- from .utils import safe_division
- from odoo import models, fields, api
- from odoo.exceptions import UserError
- class WhMoveMatching(models.Model):
- _name = 'wh.move.matching'
- _description = '匹配记录'
- line_in_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'wh.move.line', '入库',
- ondelete='set null', index=True,
- help='入库单行')
- line_out_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'wh.move.line', '出库',
- ondelete='set null', index=True,
- help='出库单行')
- goods_id = fields.Many2one('goods',string='商品', related='line_in_id.goods_id', store=True)
- attribute_id = fields.Many2one('attribute',string='属性', related='line_in_id.attribute_id', store=True)
- lot = fields.Char(string='批号', related='line_in_id.lot', store=True)
- qty = fields.Float(
- '出库数量',
- digits='Quantity', required=True,
- help='出库单行商品的数量')
- uos_qty = fields.Float(
- '辅助数量',
- digits='Quantity', required=True,
- help='出库单行商品的辅助数量')
- cost_unit = fields.Float(
- '单位成本',
- digits='price',
- related='line_in_id.cost_unit',
- store=True)
- expiration_date = fields.Date(
- '过保日',
- related='line_in_id.expiration_date',
- store=True,
- help='商品保质期截止日期')
- in_name = fields.Char(
- '入库单号',
- related='line_in_id.move_id.name',
- help='入库单号')
- in_date = fields.Date(
- '入库日期',
- related='line_in_id.date',
- help='入库日期')
- out_name = fields.Char(
- '出库单号',
- related='line_out_id.move_id.name',
- help='出库单号')
- out_date = fields.Date(
- '出库日期',
- related='line_out_id.date',
- help='出库日期')
- in_partner_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'partner',
- string='供应商',
- related='line_in_id.move_id.partner_id'
- )
- out_partner_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'partner',
- string='客户',
- related='line_out_id.move_id.partner_id'
- )
- warehouse_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'warehouse',
- string='仓库',
- related='line_out_id.warehouse_id'
- )
- warehouse_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'warehouse',
- string='仓库',
- related='line_out_id.warehouse_id'
- )
- company_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'res.company',
- string='公司',
- change_default=True,
- default=lambda self: self.env.company)
- def create_matching(self, line_in_id, line_out_id, qty, uos_qty, expiration_date):
- res = {
- 'line_out_id': line_out_id,
- 'line_in_id': line_in_id,
- 'qty': qty,
- 'uos_qty': uos_qty,
- 'expiration_date': expiration_date,
- }
- return self.create(res)
- class WhMoveLine(models.Model):
- _inherit = 'wh.move.line'
- qty_remaining = fields.Float(
- compute='_get_qty_remaining',
- string='剩余数量',
- digits='Quantity',
- index=True, store=True, readonly=True,
- help='商品的剩余数量')
- uos_qty_remaining = fields.Float(
- compute='_get_qty_remaining', string='剩余辅助数量',
- digits='Quantity',
- index=True, store=True, readonly=True,
- help='商品的剩余辅助数量')
- matching_in_ids = fields.One2many(
- 'wh.move.matching', 'line_in_id', string='关联的出库',
- help='关联的入库单行')
- matching_out_ids = fields.One2many(
- 'wh.move.matching', 'line_out_id', string='关联的入库',
- help='关联的出库单行')
- @api.depends('goods_qty', 'matching_in_ids.qty', 'matching_in_ids.uos_qty')
- def _get_qty_remaining(self):
- for wml in self:
- wml.qty_remaining = wml.goods_qty - \
- sum(match.qty for match in wml.matching_in_ids)
- wml.uos_qty_remaining = wml.goods_uos_qty - \
- sum(match.uos_qty for match in wml.matching_in_ids)
- def create_matching_obj(self, line, matching):
- matching_obj = self.env['wh.move.matching']
- matching_obj.create_matching(
- matching.get('line_in_id'),
- line.id, matching.get('qty'),
- matching.get('uos_qty'),
- matching.get('expiration_date'),
- )
- def prev_action_done(self):
- """
- 发货 matching
- """
- for line in self:
- if line.warehouse_id.type == 'stock' and \
- line.goods_id.is_using_matching():
- if line.goods_id.is_using_batch() and line.lot_id:
- matching_records, cost = \
- line.goods_id.get_matching_records_by_lot(
- line.lot_id, line.goods_qty, line.goods_uos_qty)
- for matching in matching_records:
- self.create_matching_obj(line, matching)
- else:
- matching_records, cost = line.goods_id \
- .get_matching_records(
- line.warehouse_id, line.goods_qty,
- uos_qty = line.goods_uos_qty,
- attribute = line.attribute_id,
- move_line = line)
- for matching in matching_records:
- self.create_matching_obj(line, matching)
- line.cost_unit = safe_division(cost, line.goods_qty)
- line.cost = cost
- # 将过保日填充到出库明细行
- line.expiration_date = matching_records and matching_records[0].get(
- 'expiration_date')
- return super(WhMoveLine, self).prev_action_done()
- def prev_action_draft(self):
- for line in self:
- if line.qty_remaining != line.goods_qty:
- raise UserError(
- '当前的入库已经被其他出库匹配,请先取消相关的出库\n %s' %
- '\n'.join([m.out_name for m in line.matching_in_ids])
- )
- line.matching_in_ids.unlink()
- line.matching_out_ids.unlink()
- line.expiration_date = False
- return super(WhMoveLine, self).prev_action_draft()