- from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase
- from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
- from datetime import datetime
- from odoo import fields, models, api
- from odoo.tools import float_compare, float_is_zero
- import calendar
- class TestVoucher(TransactionCase):
- def test_approve(self):
- '''测试审核反审核报错'''
- voucher = self.env.ref('finance.voucher_1')
- # 正常审批
- voucher.voucher_done()
- self.assertTrue(voucher.state == 'done')
- # 已审批的凭证不可以删除
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- voucher.unlink()
- for line in voucher.line_ids:
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- line.unlink()
- # 重复审批
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- voucher.voucher_done()
- # 正常反审批
- voucher.voucher_draft()
- self.assertTrue(voucher.state == 'draft')
- # 重复反审批
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- voucher.voucher_draft()
- # 会计期间已关闭时的审批
- voucher.period_id.is_closed = True
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- voucher.voucher_done()
- # 会计期间已关闭时的反审批
- voucher.period_id.is_closed = False
- voucher.voucher_done()
- voucher.period_id.is_closed = True
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- voucher.voucher_draft()
- def test_voucher_can_be_draft(self):
- '''测试反审核报错'''
- voucher = self.env.ref('finance.voucher_1')
- voucher.voucher_done()
- voucher.voucher_can_be_draft() #是否应该放在上面的case里
- def test_voucher_done_costs_types_out(self):
- '''费用类科目只能在借方记账'''
- voucher = self.env['voucher'].create({
- 'date': '2017-01-01',
- 'line_ids': [(0, 0, {
- 'name': '收利息', # 贷方行
- 'account_id': self.env.ref(
- 'finance.small_business_chart5603002').id,
- 'debit': 0,
- 'credit': 1.0,
- }),
- (0, 0, {
- 'name': '收利息', # 借方行
- 'account_id': self.env.ref('finance.account_bank').id,
- 'debit': 1.0,
- 'credit': 0,
- })]
- })
- voucher.voucher_done()
- def test_voucher_done_costs_types_in(self):
- '''收入类科目只能在贷方记账'''
- voucher = self.env['voucher'].with_context(
- {'entry_manual': 1}).create({
- 'date': '2017-01-01',
- 'line_ids': [
- (0, 0, {
- 'name': '退款给客户', # 贷方行
- 'account_id': self.env.ref('finance.account_bank').id,
- 'debit': 0,
- 'credit': 50.0,
- }),
- (0, 0, {
- 'name': '退款给客户', # 借方行
- 'account_id': self.env.ref(
- 'finance.account_income').id,
- 'debit': 50.0,
- 'credit': 0,
- })]
- })
- voucher.voucher_done()
- def test_restricted_account(self):
- ''' 测试受限的记账科目 '''
- account_debit = self.env.ref('finance.small_business_chart1801')
- account_debit.restricted_debit = True
- self.env.ref('finance.account_chart1002').restricted_credit = True
- account_credit = self.env.ref('finance.account_bank')
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- voucher = self.env['voucher'].with_context(
- {'entry_manual': 1}).create({
- 'date': '2017-01-01',
- 'line_ids': [(0, 0, {
- 'name': '受限科目记账', # 贷方行
- 'account_id': account_credit.id,
- 'debit': 0,
- 'credit': 50.0,
- })]
- })
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- voucher = self.env['voucher'].with_context(
- {'entry_manual': 1}).create({
- 'date': '2017-01-01',
- 'line_ids': [(0, 0, {
- 'name': '受限科目记账', # 借方行
- 'account_id': account_debit.id,
- 'debit': 50.0,
- 'credit': 0,
- })]
- })
- self.env.ref('finance.voucher_1').with_context(
- {'entry_manual': 1}).write({'att_count': '15'})
- def test_line_unlink(self):
- '''测试可正常删除未审核的凭证行'''
- voucher = self.env.ref('finance.voucher_1')
- for line in voucher.line_ids:
- line.unlink()
- def test_vourcher_write(self):
- ''' 没注释?'''
- period_id = self.env.ref('finance.period_201601')
- voucher = self.env.ref('finance.voucher_1')
- voucher.state = 'done'
- voucher.period_id.is_closed = True
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- voucher.write({'period_id': period_id.id})
- self.env.context = dict(
- self.env.context, **{"call_module": 'checkout_wizard'})
- voucher.write({'period_id': period_id.id})
- def test_compute(self):
- '''新建凭证时计算字段加载'''
- voucher = self.env.ref('finance.voucher_1')
- self.assertTrue(voucher.period_id.name == '201601')
- self.assertTrue(voucher.amount_text == 50000.0)
- voucher.unlink()
- def test_check_balance(self):
- '''检查凭证借贷方合计平衡'''
- un_balance_voucher = self.env['voucher'].create({
- 'line_ids': [(0, 0, {
- 'account_id': self.env.ref('finance.account_cash').id,
- 'name': '借贷方不平',
- 'debit': 100,
- })]
- })
- with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
- un_balance_voucher.voucher_done()
- def test_check_line(self):
- '''检查凭证行'''
- # 没有凭证行
- voucher_no_line = self.env['voucher'].create({
- 'line_ids': False
- })
- with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
- voucher_no_line.voucher_done()
- # 检查借贷方都为0
- voucher_zero = self.env['voucher'].create({
- 'line_ids': [(0, 0, {
- 'account_id': self.env.ref('finance.account_cash').id,
- 'name': '借贷方全为0',
- })]
- })
- with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
- voucher_zero.voucher_done()
- # 检查单行凭证行是否同时输入借和贷
- voucher = self.env['voucher'].create({
- 'line_ids': [(0, 0, {
- 'account_id': self.env.ref('finance.account_cash').id,
- 'name': '借贷方同时输入',
- 'debit': 100,
- 'credit': 100,
- })]
- })
- with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
- voucher.voucher_done()
- def test_voucher_line_default_get(self):
- line = self.env['voucher.line'].create({
- 'account_id': self.env.ref('finance.account_cash').id,
- 'name': '借贷方同时输入',
- 'debit': 100,
- 'credit': 100,
- })
- self.env['voucher'].with_context({'line_ids': {line.id}}).create({
- 'line_ids': [(0, 0, {
- 'account_id': self.env.ref('finance.account_cash').id,
- 'name': '借贷方同时输入',
- 'debit': 100,
- 'credit': 100,
- })]
- })
- def test_default_voucher_date(self):
- voucher_obj = self.env['voucher']
- '''
- voucher_rows = self.env['voucher'].search([])
- voucher_rows.unlink()
- setting_row = self.env['finance.config.settings'].create({
- "defaul_period_domain": "can",
- "defaul_reset_init_number": 1,
- "defaul_auto_reset": True,
- "defaul_reset_period": "month",
- "defaul_voucher_date": "today", })
- setting_row.execute()
- setting_row.default_voucher_date = 'last'
- voucher_obj._default_voucher_date()
- '''
- voucher_obj.create({})
- def test_default_voucher_date_last(self):
- ''' 测试 defaul_voucher_date 等于 last '''
- voucher_obj = self.env['voucher']
- '''
- setting_row = self.env['finance.config.settings'].create({
- "defaul_period_domain": "can",
- "defaul_reset_init_number": 1,
- "defaul_auto_reset": True,
- "defaul_reset_period": "month",
- "defaul_voucher_date": "last", })
- setting_row.execute()
- '''
- self.env['ir.default'].set(
- 'finance.config.settings', 'defaul_voucher_date', 'last')
- # voucher_obj._default_voucher_date()
- voucher_obj.create({})
- class TestVoucherLine(TransactionCase):
- def test_view_document(self):
- ''' Test: view document method '''
- self.env.ref('finance.voucher_line_1_debit').view_document()
- def test_post_view(self):
- ''' 只能往下级科目记账 '''
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- self.env.ref('finance.voucher_line_1_debit'
- ).account_id = self.env.ref(
- 'finance.account_chart1002')
- class TestPeriod(TransactionCase):
- def test_get_period(self):
- period_obj = self.env['finance.period']
- # 如果对应会计期间不存在,则创建
- if not period_obj.search([('year', '=', '2100'),
- ('month', '=', '6')]):
- that_date = datetime.strptime('2100-06-20', "%Y-%m-%d")
- self.assertTrue(period_obj.get_period(that_date).name, '210006')
- period_obj.get_year_fist_period_id()
- period_row = period_obj.search(
- [('year', '=', '2016'), ('month', '=', '10')])
- if not period_row:
- period_row = period_obj.create({'year': '2016', 'month': '10'})
- self.assertTrue(("2016-10-01", "2016-10-31") ==
- period_obj.get_period_month_date_range(period_row))
- period_row.is_closed = True
- with self.assertRaises(UserError): # 得到对应时间的会计期间 ,期间已关闭
- that_date = datetime.strptime('2016-10-10', "%Y-%m-%d")
- period_obj.get_period(that_date)
- # datetime_str = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
- # datetime_str_list = datetime_str.split('-')
- # period_row = self.env['finance.period'].search(
- # [('year', '=', datetime_str_list[0])])
- # if period_row: # 在相应的年份 会计期间不存在
- # period_row.unlink()
- # period_obj.get_year_fist_period_id()
- def test_compute_name_month_02(self):
- ''' 测试 compute_name 月份小于10 '''
- self.env['finance.period'].create({'year': '2007', 'month': '2'})
- def test_onchange_account_id(self):
- '''凭证行的科目变更影响到其他字段的可选值'''
- voucher = self.env.ref('finance.voucher_1')
- for line in voucher.line_ids:
- line.account_id = self.env.ref('finance.account_cash').id
- line.onchange_account_id()
- line.account_id = self.env.ref('finance.account_goods').id
- line.onchange_account_id()
- line.account_id = self.env.ref('finance.account_ar').id
- line.onchange_account_id()
- line.account_id = self.env.ref('finance.account_ap').id
- line.onchange_account_id()
- line.account_id = self.env.ref(
- 'finance.small_business_chart2211004').id
- line.onchange_account_id()
- line.account_id = self.env.ref('finance.account_goods').id
- line.account_id.auxiliary_financing = 'goods'
- line.onchange_account_id()
- line.account_id.auxiliary_financing = 'customer'
- line.onchange_account_id()
- line.account_id.auxiliary_financing = 'supplier'
- line.onchange_account_id()
- line.account_id.auxiliary_financing = 'project'
- line.onchange_account_id()
- def test_period_compare(self):
- """测试会计期间比较的 代码 有三种情况 大于 小于 等于"""
- period_id = self.env.ref('finance.period_201601')
- last_period_id = self.env.ref('finance.period_201512')
- self.env['finance.period'].period_compare(period_id, period_id)
- self.env['finance.period'].period_compare(last_period_id, period_id)
- class TestFinanceAccount(TransactionCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestFinanceAccount, self).setUp()
- self.cash = self.env.ref('finance.account_cash')
- def test_name_get(self):
- name = self.cash.name_get()
- real_name = '%s %s' % (self.cash.code, self.cash.name)
- self.assertTrue(name[0][1] == real_name)
- # def test_name_get_in_voucher(self):
- # """仅在凭证界面选择科目时显示出余额"""
- # voucher = self.env.ref('finance.voucher_1')
- # self.env['voucher.line'].create({
- # 'voucher_id': voucher.id,
- # 'name': u'测试科目显示出余额',
- # 'account_id': self.cash.with_context(
- # {'show_balance': True}).id, # 给该字段传context没有成功
- # })
- # name = self.cash.name_get()
- # real_name = '%s %s %s' % (
- # self.cash.code, self.cash.name, self.cash.balance)
- # self.assertTrue(name[0][1] == real_name)
- def test_name_search(self):
- '''会计科目按名字和编号搜索'''
- result = self.env['finance.account'].name_search('库存现金')
- real_result = [(self.cash.id,
- self.cash.code + ' ' + self.cash.name)]
- self.assertEqual(result, real_result)
- # 搜索输入的是编号 code 1001
- result1 = self.env['finance.account'].name_search('1001')
- real_result1 = [(self.cash.id, self.cash.code + ' ' + self.cash.name)]
- self.assertEqual(result1, real_result1)
- def test_get_smallest_code_account(self):
- account = self.env['finance.account']
- account.get_smallest_code_account()
- def test_get_max_code_account(self):
- account = self.env['finance.account']
- account.get_max_code_account()
- def test_compute_balance(self):
- """计算会计科目的当前余额"""
- self.cash.compute_balance()
- self.cash.get_balance()
- self.assertEqual(self.cash.balance, 0)
- def test_unlink(self):
- ''' 测试删除科目 '''
- # 界面上删除预设科目报错
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- self.cash.with_context({'modify_from_webclient': 1}).unlink()
- # 记过账的不能删除
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- self.env.ref('finance.account_bank').unlink()
- # 有下级科目的不能删除
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- self.env.ref('finance.account_chart1002').unlink()
- # 下级科目删光了就把上级科目改为可记账的科目
- self.env.ref('finance.small_business_chart2221001').child_ids.unlink()
- def test_write(self):
- ''' 测试删除科目 '''
- # 界面上修改预设科目报错
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- self.cash.source = 'init'
- self.cash.with_context(
- {'modify_from_webclient': 1}).write({'source': 'init'})
- # 界面上记过账科目不能修改
- account_bank = self.env.ref('finance.account_bank')
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- account_bank.source = ''
- account_bank.with_context(
- {'modify_from_webclient': 1}).write({'source': 'init'})
- def test_add_child(self):
- ''' 测试增加子科目 '''
- # 末级科目增加子科目
- self.cash.button_add_child()
- income = self.env.ref('finance.account_income')
- wizard = self.env['wizard.account.add.child'].with_context(
- {'active_id': income.id}
- ).create({
- 'account_code': '01',
- 'account_name': '纸币',
- })
- wizard.create_account()
- # 非末级科目增加子科目
- wizard = self.env['wizard.account.add.child'].with_context(
- {'active_id': self.env.ref(
- 'finance.small_business_chart1701').id}).create({
- 'account_code': '08',
- 'account_name': '',
- })
- wizard.create_account()
- # 修改下级编码
- wizard.account_code = '02'
- wizard._onchange_account_code()
- # 必须是数字
- wizard.account_code = '02a'
- wizard._onchange_account_code()
- # 必须是2位
- wizard.account_code = '021'
- wizard._onchange_account_code()
- # 选择的科目层级已经是最低层级科目了,不能建立在它下面建立下级科目! 报错
- self.env['ir.default'].set(
- 'finance.config.settings', 'defaul_account_hierarchy_level', '2')
- business_chart170108 = self.env['finance.account'].search(
- [('code', '=', '170108')])
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- wizard = self.env['wizard.account.add.child'].with_context(
- {'active_id': business_chart170108.id}). \
- create({
- 'account_code': '01',
- 'account_name': 'test'
- })
- wizard.create_account()
- def test_add_child_multi(self):
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- wizard = self.env['wizard.account.add.child'].with_context(
- {'active_ids': [
- self.cash.id,
- self.env.ref('finance.small_business_chart1701').id]}
- ).create({
- 'account_code': '01',
- 'account_name': '纸币',
- })
- class TestVoucherTemplateWizard(TransactionCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestVoucherTemplateWizard, self).setUp()
- self.voucher = self.env.ref('finance.voucher_1')
- self.voucher_template_wizard = self.env[
- 'voucher.template.wizard'].create({
- 'name': '测试模板', 'voucher_id': self.voucher.id,
- })
- def test_save_as_template(self):
- """凭证模板相关功能"""
- self.voucher_template_wizard.save_as_template()
- self.voucher_template_wizard.is_change_old_template = True
- old_template_id = self.env['voucher.template'].search(
- [])[0].id if self.env['voucher.template'].search([]) else False
- self.voucher_template_wizard.old_template_id = old_template_id
- self.voucher_template_wizard.save_as_template()
- def test_onchange_template_id(self):
- """凭证上模板字段的onchange"""
- old_template_id = self.env['voucher.template'].search(
- [])[0].id if self.env[
- 'voucher.template'].search([]) else False
- self.voucher.template_id = old_template_id
- self.voucher.onchange_template_id()
- class TestVoucherTemplateLine(TransactionCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestVoucherTemplateLine, self).setUp()
- self.voucher = self.env.ref('finance.voucher_1')
- self.voucher_template_wizard = self.env[
- 'voucher.template.wizard'].create({
- 'name': '测试模板', 'voucher_id': self.voucher.id,
- })
- def test_onchange_account_id(self):
- """ 凭证模板行上会计科目字段的onchange测试 """
- self.voucher_template_wizard.save_as_template()
- template = self.env['voucher.template'].search([])[0] if self.env[
- 'voucher.template'].search([]) else False
- for line in template.line_ids:
- # 会计科目不存在
- line.account_id = False
- line.onchange_account_id()
- line.account_id = self.env.ref(
- 'finance.small_business_chart1403').id
- line.onchange_account_id()
- line.account_id.auxiliary_financing = 'goods'
- line.onchange_account_id()
- line.account_id.auxiliary_financing = 'customer'
- line.onchange_account_id()
- line.account_id.auxiliary_financing = 'supplier'
- line.onchange_account_id()
- line.account_id.auxiliary_financing = 'project'
- line.onchange_account_id()
- break
- class TestCheckoutWizard(TransactionCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestCheckoutWizard, self).setUp()
- def test_recreate_voucher_name(self):
- ''' 测试 按用户设置重排结账会计期间凭证号(会计要求凭证号必须连续) '''
- checkout_wizard_obj = self.env['checkout.wizard']
- period_id = self.env.ref('finance.period_201601')
- last_period_id = self.env.ref('finance.period_201512')
- # 按月 重排结账会计期间凭证号
- setting_row_month = self.env['finance.config.settings'].create(
- {"defaul_period_domain": "can",
- "defaul_reset_init_number": 1,
- "defaul_auto_reset": True,
- "defaul_voucher_date": "today"})
- setting_row_month.execute()
- checkout_wizard_obj.recreate_voucher_name(last_period_id)
- # 按年 重排结账会计期间凭证号
- setting_row_year = self.env['finance.config.settings'].create({
- "defaul_period_domain": "can",
- "defaul_reset_init_number": 1,
- "defaul_auto_reset": True,
- "defaul_reset_period": "year",
- "defaul_voucher_date": "today"})
- setting_row_year.execute()
- # 按年重置 上一个期间存在 但未结账
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- checkout_wizard_obj.recreate_voucher_name(period_id)
- # 按年重置 上一个期间存在 已结账 两个期间的年相同
- last_period_id.is_closed = True
- checkout_wizard_obj.recreate_voucher_name(period_id)
- # 按年重置 上一个期间存在 已结账 两个期间的年不相同
- period_id = self.env.ref('finance.period_201603')
- last_period_id = self.env.ref('finance.period_201602')
- self.env.ref('finance.period_201601').is_closed = True
- self.env.ref('finance.period_201512').is_closed = True
- last_period_id.is_closed = True
- checkout_wizard_obj.recreate_voucher_name(period_id)
- # 按年重置 上一个期间不存在
- period_id_init = self.env['finance.period'].search(
- [], order='year, month', limit=1)
- period_id_init.is_closed = True
- period_id = self.env.ref('finance.period_201411')
- checkout_wizard_obj.recreate_voucher_name(period_id)
- def test_recreate_voucher_name_unEqual_nextVoucherName(self):
- ''' 测试 按月重排结账会计期间凭证号 凭证号不连续,更新凭证号 '''
- checkout_wizard_obj = self.env['checkout.wizard']
- period_id = self.env.ref('finance.period_201601')
- # 按月 重排结账会计期间凭证号
- setting_row_month = self.env['finance.config.settings'].create({
- "defaul_period_domain": "can",
- "defaul_reset_init_number": 1,
- "defaul_auto_reset": True,
- "defaul_voucher_date": "today"})
- setting_row_month.execute()
- self.env.ref('finance.period_201512').is_closed = True
- checkout_wizard_obj.recreate_voucher_name(period_id)
- def test_get_last_date(self):
- ''' Test: _get_last_date '''
- datetime_str_list = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d").split('-')
- day = calendar.monthrange(
- int(datetime_str_list[0]), int(datetime_str_list[1]))
- c_w = self.env['checkout.wizard'].create({})
- self.assertEqual(c_w.date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
- '-'.join(
- [datetime_str_list[0], datetime_str_list[1], str(day[1])]))
- class TestMonthProductCost(TransactionCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestMonthProductCost, self).setUp()
- self.period_id = self.env.ref('finance.period_201601')
- def test_generate_issue_cost(self):
- """本月成本结算 相关逻辑的测试"""
- checkout_wizard_row = self.env['checkout.wizard'].create(
- {'date': '2016-01-31', 'period_id': self.period_id.id})
- with self.assertRaises(UserError):
- checkout_wizard_row.button_checkout()