- from odoo import models, fields, api
- from odoo.exceptions import UserError
- class CheckoutWizard(models.TransientModel):
- '''月末结账的向导'''
- _name = 'checkout.wizard'
- _description = '月末结账向导'
- @api.model
- def _get_last_date(self):
- period_obj = self.env['finance.period']
- period_now = period_obj.get_date_now_period_id()
- if period_now:
- return period_obj.get_period_month_date_range(period_now)[1]
- else:
- return fields.Date.context_today(self)
- period_id = fields.Many2one('finance.period', '结账会计期间')
- date = fields.Date('生成凭证日期', required=True, default=_get_last_date)
- company_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'res.company',
- string='公司',
- change_default=True,
- default=lambda self: self.env.company)
- @api.onchange('date')
- def onchange_period_id(self):
- for wizard in self:
- wizard.period_id = self.env['finance.period'].with_context(
- module_name='checkout_wizard').get_period(wizard.date)
- def button_checkout(self):
- ''' 月末结账:结账 按钮 '''
- if self.period_id:
- if self.env['ir.module.module'].sudo().search([
- ('state', '=', 'installed'),
- ('name', '=', 'warehouse')]):
- self.env['month.product.cost'].generate_issue_cost(
- self.period_id, self.date)
- for balance in self:
- if balance.period_id:
- if balance.period_id.is_closed:
- raise UserError('本期间%s已结账' % balance.period_id.name)
- # 调用 生成科目余额表 向导的 计算上一个会计期间方法,得到 上一个会计期间
- last_period = self.env[
- 'create.trial.balance.wizard'].compute_last_period_id(
- balance.period_id)
- if last_period:
- if not last_period.is_closed:
- raise UserError('上一个会计期间%s未结账' % last_period.name)
- if balance.period_id.is_closed:
- # TODO 此处重复,应去掉
- raise UserError('本期间%s已结账' % balance.period_id.name)
- else:
- voucher_obj = self.env['voucher']
- voucher_ids = voucher_obj.search(
- [('period_id', '=', balance.period_id.id),
- ('state', '!=', 'cancel')])
- draft_voucher_count = 0 # 未确认凭证个数
- for voucher_id in voucher_ids:
- if voucher_id.state != 'done':
- draft_voucher_count += 1
- if draft_voucher_count != 0:
- raise UserError('该期间有%s张凭证未确认' % draft_voucher_count)
- else:
- voucher_line = [] # 生成的结账凭证行
- account_obj = self.env['finance.account']
- company_obj = self.env['res.company']
- voucher_line_obj = self.env['voucher.line']
- revenue_account_ids = account_obj.search(
- [('costs_types', '=', 'in')]) # 收入类科目
- expense_account_ids = account_obj.search(
- [('costs_types', '=', 'out')]) # 费用类科目
- revenue_total = 0 # 收入类科目合计
- expense_total = 0 # 费用类科目合计
- for revenue_account_id in revenue_account_ids:
- voucher_line_ids = voucher_line_obj.search([
- ('account_id', '=', revenue_account_id.id),
- ('voucher_id.period_id', '=',
- balance.period_id.id),
- ('state', '=', 'done')])
- credit_total = 0
- for voucher_line_id in voucher_line_ids:
- credit_total += (voucher_line_id.credit
- - voucher_line_id.debit)
- revenue_total += credit_total
- if round(credit_total, 2) != 0: # 贷方冲借方
- res = {
- 'name': '月末结账',
- 'account_id': revenue_account_id.id,
- 'debit': credit_total,
- 'credit': 0,
- }
- voucher_line.append(res)
- for expense_account_id in expense_account_ids:
- voucher_line_ids = voucher_line_obj.search([
- ('account_id', '=', expense_account_id.id),
- ('voucher_id.period_id', '=',
- balance.period_id.id),
- ('state', '=', 'done')])
- debit_total = 0
- for voucher_line_id in voucher_line_ids:
- debit_total += (voucher_line_id.debit
- - voucher_line_id.credit)
- expense_total += debit_total
- if round(debit_total, 2) != 0: # 借方冲贷方
- res = {
- 'name': '月末结账',
- 'account_id': expense_account_id.id,
- 'debit': 0,
- 'credit': debit_total,
- }
- voucher_line.append(res)
- # 利润结余
- year_profit_account = \
- self.env.user.company_id.profit_account
- remain_account = \
- self.env.user.company_id.remain_account
- if not year_profit_account:
- raise UserError('公司本年利润科目未配置')
- if not remain_account:
- raise UserError('公司未分配利润科目未配置')
- if round(revenue_total - expense_total, 2) > 0:
- res = {
- 'name': '利润结余',
- 'account_id': year_profit_account.id,
- 'debit': 0,
- 'credit': revenue_total - expense_total,
- }
- voucher_line.append(res)
- if round(revenue_total - expense_total, 2) < 0:
- res = {
- 'name': '利润结余',
- 'account_id': year_profit_account.id,
- 'debit': expense_total - revenue_total,
- 'credit': 0,
- }
- voucher_line.append(res)
- # 生成凭证
- if voucher_line:
- valus = {
- 'is_checkout': True,
- 'date': self.date,
- 'line_ids': [
- (0, 0, line) for line in voucher_line],
- }
- voucher_profit = voucher_obj.create(valus)
- voucher_profit.voucher_done()
- year_account = None
- if balance.period_id.month == '12':
- year_profit_ids = voucher_line_obj.search([
- ('account_id', '=', year_profit_account.id),
- ('voucher_id.period_id.year',
- '=', balance.period_id.year),
- ('state', '=', 'done')])
- year_total = 0
- for year_profit_id in year_profit_ids:
- year_total += (year_profit_id.credit -
- year_profit_id.debit)
- precision = self.env[
- 'decimal.precision'].precision_get('Amount')
- year_total = round(year_total, precision)
- if year_total != 0:
- year_line_ids = [{
- 'name': '年度结余',
- 'account_id': remain_account.id,
- 'debit': 0,
- 'credit': year_total,
- }, {
- 'name': '年度结余',
- 'account_id': year_profit_account.id,
- 'debit': year_total,
- 'credit': 0,
- }]
- value = {
- 'is_checkout': True,
- 'date': balance.date,
- 'line_ids': [
- (0, 0, line) for line in year_line_ids],
- }
- year_account = voucher_obj.create(value) # 创建结转凭证
- year_account.voucher_done() # 凭证确认
- # 生成科目余额表
- trial_wizard = self.env[
- 'create.trial.balance.wizard'].create({
- 'period_id': balance.period_id.id,
- })
- trial_wizard.create_trial_balance()
- # 按用户设置重排结账会计期间凭证号(会计要求凭证号必须连续)
- self.recreate_voucher_name(balance.period_id)
- # 关闭会计期间
- balance.period_id.is_closed = True
- self.env['dupont'].fill(balance.period_id)
- pre_period = last_period
- while pre_period:
- self.env['dupont'].fill(pre_period)
- pre_period = self.env[
- 'create.trial.balance.wizard'
- ].compute_last_period_id(pre_period)
- # 如果下一个会计期间没有,则创建。
- next_period = self.env[
- 'create.trial.balance.wizard'].compute_next_period_id(
- balance.period_id)
- if not next_period:
- if balance.period_id.month == '12':
- self.env['finance.period'].create(
- {'year': str(int(balance.period_id.year)+1),
- 'month': '1', })
- else:
- self.env['finance.period'].create({
- 'year': balance.period_id.year,
- 'month': str(int(balance.period_id.month)+1)})
- # 显示凭证
- view = self.env.ref('finance.voucher_form')
- if voucher_line or year_account:
- # 因重置凭证号,查找最后一张结转凭证
- voucher = self.env['voucher'].search(
- [('is_checkout', '=', True),
- ('period_id', '=', balance.period_id.id),
- ('state', '=', 'done')], order="create_date desc",
- limit=1)
- return {
- 'name': '月末结账',
- 'view_mode': 'form',
- 'views': [(view.id, 'form')],
- 'res_model': 'voucher',
- 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
- 'target': 'main',
- 'res_id': voucher_profit.id,
- }
- # 反结账
- def button_counter_checkout(self):
- ''' 反结账 删除对应出库成本 '''
- if self.period_id:
- issue_cost_exists = self.env['month.product.cost'].search(
- [('period_id', '=', self.period_id.id)])
- issue_cost_exists.unlink()
- for balance in self:
- if balance.period_id:
- if not balance.period_id.is_closed:
- raise UserError('期间%s未结账' % balance.period_id.name)
- else:
- next_period = self.env[
- 'create.trial.balance.wizard'
- ].compute_next_period_id(
- balance.period_id)
- if next_period:
- if next_period.is_closed:
- raise UserError('下一个期间%s已结账!' % next_period.name)
- # 重新打开会计期间
- balance.period_id.is_closed = False
- # 删除相关凭证及科目余额表
- voucher_ids = self.env['voucher'].search(
- [('is_checkout', '=', True),
- ('period_id', '=', balance.period_id.id)])
- for voucher_id in voucher_ids:
- voucher_id.voucher_draft()
- voucher_id.unlink()
- trial_balance_objs = self.env['trial.balance'].search(
- [('period_id', '=', balance.period_id.id)])
- trial_balance_objs.unlink()
- old = self.env['dupont'].search(
- [('period_id', '=', balance.period_id.id)])
- for o in old:
- o.unlink()
- # 按用户设置重排结账会计期间凭证号(会计要求凭证号必须连续)
- def recreate_voucher_name(self, period_id):
- # 取重排凭证设置
- # 是否重置凭证号
- context = dict(self.env.context or {})
- context['call_module'] = "checkout_wizard"
- auto_reset = self.env['ir.default']._get(
- 'finance.config.settings', 'defaul_auto_reset')
- # 重置凭证间隔:年 月
- reset_period = self.env['ir.default']._get(
- 'finance.config.settings', 'defaul_reset_period')
- # 重置后起始数字
- reset_init_number = self.env['ir.default']._get(
- 'finance.config.settings', 'defaul_reset_init_number')
- if auto_reset is True:
- # 取ir.sequence中的会计凭证的参数
- force_company = self._context.get('force_company')
- if not force_company:
- force_company = self.env.user.company_id.id
- company_ids = self.env['res.company'].search([]).ids + [False]
- seq_ids = self.env['ir.sequence'].search(
- ['&', ('code', '=', 'voucher'),
- ('company_id', 'in', company_ids)])
- preferred_sequences = [
- s for s in seq_ids
- if s.company_id and s.company_id.id == force_company]
- seq_id = preferred_sequences[0] if preferred_sequences \
- else seq_ids[0]
- voucher_obj = self.env['voucher']
- # 按年重置
- last_period = self.env[
- 'create.trial.balance.wizard'].compute_last_period_id(
- period_id)
- last_voucher_number = 0
- if reset_period == 'year':
- if last_period:
- while last_period and last_voucher_number < 1:
- if not last_period.is_closed:
- raise UserError('上一个期间%s未结账' % last_period.name)
- if period_id.year != last_period.year:
- # 按年,而且是第一个会计期间
- last_voucher_number = reset_init_number
- else:
- # 查找上一期间最后凭证号
- last_period_voucher_name = voucher_obj.search(
- [('period_id', '=', last_period.id),
- ('state', '=', 'done')],
- order="create_date desc", limit=1).name
- # 凭证号转换为数字
- if last_period_voucher_name: # 上一期间是否有凭证?
- last_voucher_number = int(
- list(filter(
- str.isdigit,
- last_period_voucher_name.encode(
- "utf-8")
- ))) + 1
- last_period = self.env[
- 'create.trial.balance.wizard'
- ].compute_last_period_id(
- last_period)
- else:
- last_voucher_number = reset_init_number
- voucher_ids = voucher_obj.search(
- [('period_id', '=', period_id.id),
- ('state', '=', 'done')],
- order='create_date')
- for voucher_id in voucher_ids:
- # 产生凭证号
- next_voucher_name = \
- '%%0%sd' % seq_id.padding % last_voucher_number
- last_voucher_number += 1
- # 更新凭证号
- voucher_id.with_context(context).write(
- {'name': next_voucher_name})
- # 按月重置
- else:
- if last_period and not last_period.is_closed:
- raise UserError('上一个期间%s未结账' % last_period.name)
- last_voucher_number = reset_init_number
- voucher_ids = voucher_obj.search(
- [('period_id', '=', period_id.id),
- ('state', '=', 'done')], order='create_date')
- for voucher_id in voucher_ids:
- # 产生凭证号
- next_voucher_name = \
- '%%0%sd' % seq_id.padding % last_voucher_number
- # 更新凭证号,将老号写到变化表中去!
- if voucher_id.name != next_voucher_name:
- self.env['change.voucher.name'].create({
- 'period_id': self.period_id.id,
- 'before_voucher_name': voucher_id.name,
- 'after_voucher_name': next_voucher_name,
- })
- voucher_id.with_context(context).write(
- {'name': next_voucher_name})
- last_voucher_number += 1