- from odoo import api, fields, models
- from odoo.exceptions import UserError
- class Warehouse(models.Model):
- _name = 'warehouse'
- _description = '仓库'
- # 用户只能创建stock类型的仓库
- ('stock', '库存'),
- ('supplier', '供应商'),
- ('customer', '客户'),
- ('inventory', '盘点'),
- ('production', '生产'),
- ('others', '其他'),
- ]
- name = fields.Char('名称', required=True)
- code = fields.Char('编号')
- type = fields.Selection(WAREHOUSE_TYPE, '类型', default='stock')
- active = fields.Boolean('启用', default=True)
- user_ids = fields.Many2many('res.users', string='库管')
- address = fields.Char('地址')
- phone = fields.Char('电话')
- contact = fields.Char('联系人')
- company_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'res.company',
- string='公司',
- change_default=True,
- default=lambda self: self.env.company)
- _sql_constraints = [
- ('name_uniq', 'unique(name)', '仓库不能重名')
- ]
- @api.model
- def name_search(self, name='', args=None, operator='ilike', limit=100):
- ''' 让warehouse支持使用code来搜索'''
- args = args or []
- # 将name当成code搜
- if name and not [_type for _type in args if _type[0] == 'code']:
- warehouses = self.search(
- [('type', '=', 'stock'), ('code', 'ilike', name)])
- if warehouses:
- return warehouses.name_get()
- # 下拉列表只显示stock类型的仓库
- if not [_type for _type in args if _type[0] == 'type']:
- args = [['type', '=', 'stock']] + args
- return super(Warehouse, self).name_search(
- name=name, args=args,
- operator=operator, limit=limit)
- def name_get(self):
- '''将仓库显示为 [编号]名字 的形式'''
- res = []
- for Warehouse in self:
- res.append((Warehouse.id, '[%s]%s' %
- (Warehouse.code, Warehouse.name)))
- return res
- def get_warehouse_by_type(self, _type):
- '''返回指定类型的第一个仓库'''
- if not _type or _type not in [
- _type[0] for _type in self.WAREHOUSE_TYPE]:
- raise UserError('仓库类型" % s"不在预先定义的type之中,请联系管理员' % _type)
- domain = [('type', '=', _type)]
- # 仓库管理员带出有权限的仓库作为默认值
- if _type == 'stock' and self.env.user.has_group(
- 'warehouse.group_warehouse'):
- # 由于权限组在仓库模块,这里core模块测试用例测不到
- domain += ['|', ('user_ids', '=', False),
- ('user_ids', 'in', self._uid)]
- warehouses = self.search(domain, limit=1, order='id asc')
- if not warehouses:
- raise UserError('不存在类型为%s的仓库,请检查基础数据是否全部导入' % _type)
- return warehouses[0]