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664 lines

  1. from odoo import fields, models, api
  2. import datetime
  3. from odoo.exceptions import UserError
  4. from import float_compare, float_is_zero
  5. ISODATEFORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d'
  6. class SellDelivery(models.Model):
  7. _name = ''
  8. _inherits = {'wh.move': 'sell_move_id'}
  9. _inherit = ['mail.thread', 'barcodes.barcode_events_mixin', 'mail.activity.mixin']
  10. _description = '销售发货单'
  11. _order = 'date desc, id desc'
  12. @api.depends('line_out_ids.subtotal', 'discount_amount', 'partner_cost',
  13. 'receipt', 'partner_id', 'line_in_ids.subtotal')
  14. def _compute_all_amount(selfs):
  15. '''当优惠金额改变时,改变成交金额'''
  16. for self in selfs:
  17. total = 0
  18. if self.line_out_ids:
  19. # 发货时优惠前总金
  20. total = sum(line.subtotal for line in self.line_out_ids)
  21. elif self.line_in_ids:
  22. # 退货时优惠前总金额
  23. total = sum(line.subtotal for line in self.line_in_ids)
  24. self.amount = total - self.discount_amount
  25. @api.depends('is_return', 'invoice_id.reconciled', 'invoice_id.amount')
  26. def _get_sell_money_state(selfs):
  27. '''返回收款状态'''
  28. for self in selfs:
  29. if not self.is_return:
  30. if self.invoice_id.reconciled == 0:
  31. self.money_state = '未收款'
  32. elif self.invoice_id.reconciled < self.invoice_id.amount:
  33. self.money_state = '部分收款'
  34. elif self.invoice_id.reconciled == self.invoice_id.amount:
  35. self.money_state = '全部收款'
  36. # 返回退款状态
  37. if self.is_return:
  38. if self.invoice_id.reconciled == 0:
  39. self.return_state = '未退款'
  40. elif abs(self.invoice_id.reconciled) < abs(self.invoice_id.amount):
  41. self.return_state = '部分退款'
  42. elif self.invoice_id.reconciled == self.invoice_id.amount:
  43. self.return_state = '全部退款'
  44. currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', '外币币别', readonly=True,
  45. help='外币币别')
  46. sell_move_id = fields.Many2one('wh.move', '发货单', required=True,
  47. ondelete='cascade',
  48. help='发货单号')
  49. is_return = fields.Boolean('是否退货', default=lambda self:
  50. self.env.context.get('is_return'),
  51. help='是否为退货类型')
  52. order_id = fields.Many2one('sell.order', '订单号', copy=False,
  53. ondelete='cascade',
  54. help='产生发货单/退货单的销售订单')
  55. invoice_id = fields.Many2one('money.invoice', '发票号',
  56. copy=False, ondelete='set null',
  57. help='产生的发票号')
  58. date_due = fields.Date('到期日期', copy=False,
  59. default=lambda self: fields.Date.context_today(
  60. self),
  61. help='收款截止日期')
  62. discount_rate = fields.Float('优惠率(%)',
  63. help='整单优惠率')
  64. discount_amount = fields.Float('优惠金额',
  65. digits='Amount',
  66. help='整单优惠金额,可由优惠率自动计算得出,也可手动输入')
  67. amount = fields.Float('成交金额', compute=_compute_all_amount,
  68. store=True, readonly=True,
  69. digits='Amount',
  70. help='总金额减去优惠金额')
  71. partner_cost = fields.Float('客户承担费用',
  72. digits='Amount',
  73. help='客户承担费用')
  74. receipt = fields.Float('本次收款',
  75. digits='Amount',
  76. help='本次收款金额')
  77. bank_account_id = fields.Many2one('bank.account',
  78. '结算账户', ondelete='restrict',
  79. help='用来核算和监督企业与其他单位或个人之间的债权债务的结算情况')
  80. cost_line_ids = fields.One2many('cost.line', 'sell_id', '销售费用',
  81. copy=False,
  82. help='销售费用明细行')
  83. money_state = fields.Char('收款状态', compute=_get_sell_money_state,
  84. store=True, default='未收款',
  85. help="销售发货单的收款状态", index=True, copy=False)
  86. return_state = fields.Char('退款状态', compute=_get_sell_money_state,
  87. store=True, default='未退款',
  88. help="销售退货单的退款状态", index=True, copy=False)
  89. contact = fields.Char('联系人',
  90. help='客户方的联系人')
  91. address_id = fields.Many2one('partner.address', '联系人地址',
  92. domain="[('partner_id','=',partner_id)]",
  93. help='联系地址')
  94. mobile = fields.Char('手机',
  95. help='联系手机')
  96. origin_id = fields.Many2one('', '来源单据')
  97. voucher_id = fields.Many2one('voucher', '出库凭证', readonly=True,
  98. help='发货时产生的出库凭证')
  99. money_order_id = fields.Many2one(
  100. 'money.order',
  101. '收款单',
  102. readonly=True,
  103. copy=False,
  104. help='输入本次收款确认时产生的收款单')
  105. def set_today(self):
  106. =
  107. @api.onchange('address_id')
  108. def onchange_address_id(self):
  109. ''' 选择地址填充 联系人、电话 '''
  110. if self.address_id:
  111. =
  112. =
  113. @api.onchange('partner_id')
  114. def onchange_partner_id(self):
  115. '''选择客户带出其默认地址信息'''
  116. if self.partner_id:
  117. =
  118. =
  119. for child in self.partner_id.child_ids:
  120. if child.is_default_add:
  121. self.address_id =
  122. if self.partner_id.child_ids and not any([child.is_default_add for child in self.partner_id.child_ids]):
  123. partners_add = self.env['partner.address'].search(
  124. [('partner_id', '=',], order='id')
  125. self.address_id = partners_add[0].id
  126. for line in self.line_out_ids:
  127. line.tax_rate = line.goods_id.get_tax_rate(line.goods_id, self.partner_id, 'sell')
  128. address_list = [
  129. for child_list in self.partner_id.child_ids]
  130. if address_list:
  131. return {'domain': {'address_id': [('id', 'in', address_list)]}}
  132. else:
  133. self.address_id = False
  134. @api.onchange('discount_rate', 'line_in_ids', 'line_out_ids')
  135. def onchange_discount_rate(self):
  136. '''当优惠率或订单行发生变化时,单据优惠金额发生变化'''
  137. total = 0
  138. if self.line_out_ids:
  139. # 发货时优惠前总金额
  140. total = sum(line.subtotal for line in self.line_out_ids)
  141. elif self.line_in_ids:
  142. # 退货时优惠前总金额
  143. total = sum(line.subtotal for line in self.line_in_ids)
  144. if self.discount_rate:
  145. self.discount_amount = total * self.discount_rate * 0.01
  146. def get_move_origin(self, vals):
  147. return self._name + (self.env.context.get('is_return') and '.return'
  148. or '.sell')
  149. @api.model
  150. def create(self, vals):
  151. '''创建销售发货单时生成有序编号'''
  152. if not self.env.context.get('is_return'):
  153. name = self._name
  154. else:
  155. name = 'sell.return'
  156. if vals.get('name', '/') == '/':
  157. vals['name'] = self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code(name) or '/'
  158. vals.update({
  159. 'origin': self.get_move_origin(vals),
  160. 'finance_category_id': self.env.ref('finance.categ_sell_goods').id,
  161. })
  162. return super(SellDelivery, self).create(vals)
  163. def unlink(self):
  164. for delivery in self:
  165. delivery.sell_move_id.unlink()
  166. def goods_inventory(self, vals):
  167. """
  168. 审核时若仓库中商品不足,则产生补货向导生成其他入库单并审核。
  169. :param vals: 创建其他入库单需要的字段及取值信息构成的字典
  170. :return:
  171. """
  172. auto_in = self.env[''].create(vals)
  173. line_ids = [ for line in auto_in.line_in_ids]
  174. self.with_context({'wh_in_line_ids': line_ids}).sell_delivery_done()
  175. return True
  176. def _wrong_delivery_done(self):
  177. self.ensure_one()
  178. '''审核时不合法的给出报错'''
  179. if self.state == 'done':
  180. raise UserError('请不要重复发货')
  181. for line in self.line_in_ids:
  182. if line.goods_qty <= 0 or line.price_taxed < 0:
  183. raise UserError('商品 %s 的数量和商品含税单价不能小于0!' %
  184. if not self.bank_account_id and self.receipt:
  185. raise UserError('收款额不为空时,请选择结算账户!')
  186. decimal_amount = self.env.ref('core.decimal_amount')
  187. if float_compare(self.receipt, self.amount + self.partner_cost, precision_digits=decimal_amount.digits) == 1:
  188. raise UserError('本次收款金额不能大于成交金额!\n本次收款金额:%s 成交金额:%s' %
  189. (self.receipt, self.amount + self.partner_cost))
  190. # TODO:客户有自己的发货时检查信用额度的逻辑,这里暂时去掉gooderp原生的检查
  191. return
  192. # 发库单/退货单 计算客户的 本次发货金额+客户应收余额 是否小于客户信用额度, 否则报错
  193. if not self.is_return:
  194. amount = self.amount + self.partner_cost
  195. if self.partner_id.credit_limit != 0:
  196. if float_compare(amount - self.receipt + self.partner_id.receivable, self.partner_id.credit_limit,
  197. precision_digits=decimal_amount.digits) == 1:
  198. raise UserError('本次发货金额 + 客户应收余额 - 本次收款金额 不能大于客户信用额度!\n\
  199. 本次发货金额:%s\n 客户应收余额:%s\n 本次收款金额:%s\n客户信用额度:%s' % (
  200. amount, self.partner_id.receivable, self.receipt, self.partner_id.credit_limit))
  201. def _line_qty_write(self):
  202. if self.order_id:
  203. for line in self.line_in_ids:
  204. if self.order_id.type == 'return':
  205. line.sell_line_id.quantity_out += line.goods_qty
  206. else:
  207. line.sell_line_id.quantity_out -= line.goods_qty
  208. for line in self.line_out_ids:
  209. decimal_quantity = self.env.ref('core.decimal_quantity')
  210. if float_compare(
  211. line.sell_line_id.quantity_out + line.goods_qty,
  212. line.sell_line_id.quantity,
  213. decimal_quantity.digits) == 1:
  214. if not line.goods_id.excess:
  215. raise UserError('%s发货数量大于订单数量' %
  216. line.sell_line_id.write({'quantity_out':line.sell_line_id.quantity_out + line.goods_qty})
  217. return
  218. def _get_invoice_vals(self, partner_id, category_id, date, amount, tax_amount):
  219. '''返回创建 money_invoice 时所需数据'''
  220. return {
  221. 'move_id':,
  222. 'name':,
  223. 'partner_id':,
  224. 'pay_method':,
  225. 'category_id':,
  226. 'date': date,
  227. 'amount': amount,
  228. 'reconciled': 0,
  229. 'to_reconcile': amount,
  230. 'tax_amount': tax_amount,
  231. 'date_due': self.date_due,
  232. 'state': 'draft',
  233. 'currency_id':,
  234. }
  235. def _delivery_make_invoice(self):
  236. '''发货单/退货单 生成结算单'''
  237. if not self.is_return:
  238. amount = self.amount + self.partner_cost
  239. tax_amount = sum(line.tax_amount for line in self.line_out_ids)
  240. else:
  241. amount = -(self.amount + self.partner_cost)
  242. tax_amount = - sum(line.tax_amount for line in self.line_in_ids)
  243. category = self.env.ref('money.core_category_sale')
  244. invoice_id = False
  245. if not float_is_zero(amount, 2):
  246. invoice_id = self.env['money.invoice'].create(
  247. self._get_invoice_vals(
  248. self.partner_id, category,, amount, tax_amount)
  249. )
  250. return invoice_id
  251. def _sell_amount_to_invoice(self):
  252. '''销售费用产生结算单'''
  253. invoice_id = False
  254. if sum(cost_line.amount for cost_line in self.cost_line_ids) > 0:
  255. for line in self.cost_line_ids:
  256. if not float_is_zero(line.amount, 2):
  257. invoice_id = self.env['money.invoice'].create(
  258. self._get_invoice_vals(
  259. line.partner_id, line.category_id,, line.amount +,
  260. )
  261. return invoice_id
  262. def _make_money_order(self, invoice_id, amount, this_reconcile):
  263. '''生成收款单'''
  264. categ = self.env.ref('money.core_category_sale')
  265. money_lines = [{
  266. 'bank_id':,
  267. 'amount': this_reconcile,
  268. }]
  269. source_lines = [{
  270. 'name': invoice_id and,
  271. 'category_id':,
  272. 'date': invoice_id and,
  273. 'amount': amount,
  274. 'reconciled': 0.0,
  275. 'to_reconcile': amount,
  276. 'this_reconcile': this_reconcile,
  277. }]
  278. rec = self.with_context(type='get')
  279. money_order = rec.env['money.order'].create({
  280. 'partner_id':,
  281. 'date':,
  282. 'line_ids': [(0, 0, line) for line in money_lines],
  283. 'source_ids': [(0, 0, line) for line in source_lines] if invoice_id.state == 'done' else False,
  284. 'amount': amount,
  285. 'reconciled': this_reconcile,
  286. 'to_reconcile': amount,
  287. 'state': 'draft',
  288. 'origin_name':,
  289. 'sell_id':,
  290. })
  291. return money_order
  292. def _create_voucher_line(self, account_id, debit, credit, voucher, goods_id, goods_qty):
  293. """
  294. 创建凭证明细行
  295. :param account_id: 科目
  296. :param debit: 借方
  297. :param credit: 贷方
  298. :param voucher: 凭证
  299. :param goods_id: 商品
  300. :return:
  301. """
  302. voucher_line = self.env['voucher.line'].create({
  303. 'name': '%s ' % (,
  304. 'account_id': account_id and,
  305. 'partner_id': not goods_id and,
  306. 'debit': debit,
  307. 'credit': credit,
  308. 'voucher_id': voucher and,
  309. 'goods_qty': goods_qty,
  310. 'goods_id': goods_id and,
  311. })
  312. return voucher_line
  313. def create_voucher(self):
  314. '''
  315. 销售发货单、退货单审核时生成会计凭证
  316. 借:主营业务成本(核算分类上会计科目)
  317. 贷:库存商品(商品分类上会计科目)
  318. 当一张发货单有多个商品的时候,按对应科目汇总生成多个贷方凭证行。
  319. 退货单生成的金额为负
  320. '''
  321. self.ensure_one()
  322. voucher = self.env['voucher'].create({'date':, 'ref': '%s,%s' % (self._name,})
  323. sum_amount = 0
  324. line_ids = self.is_return and self.line_in_ids or self.line_out_ids
  325. for line in line_ids: # 发货单/退货单明细
  326. cost = self.is_return and -line.cost or line.cost
  327. if not cost:
  328. continue # 缺货审核发货单时不产生出库凭证
  329. else: # 贷方明细
  330. sum_amount += cost
  331. self._create_voucher_line(line.goods_id.category_id.account_id,
  332. 0, cost, voucher, line.goods_id, line.goods_qty)
  333. if sum_amount: # 借方明细
  334. self._create_voucher_line(self.sell_move_id.finance_category_id.account_id,
  335. sum_amount, 0, voucher, False, 0)
  336. if len(voucher.line_ids) > 0:
  337. voucher.voucher_done()
  338. return voucher
  339. else:
  340. voucher.unlink()
  341. def auto_reconcile_sell_order(self):
  342. ''' 预收款与结算单自动核销 '''
  343. self.ensure_one()
  344. all_delivery_amount = 0
  345. for delivery in self.order_id.delivery_ids:
  346. all_delivery_amount += delivery.amount
  347. if (self.order_id.received_amount and self.order_id.received_amount == all_delivery_amount and
  348. not self.env.user.company_id.draft_invoice): #根据发票确认应收应付勾选时不自动核销
  349. adv_pay_result = []
  350. receive_source_result = []
  351. # 预收款
  352. adv_pay_orders = self.env['money.order'].search([('partner_id', '=',,
  353. ('type', '=', 'get'),
  354. ('state', '=', 'done'),
  355. ('to_reconcile',
  356. '!=', 0),
  357. ('sell_id', '=',])
  358. for order in adv_pay_orders:
  359. adv_pay_result.append((0, 0, {'name':,
  360. 'amount': order.amount,
  361. 'date':,
  362. 'reconciled': order.reconciled,
  363. 'to_reconcile': order.to_reconcile,
  364. 'this_reconcile': order.to_reconcile,
  365. }))
  366. # 结算单
  367. receive_source_name = [
  368. for delivery in self.order_id.delivery_ids]
  369. receive_source_orders = self.env['money.invoice'].search([('category_id.type', '=', 'income'),
  370. ('partner_id', '=',
  372. ('to_reconcile',
  373. '!=', 0),
  374. ('name', 'in', receive_source_name)])
  375. for invoice in receive_source_orders:
  376. receive_source_result.append((0, 0, {
  377. 'name':,
  378. 'category_id':,
  379. 'amount': invoice.amount,
  380. 'date':,
  381. 'reconciled': invoice.reconciled,
  382. 'to_reconcile': invoice.to_reconcile,
  383. 'date_due': invoice.date_due,
  384. 'this_reconcile': invoice.to_reconcile,
  385. }))
  386. # 创建核销单
  387. reconcile_order = self.env['reconcile.order'].create({
  388. 'partner_id':,
  389. 'business_type': 'adv_pay_to_get',
  390. 'advance_payment_ids': adv_pay_result,
  391. 'receivable_source_ids': receive_source_result,
  392. 'note': '自动核销',
  393. })
  394. reconcile_order.reconcile_order_done() # 自动审核
  395. def sell_delivery_done(self):
  396. '''审核销售发货单/退货单,更新本单的收款状态/退款状态,并生成结算单和收款单'''
  397. for record in self:
  398. record._wrong_delivery_done()
  399. # 库存不足 生成零的
  400. if self.env.user.company_id.is_enable_negative_stock:
  401. result_vals = self.env['wh.move'].create_zero_wh_in(
  402. record, record._name)
  403. if result_vals:
  404. return result_vals
  405. # 调用wh.move中审核方法,更新审核人和审核状态
  406. record.sell_move_id.approve_order()
  407. # 将发货/退货数量写入销售订单行
  408. if record.order_id:
  409. record._line_qty_write()
  410. voucher = False
  411. # 创建出库的会计凭证,生成盘盈的入库单的不产生出库凭证
  412. if not self.env.user.company_id.endmonth_generation_cost:
  413. voucher = record.create_voucher()
  414. # 发货单/退货单 生成结算单
  415. invoice_id = record._delivery_make_invoice()
  416. # 销售费用产生结算单
  417. record._sell_amount_to_invoice()
  418. # 生成收款单,并审核
  419. money_order = False
  420. if record.receipt:
  421. flag = not record.is_return and 1 or -1
  422. amount = flag * (record.amount + record.partner_cost)
  423. this_reconcile = flag * record.receipt
  424. money_order = record._make_money_order(
  425. invoice_id, amount, this_reconcile)
  426. money_order.money_order_done()
  427. record.write({
  428. 'voucher_id': voucher and,
  429. 'invoice_id': invoice_id and,
  430. 'money_order_id': money_order and,
  431. 'state': 'done', # 为保证审批流程顺畅,否则,未审批就可审核
  432. })
  433. # 先收款后发货订单自动核销
  434. self.auto_reconcile_sell_order()
  435. if record.order_id:
  436. # 如果已退货也已退款,不生成新的分单
  437. if record.is_return and record.receipt:
  438. return True
  439. #产生新的销售发货单时,如果已经存在草稿的销售发货单时,先将已经存在的草稿发货单进行删除
  440. self.env[''].search(['&',('state', '=', 'draft'),'&',('order_id','=',,('is_return', '=', False)]).unlink()
  441. return record.order_id.sell_generate_delivery()
  442. def sell_delivery_draft(self):
  443. '''反审核销售发货单/退货单,更新本单的收款状态/退款状态,并删除生成的结算单、收款单及凭证'''
  444. self.ensure_one()
  445. if self.state == 'draft':
  446. raise UserError('请不要重复撤销 %s' % self._description)
  447. # 查找产生的结算单(除了开给客户的发票还有可能是采购费用发票)
  448. invoice_ids = self.env['money.invoice'].search([('name', '=',])
  449. for invoice in invoice_ids:
  450. # 不能反审核已核销的发货单
  451. if invoice.reconciled != 0:
  452. raise UserError('发票已核销,不能撤销发货!')
  453. if invoice.state == 'done':
  454. if
  455. raise UserError('发票已开不可撤销发货')
  456. invoice.money_invoice_draft()
  457. invoice.unlink()
  458. # 删除产生的出库凭证
  459. voucher = self.voucher_id
  460. if voucher and voucher.state == 'done':
  461. voucher.voucher_draft()
  462. voucher.unlink()
  463. self.write({
  464. 'state': 'draft',
  465. })
  466. # 将原始订单中已执行数量清零
  467. if self.order_id:
  468. for line in self.line_out_ids:
  469. line.sell_line_id.quantity_out -= line.goods_qty
  470. for line in self.line_in_ids:
  471. if self.order_id.type == 'return':
  472. line.sell_line_id.quantity_out -= line.goods_qty
  473. else:
  474. line.sell_line_id.quantity_out += line.goods_qty
  475. # 调用wh.move中反审核方法,更新审核人和审核状态
  476. self.sell_move_id.cancel_approved_order()
  477. return True
  478. def sell_to_return(self):
  479. '''销售发货单转化为销售退货单'''
  480. return_goods = {}
  481. return_order_draft =[
  482. ('is_return', '=', True),
  483. ('origin_id', '=',,
  484. ('state', '=', 'draft')
  485. ])
  486. if return_order_draft:
  487. raise UserError('销售发货单存在草稿状态的退货单!')
  488. return_order =[
  489. ('is_return', '=', True),
  490. ('origin_id', '=',,
  491. ('state', '=', 'done')
  492. ])
  493. for order in return_order:
  494. for return_line in order.line_in_ids:
  495. # 用产品、属性、批次做key记录已退货数量
  496. t_key = (,
  497., return_line.lot)
  498. if return_goods.get(t_key):
  499. return_goods[t_key] += return_line.goods_qty
  500. else:
  501. return_goods[t_key] = return_line.goods_qty
  502. receipt_line = []
  503. for line in self.line_out_ids:
  504. qty = line.goods_qty
  505. l_key = (,, line.lot_id.lot)
  506. if return_goods.get(l_key):
  507. qty = qty - return_goods[l_key]
  508. if qty > 0:
  509. dic = {
  510. 'goods_id':,
  511. 'attribute_id':,
  512. 'uom_id':,
  513. 'warehouse_id':,
  514. 'warehouse_dest_id':,
  515. 'goods_qty': qty,
  516. 'sell_line_id':,
  517. 'price_taxed': line.price_taxed,
  518. 'price': line.price,
  519. 'tax_rate':line.tax_rate,
  520. 'cost_unit': line.cost_unit,
  521. 'cost': line.cost,#退货取不到成本
  522. 'discount_rate': line.discount_rate,
  523. 'discount_amount': line.discount_amount,
  524. 'type': 'in',
  525. }
  526. if line.goods_id.using_batch:
  527. dic.update({'lot': line.lot_id.lot})
  528. receipt_line.append(dic)
  529. if len(receipt_line) == 0:
  530. raise UserError('该订单已全部退货!')
  531. vals = {'partner_id':,
  532. 'is_return': True,
  533. 'order_id':,
  534. 'user_id':,
  535. 'origin_id':,
  536. 'origin': '',
  537. 'warehouse_dest_id':,
  538. 'warehouse_id':,
  539. 'bank_account_id':,
  540. 'date_due': (,
  541. 'date': (,
  542. 'line_in_ids': [(0, 0, line) for line in receipt_line],
  543. 'discount_amount': self.discount_amount,
  544. }
  545. delivery_return = self.with_context(is_return=True).create(vals)
  546. view_id = self.env.ref('sell.sell_return_form').id
  547. name = '销售退货单'
  548. return {
  549. 'name': name,
  550. 'view_mode': 'form',
  551. 'view_id': False,
  552. 'views': [(view_id, 'form')],
  553. 'res_model': '',
  554. 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
  555. 'res_id':,
  556. 'target': 'current'
  557. }
  558. class WhMoveLine(models.Model):
  559. _inherit = 'wh.move.line'
  560. sell_line_id = fields.Many2one('sell.order.line', '销售单行',
  561. ondelete='cascade',
  562. help='对应的销售订单行')
  563. @api.onchange('warehouse_id', 'goods_id')
  564. def onchange_warehouse_id(self):
  565. '''当订单行的仓库变化时,带出定价策略中的折扣率'''
  566. if self.warehouse_id and self.goods_id:
  567. partner_id = self.env.context.get('default_partner')
  568. partner = self.env['partner'].browse(
  569. partner_id) or self.move_id.partner_id
  570. warehouse = self.warehouse_id
  571. goods = self.goods_id
  572. date = self.env.context.get('default_date') or
  573. if self.env.context.get('warehouse_type') == 'customer' or \
  574. self.env.context.get('warehouse_dest_type') == 'customer':
  575. pricing = self.env['pricing'].get_pricing_id(
  576. partner, warehouse, goods, date)
  577. if pricing:
  578. self.discount_rate = pricing.discount_rate
  579. else:
  580. self.discount_rate = 0
  581. def _delivery_get_price_and_tax(self):
  582. self.tax_rate = self.env.user.company_id.output_tax_rate
  583. self.price_taxed = self.goods_id.price
  584. if self.env.context.get('order_id'):
  585. line = self.env['sell.order.line'].search([
  586. ('order_id', '=', self.env.context.get('order_id')),
  587. ('goods_id', '=',
  588. ], limit=1)
  589. if line:
  590. self.sell_line_id =
  591. self.uos_id =
  592. self.uom_id =
  593. self.price = line.price
  594. self.price_taxed = line.price_taxed
  595. self.discount_rate = line.discount_rate
  596. self.tax_rate = line.tax_rate
  597. self.plan_date = line.order_id.delivery_date
  598. else:
  599. raise UserError('无此商品的订单行')
  600. @api.onchange('goods_id')
  601. def onchange_goods_id(self):
  602. '''当订单行的商品变化时,带出商品上的零售价,以及公司的销项税'''
  603. self.ensure_one()
  604. is_return = self.env.context.get('default_is_return')
  605. if self.goods_id:
  606. # 如果是销售发货单行 或 销售退货单行
  607. if is_return is not None and \
  608. ((self.type == 'out' and not is_return) or (self.type == 'in' and is_return)):
  609. self._delivery_get_price_and_tax()
  610. return super(WhMoveLine, self).onchange_goods_id()
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