- # Copyright 2016 上海开阖软件有限公司 (http://www.osbzr.com)
- # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
- from odoo import fields, models, api
- from odoo.exceptions import UserError
- from odoo.tools import float_compare
- # 订单确认状态可选值
- ('draft', '草稿'),
- ('done', '已确认'),
- ('cancel', '已作废')]
- # 字段只读状态
- 'done': [('readonly', True)],
- 'cancel': [('readonly', True)],
- }
- class BuyAdjust(models.Model):
- _name = "buy.adjust"
- _inherit = ['mail.thread']
- _description = "采购变更单"
- _order = 'date desc, id desc'
- name = fields.Char('单据编号', copy=False,
- help='变更单编号,保存时可自动生成')
- order_id = fields.Many2one('buy.order', '原始单据', states=READONLY_STATES,
- copy=False, ondelete='restrict',
- help='要调整的原始采购订单,只能调整已确认且没有全部入库的采购订单')
- date = fields.Date('单据日期', states=READONLY_STATES,
- default=lambda self: fields.Date.context_today(self),
- index=True, copy=False,
- help='变更单创建日期,默认是当前日期')
- line_ids = fields.One2many('buy.adjust.line', 'order_id', '变更单行',
- states=READONLY_STATES, copy=True,
- help='变更单明细行,不允许为空')
- approve_uid = fields.Many2one('res.users', '确认人',
- copy=False, ondelete='restrict',
- help='确认变更单的人')
- state = fields.Selection(BUY_ORDER_STATES, '确认状态',
- index=True, copy=False,
- tracking=True,
- default='draft',
- help='变更单确认状态')
- note = fields.Text('备注',
- help='单据备注')
- user_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'res.users',
- '经办人',
- ondelete='restrict',
- default=lambda self: self.env.user,
- help='单据经办人',
- )
- company_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'res.company',
- string='公司',
- change_default=True,
- default=lambda self: self.env.company)
- def _get_vals(self, line):
- '''返回创建 buy order line 时所需数据'''
- return {
- 'order_id': self.order_id.id,
- 'goods_id': line.goods_id.id,
- 'attribute_id': line.attribute_id.id,
- 'quantity': line.quantity,
- 'uom_id': line.uom_id.id,
- 'price_taxed': line.price_taxed,
- 'discount_rate': line.discount_rate,
- 'discount_amount': line.discount_amount,
- 'tax_rate': line.tax_rate,
- 'note': line.note or '',
- }
- def buy_adjust_done(self):
- '''确认采购变更单:
- 当调整后数量 < 原单据中已入库数量,则报错;
- 当调整后数量 > 原单据中已入库数量,则更新原单据及入库单分单的数量;
- 当调整后数量 = 原单据中已入库数量,则更新原单据数量,删除入库单行;
- 当新增商品时,则更新原单据及入库单分单明细行。
- '''
- self.ensure_one()
- if self.state == 'done':
- raise UserError('请不要重复确认!\n采购变更单%s已确认' % self.name)
- if not self.line_ids:
- raise UserError('请输入商品明细行!')
- for line in self.line_ids:
- if line.price_taxed < 0:
- raise UserError('商品含税单价不能小于0!\n单价:%s' % line.price_taxed)
- buy_receipt = self.env['buy.receipt'].search(
- [('order_id', '=', self.order_id.id),
- ('state', '=', 'draft')])
- if not buy_receipt:
- raise UserError('采购入库单已全部入库,不能调整')
- for line in self.line_ids:
- # 检查属性是否填充,防止无权限人员不填就可以保存
- if line.using_attribute and not line.attribute_id:
- raise UserError('请输入商品:%s 的属性' % line.goods_id.name)
- origin_line = self.env['buy.order.line'].search(
- [('goods_id', '=', line.goods_id.id),
- ('attribute_id', '=', line.attribute_id.id),
- ('order_id', '=', self.order_id.id)])
- if len(origin_line) > 1:
- raise UserError('要调整的商品%s在原始单据中不唯一' % line.goods_id.name)
- if origin_line:
- origin_line.quantity += line.quantity # 调整后数量
- new_note = '变更单:%s %s。\n' % (self.name, line.note)
- origin_line.note = (origin_line.note and
- origin_line.note + new_note or new_note)
- if origin_line.quantity < origin_line.quantity_in:
- raise UserError('%s调整后数量不能小于原订单已入库数量' %
- line.goods_id.name)
- elif origin_line.quantity > origin_line.quantity_in:
- # 查找出原采购订单产生的草稿状态的入库单明细行,并更新它
- move_line = self.env['wh.move.line'].search(
- [('buy_line_id', '=', origin_line.id),
- ('state', '=', 'draft')])
- if move_line:
- move_line.goods_qty += line.quantity
- else:
- raise UserError('商品%s已全部入库,建议新建采购订单' %
- line.goods_id.name)
- # 调整后数量与已入库数量相等时,删除产生的入库单分单
- else:
- # 删除对应行
- move_line = self.env['wh.move.line'].search(
- [('buy_line_id', '=', origin_line.id),
- ('state', '=', 'draft')])
- move_line.unlink()
- else:
- new_line = self.env['buy.order.line'].create(
- self._get_vals(line))
- receipt_line = []
- if line.goods_id.force_batch_one:
- i = 0
- while i < line.quantity:
- i += 1
- receipt_line.append(
- self.order_id.get_receipt_line(new_line, single=True))
- else:
- receipt_line.append(
- self.order_id.get_receipt_line(new_line, single=False))
- buy_receipt.write(
- {'line_in_ids': [(0, 0, li) for li in receipt_line]})
- if not buy_receipt.line_in_ids:
- buy_receipt.unlink()
- self.state = 'done'
- self.approve_uid = self._uid
- class BuyAdjustLine(models.Model):
- _name = 'buy.adjust.line'
- _description = '采购变更单明细'
- @api.depends('goods_id')
- def _compute_using_attribute(selfs):
- '''返回订单行中商品是否使用属性'''
- for self in selfs:
- self.using_attribute = self.goods_id.attribute_ids and True or False
- @api.depends('quantity', 'price_taxed', 'discount_amount', 'tax_rate')
- def _compute_all_amount(selfs):
- '''当订单行的数量、单价、折扣额、税率改变时,改变采购金额、税额、价税合计'''
- for self in selfs:
- self.subtotal = self.price_taxed * self.quantity - self.discount_amount # 价税合计
- self.tax_amount = self.subtotal / \
- (100 + self.tax_rate) * self.tax_rate # 税额
- self.amount = self.subtotal - self.tax_amount # 金额
- @api.onchange('price', 'tax_rate')
- def onchange_price(self):
- '''当订单行的不含税单价改变时,改变含税单价'''
- price = self.price_taxed / (1 + self.tax_rate * 0.01) # 不含税单价
- decimal = self.env.ref('core.decimal_price')
- if float_compare(price, self.price, precision_digits=decimal.digits) != 0:
- self.price_taxed = self.price * (1 + self.tax_rate * 0.01)
- order_id = fields.Many2one('buy.adjust', '订单编号', index=True,
- required=True, ondelete='cascade',
- help='关联的变更单编号')
- goods_id = fields.Many2one('goods', '商品', ondelete='restrict',
- help='商品')
- using_attribute = fields.Boolean('使用属性', compute=_compute_using_attribute,
- help='商品是否使用属性')
- attribute_id = fields.Many2one('attribute', '属性',
- ondelete='restrict',
- domain="[('goods_id', '=', goods_id)]",
- help='商品的属性,当商品有属性时,该字段必输')
- uom_id = fields.Many2one('uom', '单位', ondelete='restrict',
- help='商品计量单位')
- quantity = fields.Float('调整数量',
- default=1,
- required=True,
- digits='Quantity',
- help='相对于原单据对应明细行的调整数量,可正可负')
- price = fields.Float('采购单价',
- store=True,
- digits='Price',
- help='不含税单价,由含税单价计算得出')
- price_taxed = fields.Float('含税单价',
- digits='Price',
- help='含税单价,取自商品成本')
- discount_rate = fields.Float('折扣率%',
- help='折扣率')
- discount_amount = fields.Float('折扣额',
- digits='Amount',
- help='输入折扣率后自动计算得出,也可手动输入折扣额')
- amount = fields.Float('金额', compute=_compute_all_amount,
- store=True, readonly=True,
- digits='Amount',
- help='金额 = 价税合计 - 税额')
- tax_rate = fields.Float('税率(%)', default=lambda self: self.env.user.company_id.import_tax_rate,
- help='默认值取公司进项税率')
- tax_amount = fields.Float('税额', compute=_compute_all_amount,
- store=True, readonly=True,
- digits='Amount',
- help='由税率计算得出')
- subtotal = fields.Float('价税合计', compute=_compute_all_amount,
- store=True, readonly=True,
- digits='Amount',
- help='含税单价 乘以 数量')
- note = fields.Char('备注',
- help='本行备注')
- company_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'res.company',
- string='公司',
- change_default=True,
- default=lambda self: self.env.company)
- @api.onchange('goods_id')
- def onchange_goods_id(self):
- '''当订单行的商品变化时,带出商品上的单位、默认仓库、成本价'''
- if self.goods_id:
- self.uom_id = self.goods_id.uom_id
- self.price_taxed = self.goods_id.cost
- self.tax_rate = self.goods_id.get_tax_rate(self.goods_id, self.order_id.order_id.partner_id, 'buy')
- @api.onchange('quantity', 'price_taxed', 'discount_rate')
- def onchange_discount_rate(self):
- '''当数量、单价或优惠率发生变化时,优惠金额发生变化'''
- self.price = self.price_taxed / (1 + self.tax_rate * 0.01)
- self.discount_amount = (self.quantity * self.price *
- self.discount_rate * 0.01)
- @api.constrains('tax_rate')
- def _check(selfs):
- for self in selfs:
- if self.tax_rate > 100:
- raise UserError('税率不能输入超过100的数\n税率:%s!' % self.tax_rate)
- if self.tax_rate < 0:
- raise UserError('税率不能输入负数\n税率:%s!' % self.tax_rate)