- from odoo import tools
- from odoo import models, fields
- class ReportStockBalance(models.Model):
- _name = 'report.stock.balance'
- _description = '库存余额表'
- _auto = False
- goods = fields.Char('商品名')
- goods_id = fields.Many2one('goods', '商品')
- code = fields.Char('编码', related='goods_id.code')
- brand_id = fields.Many2one('core.value', '品牌')
- location = fields.Char('库位')
- uom = fields.Char('单位')
- uos = fields.Char('辅助单位')
- lot = fields.Char('批号')
- expiration_date = fields.Date('过保日')
- attribute_id = fields.Char('属性')
- warehouse = fields.Char('仓库')
- goods_qty = fields.Float('数量', digits='Quantity')
- goods_uos_qty = fields.Float(
- '辅助单位数量', digits='Quantity')
- cost = fields.Float('成本', digits='Price')
- def init(self):
- cr = self._cr
- tools.drop_view_if_exists(cr, 'report_stock_balance')
- cr.execute(
- """
- create or replace view report_stock_balance as (
- SELECT min(line.id) as id,
- goods.name as goods,
- goods.id as goods_id,
- goods.code as code,
- goods.brand as brand_id,
- loc.name as location,
- line.lot as lot,
- line.expiration_date as expiration_date,
- attribute.name as attribute_id,
- uom.name as uom,
- uos.name as uos,
- wh.name as warehouse,
- sum(line.qty_remaining) as goods_qty,
- sum(line.uos_qty_remaining) as goods_uos_qty,
- sum(line.qty_remaining * line.cost_unit) as cost
- FROM wh_move_line line
- LEFT JOIN warehouse wh ON line.warehouse_dest_id = wh.id
- LEFT JOIN goods goods ON line.goods_id = goods.id
- LEFT JOIN attribute attribute on attribute.id = line.attribute_id
- LEFT JOIN uom uom ON goods.uom_id = uom.id
- LEFT JOIN uom uos ON goods.uos_id = uos.id
- LEFT JOIN location loc ON loc.id = line.location_id
- WHERE wh.type = 'stock'
- AND wh.active = true
- AND line.state = 'done'
- AND line.qty_remaining != 0
- AND ( goods.no_stock is null or goods.no_stock = FALSE)
- GROUP BY wh.name, line.lot, line.expiration_date, attribute.name, goods.name, goods.id, goods.brand, loc.name, uom.name, uos.name
- ORDER BY goods.name, wh.name, goods_qty asc
- )
- """)