- from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase
- from odoo.exceptions import UserError
- class TestCommonDialogWizard(TransactionCase):
- def setUp(self):
- '''准备数据'''
- super(TestCommonDialogWizard, self).setUp()
- self.order = self.env.ref('sell.sell_order_2')
- self.order.sell_order_done()
- self.delivery = self.env['sell.delivery'].search(
- [('order_id', '=', self.order.id)])
- def test_do_confirm(self):
- '''弹窗确认按钮,正常情况'''
- vals = {}
- for line in self.delivery.line_out_ids:
- vals = {
- 'type': 'inventory',
- 'warehouse_id': self.env.ref('warehouse.warehouse_inventory').id,
- 'warehouse_dest_id': self.delivery.warehouse_id.id,
- 'line_in_ids': [(0, 0, {
- 'goods_id': line.goods_id.id,
- 'attribute_id': line.attribute_id.id,
- 'uos_id': line.uos_id.id,
- 'goods_qty': line.goods_qty,
- 'uom_id': line.uom_id.id,
- 'cost_unit': line.goods_id.cost
- }
- )]
- }
- wizard = self.env['common.dialog.wizard'].with_context({
- 'active_ids': self.delivery.id,
- 'active_model': 'sell.delivery',
- 'func': 'goods_inventory',
- 'args': [vals],
- }).create({})
- wizard.do_confirm()
- def test_do_confirm_no_func(self):
- '''弹窗确认按钮,不传func时应报错'''
- wizard = self.env['common.dialog.wizard'].with_context({
- 'active_ids': self.delivery.id,
- 'active_model': 'sell.delivery',
- 'func': '',
- }).create({})
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
- wizard.do_confirm()
- def test_do_confirm_no_active_ids(self):
- '''弹窗确认按钮,不传active_ids,active_model 时应报错'''
- wizard = self.env['common.dialog.wizard'].with_context({
- 'active_ids': False,
- 'active_model': '',
- 'func': 'goods_inventory',
- }).create({})
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
- wizard.do_confirm()