- # Copyright 2016 上海开阖软件有限公司 (http://www.osbzr.com)
- # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
- from odoo import api, fields, models
- from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
- # 字段只读状态
- 'done': [('readonly', True)],
- 'cancel': [('readonly', True)],
- }
- class Voucher(models.Model):
- '''新建凭证'''
- _name = 'voucher'
- _inherit = ['mail.thread']
- _order = 'period_id, name desc'
- _description = '会计凭证'
- @api.model
- def _default_voucher_date(self):
- return self._default_voucher_date_impl()
- @api.model
- def _default_voucher_date_impl(self):
- ''' 获得默认的凭证创建日期 '''
- voucher_setting = self.env['ir.default']._get(
- 'finance.config.settings', 'defaul_voucher_date')
- now_date = fields.Date.context_today(self)
- if voucher_setting == 'last' and self.search([], limit=1):
- create_date = self.search([], limit=1).date
- else:
- create_date = now_date
- return create_date
- @api.model
- def _select_objects(self):
- models = self.env['ir.model'].search(
- [])
- return [(model.model, model.name) for model in models]
- @api.depends('date')
- def _compute_period_id(self):
- for v in self:
- v.period_id = self.env['finance.period'].get_period(v.date)
- document_word_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'document.word', '凭证字', ondelete='restrict', required=True,
- default=lambda self: self.env.ref('finance.document_word_1'))
- date = fields.Date('凭证日期', required=True, default=_default_voucher_date,
- tracking=True, help='本张凭证创建的时间', copy=False)
- name = fields.Char('凭证号', tracking=True, copy=False)
- att_count = fields.Integer(
- '附单据', default=1, help='原始凭证的张数', states=READONLY_STATES)
- period_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'finance.period',
- '会计期间',
- compute='_compute_period_id',
- ondelete='restrict',
- store=True,
- help='本张凭证发生日期对应的,会计期间')
- line_ids = fields.One2many(
- 'voucher.line',
- 'voucher_id',
- '凭证明细',
- copy=True,
- amount_text = fields.Float('总计', compute='_compute_amount', store=True,
- tracking=True, digits='Amount', help='凭证金额')
- state = fields.Selection([('draft', '草稿'),
- ('done', '已确认'),
- ('cancel', '已作废')], '状态', default='draft',
- index=True,
- tracking=True, help='凭证所属状态!')
- is_checkout = fields.Boolean('结账凭证', help='是否是结账凭证')
- is_init = fields.Boolean('是否初始化凭证', help='是否是初始化凭证')
- company_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'res.company',
- string='公司',
- change_default=True,
- default=lambda self: self.env.company)
- ref = fields.Reference(string='前置单据',
- selection='_select_objects')
- brief = fields.Char('摘要', related="line_ids.name", store=True)
- details = fields.Html('明细', compute='_compute_details')
- @api.depends('line_ids')
- def _compute_details(self):
- for v in self:
- vl = {'col': ['往来单位', '科目', '借方', '贷方'], 'val': []}
- for line in v.line_ids:
- vl['val'].append([line.partner_id.name or '', line.account_id.name, line.debit, line.credit])
- v.details = v.company_id._get_html_table(vl)
- def voucher_done(self):
- """
- 确认 凭证按钮 所调用的方法
- :return: 主要是把 凭证的 state改变
- """
- for v in self:
- if v.state == 'done':
- raise UserError('凭证%s已经确认,请不要重复确认!' % v.name)
- if v.date < self.env.company.start_date:
- raise UserError('凭证日期不可早于启用日期')
- if v.period_id.is_closed:
- raise UserError('该会计期间已结账!不能确认')
- if not v.line_ids:
- raise ValidationError('请输入凭证行')
- for line in v.line_ids:
- if line.debit + line.credit == 0:
- raise ValidationError(
- '单行凭证行 %s 借和贷不能同时为0' % line.account_id.name)
- if line.debit * line.credit != 0:
- raise ValidationError(
- '单行凭证行不能同时输入借和贷\n 摘要为%s的凭证行 借方为:%s 贷方为:%s' %
- (line.name, line.debit, line.credit))
- debit_sum = sum([line.debit for line in v.line_ids])
- credit_sum = sum([line.credit for line in v.line_ids])
- precision = self.env['decimal.precision'].precision_get('Amount')
- debit_sum = round(debit_sum, precision)
- credit_sum = round(credit_sum, precision)
- if debit_sum != credit_sum:
- raise ValidationError('借贷方不平,无法确认!\n 借方合计:%s 贷方合计:%s' %
- (debit_sum, credit_sum))
- v.state = 'done'
- if v.is_checkout: # 月结凭证不做反转
- return True
- for line in v.line_ids:
- if line.account_id.costs_types == 'out' and line.credit:
- # 费用类科目只能在借方记账,比如银行利息收入
- line.debit = -line.credit
- line.credit = 0
- if line.account_id.costs_types == 'in' and line.debit:
- # 收入类科目只能在贷方记账,比如退款给客户的情况
- line.credit = -line.debit
- line.debit = 0
- def voucher_can_be_draft(self):
- for v in self:
- if v.ref:
- raise UserError('不能撤销确认由其他单据生成的凭证!')
- self.voucher_draft()
- def voucher_draft(self):
- for v in self:
- if v.state == 'draft':
- raise UserError('凭证%s已经撤销确认,请不要重复撤销!' % v.name)
- if v.period_id.is_closed:
- raise UserError('%s期 会计期间已结账!不能撤销确认' % v.period_id.name)
- v.state = 'draft'
- @api.depends('line_ids')
- def _compute_amount(self):
- for v in self:
- v.amount_text = str(sum([line.debit for line in v.line_ids]))
- # 重载write 方法
- def write(self, vals):
- for order in self: # 还需要进一步优化
- if self.env.context.get('call_module', False) == "checkout_wizard":
- return super().write(vals)
- if order.period_id.is_closed is True:
- raise UserError('%s期 会计期间已结账,凭证不能再修改!' % order.period_id.name)
- return super().write(vals)
- class VoucherLine(models.Model):
- '''凭证明细'''
- _name = 'voucher.line'
- _description = '会计凭证明细'
- @api.model
- def _default_get(self, data):
- ''' 给明细行摘要、借方金额、贷方金额字段赋默认值 '''
- move_obj = self.env['voucher']
- total = 0.0
- context = self._context
- # odoo16没这个函数
- # if context.get('line_ids'):
- # for move_line_dict in move_obj.resolve_2many_commands(
- # 'line_ids', context.get('line_ids')):
- # data['name'] = data.get('name') or move_line_dict.get('name')
- # total += move_line_dict.get('debit', 0.0) - \
- # move_line_dict.get('credit', 0.0)
- # data['debit'] = total < 0 and -total or 0.0
- # data['credit'] = total > 0 and total or 0.0
- return data
- @api.model
- def default_get(self, fields):
- ''' 创建记录时,根据字段的 default 值和该方法给字段的赋值 来给 记录上的字段赋默认值 '''
- fields_data = super(VoucherLine, self).default_get(fields)
- data = self._default_get(fields_data)
- # 判断 data key是否在 fields 里,如果不在则删除该 key。程序员开发用
- for f in list(data.keys()):
- if f not in fields:
- del data[f]
- return data
- voucher_id = fields.Many2one('voucher', '对应凭证', ondelete='cascade')
- name = fields.Char('摘要', required=True, help='描述本条凭证行的缘由')
- account_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'finance.account', '会计科目',
- ondelete='restrict',
- required=True,
- domain="[('account_type','=','normal')]")
- debit = fields.Float('借方金额', digits='Amount',
- help='每条凭证行中只能记录借方金额或者贷方金额中的一个,\
- 一张凭证中所有的凭证行的借方余额,必须等于贷方余额。')
- credit = fields.Float('贷方金额', digits='Amount',
- help='每条凭证行中只能记录借方金额或者贷方金额中的一个,\
- 一张凭证中所有的凭证行的借方余额,必须等于贷方余额。')
- partner_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'partner', '往来单位', ondelete='restrict', help='凭证行的对应的往来单位')
- currency_amount = fields.Float('外币金额', digits='Amount')
- currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', '外币币别', ondelete='restrict')
- rate_silent = fields.Float('汇率', digits=0)
- period_id = fields.Many2one(
- related='voucher_id.period_id', string='凭证期间', store=True)
- goods_qty = fields.Float('数量',
- digits='Quantity')
- goods_id = fields.Many2one('goods', '商品', ondelete='restrict')
- auxiliary_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'auxiliary.financing', '辅助核算', help='辅助核算是对账务处理的一种补充,即实现更广泛的账务处理,\
- 以适应企业管理和决策的需要.辅助核算一般通过核算项目来实现', ondelete='restrict')
- date = fields.Date(compute='_compute_voucher_date',
- store=True, string='凭证日期')
- state = fields.Selection(
- [('draft', '草稿'), ('done', '已确认'), ('cancel', '已作废')],
- compute='_compute_voucher_state',
- index=True,
- store=True, string='状态')
- init_obj = fields.Char('初始化对象', help='描述本条凭证行由哪个单证生成而来')
- company_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'res.company',
- string='公司',
- change_default=True,
- default=lambda self: self.env.company)
- @api.depends('voucher_id.date')
- def _compute_voucher_date(self):
- for vl in self:
- vl.date = vl.voucher_id.date
- @api.depends('voucher_id.state')
- def _compute_voucher_state(self):
- for vl in self:
- vl.state = vl.voucher_id.state
- @api.onchange('account_id')
- def onchange_account_id(self):
- self.currency_id = self.account_id.currency_id
- self.rate_silent = self.account_id.currency_id.rate
- res = {
- 'domain': {
- 'partner_id': [('name', '=', False)],
- 'goods_id': [('name', '=', False)],
- 'auxiliary_id': [('name', '=', False)]}}
- if not self.account_id or not self.account_id.auxiliary_financing:
- return res
- if self.account_id.auxiliary_financing == 'customer':
- res['domain']['partner_id'] = [('c_category_id', '!=', False)]
- elif self.account_id.auxiliary_financing == 'supplier':
- res['domain']['partner_id'] = [('s_category_id', '!=', False)]
- elif self.account_id.auxiliary_financing == 'goods':
- res['domain']['goods_id'] = []
- else:
- res['domain']['auxiliary_id'] = [
- ('type', '=', self.account_id.auxiliary_financing)]
- return res
- def view_document(self):
- self.ensure_one()
- return {
- 'name': '凭证',
- 'view_mode': 'form',
- 'res_model': 'voucher',
- 'res_id': self.voucher_id.id,
- 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
- }
- @api.constrains('account_id')
- def _check_account_id(self):
- for record in self:
- if record.account_id.account_type == 'view':
- raise UserError('只能往下级科目记账!')
- def check_restricted_account(self):
- prohibit_account_debit_ids = self.env['finance.account'].search(
- [('restricted_debit', '=', True)])
- prohibit_account_credit_ids = self.env['finance.account'].search(
- [('restricted_credit', '=', True)])
- account_ids = []
- account = self.account_id
- account_ids.append(account)
- while account.parent_id:
- account_ids.append(account.parent_id)
- account = account.parent_id
- inner_account_debit = [
- acc for acc in account_ids if acc in prohibit_account_debit_ids]
- inner_account_credit = [
- acc for acc in account_ids if acc in prohibit_account_credit_ids]
- if self.debit and not self.credit and inner_account_debit:
- raise UserError(
- '借方禁止科目: %s-%s \n\n 提示:%s ' % (
- self.account_id.code,
- self.account_id.name,
- inner_account_debit[0].restricted_debit_msg))
- if not self.debit and self.credit and inner_account_credit:
- raise UserError(
- '贷方禁止科目: %s-%s \n\n 提示:%s ' % (
- self.account_id.code,
- self.account_id.name,
- inner_account_credit[0].restrict_credit_msg))
- @api.model_create_multi
- def create(self, values):
- """
- Create a new record for a model VoucherLine
- @param values: provides a data for new record
- @return: returns a id of new record
- """
- result = super(VoucherLine, self).create(values)
- if not self.env.context.get('entry_manual', False):
- return result
- for r in result:
- r.check_restricted_account()
- return result
- def write(self, values):
- """
- Update all record(s) in recordset, with new value comes as {values}
- return True on success, False otherwise
- @param values: dict of new values to be set
- @return: True on success, False otherwise
- """
- result = super(VoucherLine, self).write(values)
- if not self.env.context.get('entry_manual', False):
- return result
- for record in self:
- record.check_restricted_account()
- return result
- class DocumentWord(models.Model):
- '''凭证字'''
- _name = 'document.word'
- _description = '凭证字'
- name = fields.Char('凭证字')
- print_title = fields.Char('打印标题', help='凭证在打印时的显示的标题')
- company_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'res.company',
- string='公司',
- change_default=True,
- default=lambda self: self.env.company)
- class ChangeVoucherName(models.Model):
- ''' 修改凭证编号 '''
- _name = 'change.voucher.name'
- _description = '月末凭证变更记录'
- period_id = fields.Many2one('finance.period', '会计期间')
- before_voucher_name = fields.Char('以前凭证号')
- after_voucher_name = fields.Char('更新后凭证号')
- company_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'res.company',
- string='公司',
- change_default=True,
- default=lambda self: self.env.company)