/fonts/fonts.scss",
  57. "oec_theme_backend/static/fonts/password.scss",
  58. "oec_theme_backend/static/libs/bootstrap-icons/bootstrap-icons.css",
  59. ],
  60. "web.assets_backend": [
  61. # "oec_theme_backend/static/src/legacy/**/*.js",
  62. "oec_theme_backend/static/src/webclient/**/*",
  63. "oec_theme_backend/static/src/views/**/*",
  64. "oec_theme_backend/static/src/components/**/*",
  65. # CSS
  66. (
  67. "replace",
  68. "web/static/src/webclient/webclient_layout.scss",
  69. "oec_theme_backend/static/src/webclient/webclient_layout.scss",
  70. ),
  71. # js
  72. (
  73. "replace",
  74. "web/static/src/webclient/webclient.js",
  75. "oec_theme_backend/static/src/webclient/webclient.js",
  76. ),
  77. (
  78. "replace",
  79. "web/static/src/webclient/user_menu/user_menu_items.js",
  80. "oec_theme_backend/static/src/webclient/user_menu/user_menu_items.js",
  81. ),
  82. ],
  83. "web.assets_backend_legacy_lazy": [],
  84. "web.assets_frontend_minimal": [],
  85. "web.assets_frontend": [],
  86. "web.assets_frontend_lazy": [],
  87. "web.assets_backend_prod_only": [
  88. (
  89. "replace",
  90. "web/static/src/main.js",
  91. "oec_theme_backend/static/src/main.js",
  92. ),
  93. ],
  94. "web.pdf_js_lib": [],
  95. "web.report_assets_common": [],
  96. "web.report_assets_pdf": [],
  97. # -----------------------
  99. # 子约束
  100. # 这些捆绑包可以由主捆绑包使用,但不应直接从XML模板调用。
  101. # 它们的命名约定与主捆绑包的命名约定类似,只是添加了前缀下划线以反映“私有”方面。
  102. #
  103. # 示例:
  104. # > web._assets_helpers = 定义大多数主捆绑包中所需的资产
  105. # -----------------------
  106. "web._assets_primary_variables": [
  107. (
  108. "prepend",
  109. "oec_theme_backend/static/src/legacy/scss/primary_variables.scss",
  110. ),
  111. "oec_theme_backend/static/src/**/**/*.variables.scss",
  112. ],
  113. "web._assets_secondary_variables": [
  114. "oec_theme_backend/static/src/legacy/scss/secondary_variables.scss",
  115. ],
  116. "web._assets_helpers": [],
  117. "web._assets_bootstrap": [],
  118. "web._assets_backend_helpers": [],
  119. "web._assets_frontend_helpers": [],
  120. # 在web架构转换期间使用
  121. "web.frontend_legacy": [],
  122. # 锁屏样式
  123. "web.assets_lock": [
  124. "web/static/src/libs/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.css",
  125. "web/static/lib/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css",
  126. "web/static/lib/jquery/jquery.js",
  127. "web/static/lib/bootstrap/js/dist/dom/data.js",
  128. "web/static/lib/bootstrap/js/dist/dom/event-handler.js",
  129. "web/static/lib/bootstrap/js/dist/dom/manipulator.js",
  130. "web/static/lib/bootstrap/js/dist/dom/selector-engine.js",
  131. "web/static/lib/bootstrap/js/dist/base-component.js",
  132. "web/static/lib/bootstrap/js/dist/modal.js",
  133. "oec_theme_backend/static/libs/bootstrap-icons/bootstrap-icons.css",
  134. "oec_theme_backend/static/fonts/password.scss",
  135. "oec_theme_backend/static/src/lockclient/*",
  136. ],
  137. },
  138. "bootstrap": True, # 加载登录屏幕的翻译,
  139. "post_init_hook": "post_init_hook", # 安装后执行的方法
  140. "license": "AGPL-3",
  141. }
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