- # Copyright 2016 上海开阖软件有限公司 (http://www.osbzr.com)
- # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
- from odoo import fields, models, api, tools
- from .supplier_statements import create_source_docx_partner
- class CustomerStatementsReport(models.Model):
- _name = "customer.statements.report"
- _description = u"客户对账单"
- _auto = False
- _order = 'id, date'
- @api.depends('amount', 'pay_amount', 'partner_id')
- def _compute_balance_amount(self):
- # 相邻的两条记录,partner不同,应收款余额重新计算
- for cba in self:
- pre_record = cba.search(
- [('id', '<=', cba.id), ('partner_id', '=', cba.partner_id.id)])
- for pre in pre_record:
- cba.balance_amount += pre.amount - pre.pay_amount - pre.discount_money
- partner_id = fields.Many2one('partner', string=u'业务伙伴', readonly=True)
- name = fields.Char(string=u'单据编号', readonly=True)
- date = fields.Date(string=u'单据日期', readonly=True)
- done_date = fields.Datetime(string=u'完成日期', readonly=True)
- amount = fields.Float(string=u'应收金额', readonly=True,
- digits='Amount')
- pay_amount = fields.Float(string=u'实际收款金额', readonly=True,
- digits='Amount')
- balance_amount = fields.Float(string=u'应收款余额',
- compute='_compute_balance_amount',
- digits='Amount')
- discount_money = fields.Float(string=u'收款折扣', readonly=True,
- digits='Amount')
- note = fields.Char(string=u'备注', readonly=True)
- def init(self):
- # union money_order(type = 'get'), money_invoice(type = 'income')
- cr = self._cr
- tools.drop_view_if_exists(cr, 'customer_statements_report')
- cr.execute("""
- CREATE or REPLACE VIEW customer_statements_report AS (
- SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY partner_id, date, amount desc) AS id,
- partner_id,
- name,
- date,
- done_date,
- amount,
- pay_amount,
- discount_money,
- balance_amount,
- note
- (
- SELECT m.partner_id,
- m.name,
- m.date,
- m.write_date AS done_date,
- 0 AS amount,
- m.amount AS pay_amount,
- m.discount_amount as discount_money,
- 0 AS balance_amount,
- m.note
- FROM money_order AS m
- WHERE m.type = 'get' AND m.state = 'done'
- SELECT mi.partner_id,
- mi.name,
- mi.date,
- mi.create_date AS done_date,
- mi.amount,
- 0 AS pay_amount,
- 0 as discount_money,
- 0 AS balance_amount,
- mi.note AS note
- FROM money_invoice AS mi
- LEFT JOIN core_category AS c ON mi.category_id = c.id
- WHERE c.type = 'income' AND mi.state = 'done'
- ) AS ps)
- """)
- @api.model
- def get_report_data(self, data=None):
- '''生成报表源数据
- '''
- records = self.search([
- ('partner_id', '=', data.get('partner_id')),
- ('date', '>=', data.get('from_date')),
- ('date', '<=', data.get('to_date'))])
- if records:
- return create_source_docx_partner(self, records, 0, data)
- else:
- pre_records = self.search(
- [('partner_id', '=', data.get('partner_id')),
- ('date', '<', data.get('from_date'))], order='id desc')
- if pre_records:
- init_pay = pre_records[0].balance_amount
- return create_source_docx_partner(self, None, init_pay, data)
- else:
- return create_source_docx_partner(self, None, 0, data)