- from odoo import models, fields, api
- from datetime import datetime
- import pytz
- from lxml import etree
- class NonActiveReport(models.TransientModel):
- _name = 'non.active.report'
- _description = '库龄报表'
- warehouse_id = fields.Many2one('warehouse', string='仓库')
- goods_id = fields.Many2one('goods', string='商品')
- attribute_id = fields.Many2one('attribute', string='属性')
- first_stage_day_qty = fields.Float(string='第一阶段数量')
- second_stage_day_qty = fields.Float(string='第二阶段数量')
- third_stage_day_qty = fields.Float(string='第三阶段数量')
- four_stage_day_qty = fields.Float(string='第四阶段数量')
- subtotal = fields.Float('合计')
- latest_move_date = fields.Datetime('最后发货日期')
- latest_move_qty = fields.Float('最后发货数量')
- @api.model
- def get_view(self, view_id=None, view_type='form', **options):
- """
- 继承系统自带的 视图构造方法 fields_view_get 实现动态的修改 呆滞报表的表头 string动态
- :param view_id:
- :param toolbar:
- :param submenu:
- :return:
- """
- res = super().get_view(view_id, view_type, **options)
- if self._context.get('first_stage_day'):
- now_date = datetime.strftime(
- datetime.now(pytz.timezone("UTC")), '%Y-%m-%d')
- doc = etree.XML(res['arch'])
- for node in doc.xpath("//field[@name='first_stage_day_qty']"):
- node.set('string', u"0~%s天" %
- (self._context.get('first_stage_day')))
- for node in doc.xpath("//field[@name='second_stage_day_qty']"):
- node.set('string',
- u"%s天~%s天" % (self._context.get('first_stage_day'), self._context.get('second_stage_day')))
- for node in doc.xpath("//field[@name='third_stage_day_qty']"):
- node.set('string',
- u"%s天~%s天" % (self._context.get('second_stage_day'), self._context.get('third_stage_day')))
- for node in doc.xpath("//field[@name='four_stage_day_qty']"):
- node.set('string', u"大于%s天" %
- (self._context.get('third_stage_day')))
- res['arch'] = etree.tostring(doc)
- return res
- class NonActiveReportWizard(models.TransientModel):
- _name = 'non.active.report.wizard'
- _description = '库龄报表向导'
- warehouse_id = fields.Many2one('warehouse', string='仓库')
- first_stage_day = fields.Integer(string='第一阶段天数', required=True)
- second_stage_day = fields.Integer(string='第二阶段天数', required=True)
- third_stage_day = fields.Integer(string='第三阶段天数', required=True)
- company_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'res.company',
- string='公司',
- change_default=True,
- default=lambda self: self.env.company)
- def get_warehouse_goods_stage_data(self, warehouse_id, first_stage_day, second_stage_day, third_stage_day):
- """
- 用sql 找到 系统 在所输入的时间阶段的对应的商品的 数量
- :param warehouse_id: 仓库id
- :param first_stage_day: 第一阶段天数
- :param second_stage_day:第一阶段天数
- :param third_stage_day: 第三阶段天数
- :return: 返回list dict
- """
- if warehouse_id:
- wahouse_id_sql = "AND wh_dest.id =%s" % (warehouse_id.id)
- else:
- wahouse_id_sql = "AND 1=1"
- now_date = datetime.strftime(
- datetime.now(pytz.timezone("UTC")), '%Y-%m-%d')
- vals = {'now_date': now_date, 'first_stage_day': first_stage_day, 'wahouse_id_sql': wahouse_id_sql,
- 'second_stage_day': second_stage_day, 'third_stage_day': third_stage_day}
- self.env.cr.execute('''
- select
- stage_goods_date.warehouse_dest_id as warehouse_id,
- stage_goods_date.goods_id as goods_id,
- stage_goods_date.attribute_id as attribute_id,
- NULL as latest_move_date,
- NULL as latest_move_qty,
- COALESCE(sum(stage_goods_date.first_stage),0) as first_stage_day_qty,
- COALESCE(sum(stage_goods_date.second_stage),0) as second_stage_day_qty,
- COALESCE(sum(stage_goods_date.third_stage),0) as third_stage_day_qty,
- COALESCE(sum(stage_goods_date.four_stage),0) as four_stage_day_qty,
- sum(stage_goods_date.subtotal) as subtotal
- from (select
- when ('%(now_date)s' -line.date<=%(first_stage_day)d) then
- sum(line.qty_remaining)
- end as first_stage,
- when ('%(now_date)s'-line.date>%(first_stage_day)d and '%(now_date)s' -line.date<=%(second_stage_day)d) then
- sum(line.qty_remaining)
- end as second_stage,
- when ('%(now_date)s' -line.date>%(second_stage_day)d AND '%(now_date)s'-line.date<=%(third_stage_day)d) then
- sum(line.qty_remaining)
- end as third_stage,
- when ('%(now_date)s'-line.date > %(third_stage_day)d) then
- sum(line.qty_remaining)
- end as four_stage,
- line.goods_id as goods_id,
- line.attribute_id as attribute_id,
- line.warehouse_dest_id as warehouse_dest_id,
- sum(line.qty_remaining) as subtotal
- FROM wh_move_line line
- LEFT JOIN warehouse wh_dest ON line.warehouse_dest_id = wh_dest.id
- LEFT JOIN warehouse wh ON line.warehouse_id = wh.id
- where line.state = 'done'
- %(wahouse_id_sql)s
- AND wh_dest.type='stock'
- GROUP BY line.warehouse_dest_id,line.goods_id,line.attribute_id,line.date) as stage_goods_date
- GROUP BY stage_goods_date.warehouse_dest_id,stage_goods_date.goods_id,stage_goods_date.attribute_id
- ''' % vals)
- return self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
- def open_non_active_report(self):
- """
- :return:
- 返回生成好的 库龄报表 记录的list视图返回,让用户可以直接看到结果
- """
- data_vals_list = self.get_warehouse_goods_stage_data(self.warehouse_id, self.first_stage_day,
- self.second_stage_day, self.third_stage_day)
- non_active_id_list = []
- for vals in data_vals_list:
- if vals.get('subtotal', 0) != 0:
- # 更新最后发货日期和最后发货数量
- latest_move_line = self.env['wh.move.line'].search([
- ('state', '=', 'done'),
- ('goods_id', '=', vals.get('goods_id')),
- ('attribute_id', '=', vals.get('attribute_id')),
- ('warehouse_id.type', '=', 'stock'),
- ('warehouse_dest_id.type', '=', 'customer')], order='write_date DESC', limit=1)
- if latest_move_line:
- vals['latest_move_date'] = latest_move_line.write_date
- vals['latest_move_qty'] = latest_move_line.goods_qty
- active_row = self.env['non.active.report'].create(vals)
- non_active_id_list.append(active_row.id)
- view = self.env.ref('warehouse.non_active_report_list')
- return {
- 'name': '库龄报表',
- 'view_mode': 'list',
- 'views': [(view.id, 'list')],
- 'res_model': 'non.active.report',
- 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
- 'target': 'main',
- 'domain': [('id', 'in', non_active_id_list)],
- 'limit': 65535,
- 'context': {'first_stage_day': self.first_stage_day,
- 'second_stage_day': self.second_stage_day, 'third_stage_day': self.third_stage_day}
- }