- from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase
- from odoo.exceptions import UserError
- class TestLocation(TransactionCase):
- def setUp(self):
- ''' 准备基本数据 '''
- super(TestLocation, self).setUp()
- self.location = self.env.ref('warehouse.a001_location')
- def test_change_location(self):
- ''' 测试商品库位转移 按钮 '''
- self.assertEqual(self.location.current_qty, 0)
- self.location.change_location()
- class TestChangeLocation(TransactionCase):
- def setUp(self):
- ''' 准备基本数据 '''
- super(TestChangeLocation, self).setUp()
- self.location = self.env.ref('warehouse.a001_location')
- self.others_wh_in = self.env.ref('warehouse.wh_in_whin0')
- self.env.ref(
- 'warehouse.wh_move_line_14').location_id = self.location.id
- # 填充库位数量
- self.others_wh_in.approve_order()
- # location: a0001; goods: cable; qty: 12000
- self.location_b001 = self.env.ref('warehouse.b001_location')
- self.change_loc = self.env['change.location'].create({
- 'from_location': self.location.id,
- 'to_location': self.location_b001.id,
- 'change_qty': 1,
- })
- ''' odoo13 必须在这里read一下后面sql才能取到数据 '''
- for l in self.env['wh.move.line'].search([]):
- l.read()
- def test_confirm_change(self):
- ''' 测试商品库位转移 '''
- self.location_b001.goods_id = self.env.ref('goods.cable').id
- self.change_loc.confirm_change()
- ''' odoo13 必须在这里read一下后面sql才能取到数据 '''
- for l in self.env['wh.move.line'].search([]):
- l.read()
- #self.assertEqual(self.location.current_qty, 11999)
- self.assertEqual(self.location_b001.current_qty, 1)
- # 报错:请检查转出库位与转入库位的产品、产品属性是否都相同!
- self.location_b001.goods_id = self.env.ref('goods.mouse').id
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- self.change_loc.confirm_change()
- # 报错:转出数量不能小于零
- self.change_loc.change_qty = -1
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- self.change_loc.confirm_change()
- # 报错:转出数量不能等于零
- self.change_loc.change_qty = 0.0
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- self.change_loc.confirm_change()
- # 报错:转出库位 与转入库位不能相同
- self.change_loc.change_qty = 1
- self.change_loc.to_location = self.location.id
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- self.change_loc.confirm_change()
- # 报错:转出数量不能大于库位现有数量
- self.change_loc.change_qty = 12000
- self.change_loc.to_location = self.location_b001.id
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- self.change_loc.confirm_change()
- def test_wh_move_approve_order(self):
- '''每次移库完成,清空库位上商品数量为0的商品和属性'''
- # 从库位a001到库位b001转存12000
- self.change_loc.change_qty = 12000
- self.change_loc.confirm_change()